because he is ****ing superman he can change is s if he wants to.wiegeabo said:That's the 'real' S.
The question should be, why has it changed so many times into today's version?
HR-PUFF&STUFF said:they didn't use a different S that was the one that superman had at the time in the comics. the S has change a lot in 70 years to say the least.
Comics back in the day had odd art, like jack kurby would change Sues costume in some FF comics so that in one pannel she had pants and in the next she had a skirt.Lead Cenobite said:I'm not %100 familiar with the early comics, but I don't think they used an S with a black background. The earliest one was a yellow triangle with a red S, then it became a red boardered yellow triangle with an S, then the triangle eventually became a diamond.
still better then most today, at least they wanted to give the fans what they want and didn't piss on them.War Lord said:To be fair, comics back then were not meant to be works of art, but issues churned out to make a quick buck and so there wasn't as much time spent on artwork.
HR-PUFF&STUFF said:still better then most today, at least they wanted to give the fans what they want and didn't piss on them.