Why Carnage would be cool in a movie


Apr 8, 2006
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Carnage to me could prove to be interesting, scary, and visually stunning all at the same time. It is ashame that he didn't come before Venom because I think Carnage is an awesome badguy based on the that he is PURELY evil. All he cares about is killing people.....nuff said. Pefect bad guy.
the only thing I partially agree with is that they need to stop humanizing villains and make them do bad stuff simply because they're evil. humanizing them feels like a cheap way to make people care for the villain, except that we're NOT supposed to care for him.

as for the rest, no Carnage in any movie ever, thank you very much.
i can see carnage maybe having a small part in Spiderman 4 but i hope Raimi focuses more on the introduction of the Sinister 6. and maybe ad some allies for Spidey. Daredevil or something. and please no Ben Assleck.
JackBauer said:
the only thing I partially agree with is that they need to stop humanizing villains and make them do bad stuff simply because they're evil. humanizing them feels like a cheap way to make people care for the villain, except that we're NOT supposed to care for him.

as for the rest, no Carnage in any movie ever, thank you very much.

how about the doppelganger? I dunno I have a thing for evil psudeo-spidey thingees
I'd actually prefer a movie with Shocker and Rhino as the main villains than have Doppelganger.
I for one hope to NEVER see carnage on the big screen.. Kasady has no character depth... at all
i think he would be great as a baddie! But if they want a 'quick' one they should choose someone like Rhino or Shocker
I love Carnage, he would be awesome to see in live action. I'm not sure they will be doing that, but I can visualize the wonder.
JackBauer said:
the only thing I partially agree with is that they need to stop humanizing villains and make them do bad stuff simply because they're evil. humanizing them feels like a cheap way to make people care for the villain, except that we're NOT supposed to care for him.

as for the rest, no Carnage in any movie ever, thank you very much.

I agree that they need to stop humanizing villains to the point where they are always good people and then become bad because of their powers. That was a stupid theme because Peter Parker was the same person with or without his powers. And when he tried to ignore his powers and his responsibility, THAT is when he became someone else. When he tried to ignore Spider-man, we saw him ignore someone being beaten in an alley way. Peter would have helped in that situation with or without his powers, if he were thinking clearly. So why should the villain become some kind of opposite when they get powers?

But, at the same time all things have reason. Peter Parker has enhanced, speed, stregnth and such because of the Spider bite. It goes on and on, with cause there must be effect.

A villain has to have reasons behind their motives, and I feel that it would be more entertaining watching a villain who has motives behind their actions rather than someone who "only wishes to kill".

If they go into detail about Cletus' childhood. Show him with abusive drunks for parents or something, and then show him kill them. Show him do all kinds of things to become what he is and then give him the powers, then we'd have some form of reason behind what we're watching.

If I just want to see an idiot kill people, I can play GTA and mow people down "wit mah carr".

Doctor Octopus was calm, calculating and cool in the comic books. He had some motives and stuff, even if they were selfish they were plans behind the actions. Carnage has "I wanted a ****ing pony when I was a child, and I never got one. Now I'm gonna rip people's throats out and pop little children's faces like chewing gum!! RARRR". That's not thrilling or anything in a movie. It's just "okay...?"

Like when you watch a horror movie, and the guy is just killing a bunch of people in various ways. You begin to laugh more than feel adrenaline or anything. It's not suspensive. It's not dramatic. The bastard is just killing people for the sake of shock.

If Carnage is ever in a movie with no reasons beyond "kill kill kill", then he will be no different than like Jason or someone.

Now if it were a deep storyline that really made carnage seem scary, then I'd want to see that.

I was talking to my friend about Carnage and Venom. They were saying that Carnage was scary. And I said that Venom could be much scarier than carnage ever could. But then they reminded me of Maximum Carnage. And I was thinking about what it would be like if I were walking in the mall and saw this skinny red creature with sharp claw-fingers in one hand, and an axe for a hand in the other. With it's skin living, moving, and squiggily. The way he was in the game.

That actually would be kind of freaky. So they would have to make him visually shocking, and keep a great storyline to pull it off.
I've said my piece about this time and time and time again, and it only gets Carnage Fans pissed off when I say it, so I won't.
Carnage is basicly the anti-venom. Venom's polar opposite, save one thing: they both hate spider-man. So, if venom were to team up with spider-man to stop carnage and then double cross spidey once carnage is defeated, then i think that theres a movie there
I think Carnage is way to over the top, for a PG-13 spiderman movie. If they put Carnage in a movie, I dont want him to be toned down. I would prefer to see him in a Venom's spin off film.
jusblaze21 said:
I think Carnage is way to over the top, for a PG-13 spiderman movie. If they put Carnage in a movie, I dont want him to be toned down. I would prefer to see him in a Venom's spin off film.

yeah same i think a venom spinoff would be good for carnage because in the next film i would see scorpion or something or carry on with venom

i would say a venom spinoff would be 18
I think Carnage is a cool villian, but I don't think he would work well as a main villian in any of the movies.

Unless they decided to make it a slasher flick. Then Carnage would be the perfect choice.
I think that venom would not be a great main villain but as a side villain that causes mindless destruction and gets the living beep beat outta him by spidey and venom
The Venomator said:
I think that venom would not be a great main villain but as a side villain that causes mindless destruction and gets the living beep beat outta him by spidey and venom

Eh? You want venom to beat up venom?:confused:
HughJackFan420 said:
i can see carnage maybe having a small part in Spiderman 4 but i hope Raimi focuses more on the introduction of the Sinister 6. and maybe ad some allies for Spidey. Daredevil or something. and please no Ben Assleck.

I agree, the sinister 6 and capt. america and the red skull.

Well actually it depends on which sinister 6 your after, the original, the sinister 6 2, with hopgoblin 2 instead of kraven

But this couldnt happen because doc ock is dead.

Well you could use the sinister 6 3 which doesnt contain doc ock, which i think is the most deadly out of the 3 sinister 6 groups and out of the sinister 7.

Then there is the sinister syndicates which i wont go into because i dont know to much about them.
Carange is definetly one of my favorite Spidey Villains. If they were to introduce him though it would have to be like in the 4th or 5th film which I highly doubt will happen. Aren't they only signed to do 3 movies anyway? Also, I doubt Tobey would want to play the same character for another movie or two.
You don't want Tobey to? But you know how wierd it will be since he is doing the first three movies? I mean if you recall the earlier Batman movies after Returns it was odd to see a new Batman.

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