Why no love and expectations for X3 from the media??

BMM said:
I agree with Bryan Singer and David Hayter's assessment that all mutants should not be good looking. The post to which you were responding, and took out of context, was a reply to MJB in which he stated that X3 will be good because "at least it has hot chicks . . . that Singer never would have hired" . . . to which I responded that Singer hired plenty of hot chicks, maybe ones even hotter than those featured in X3 (which is why I posted pictures so as to show MJB that the girls in the first two movies were not 'un-hot' or filmed 'un-hot') . . . which may even help your argument "that not all hot mutants need to be good looking" seeing as how we had so many from the first two--why add more to the third (especially when it inherently changes a character like Callisto who wasn't meant to be hot in the first place)?

Um dude please go back and tell me WHERE IN THE HELL DID I SAY THAT X3 WILL BE GOOD BECAUSE OF HOT CHICKS????????? Please find my statement where I said that? Pay the phuck attention.
MJB said:
Um dude please go back and tell me WHERE IN THE HELL DID I SAY THAT X3 WILL BE GOOD BECAUSE OF HOT CHICKS????????? Please find my statement where I said that? Pay the phuck attention.

MJB said:
Amen. I'm not going to lie, cause I'm worried as i've said many times about Simon Kinberg taking up the writing duties. I'm not so much concerned with Penn as much as Kinberg. The writers are my main fear. Even with that being said I think X3 looks better from the previews i saw then the stuff that Singer did. Well know soon if X3 is a quality film. My personel opinion and i've never said it until now. I think for me at least that I'm going to be disappointed due to the story. I'm fine with ratner as director.

At least we get some hot chicks . . .

My comment wasn't meant to imply that you think X3 would only be good because there were 'hot chicks' in it, which I never said. I simply pointed out that you implied, if anything X3 will be good with respect to the fact that it at least has some hot chicks in it . . . meaning if nothing else, at least there are some good looking chicks in the movie to look at . . . not, X-Men will be good because of the hot chicks.
BMM said:
My comment wasn't meant to imply that you think X3 would only be good because there were 'hot chicks' in it, which I never said. I simply pointed out that you implied, if anything X3 will be good with respect to the fact that it at least has some hot chicks in it . . . meaning if nothing else, at least there are some good looking chicks in the movie to look at . . . not, X-Men will be good because of the hot chicks.

X-Maniac said:
But for whatever reason, Singer moved on. Even if that was Fox's 'fault', he moved on. To wait for him to return (hardly likely if he left because he was fed up with Fox) would be ridiculous. We had to wait four years between X1 and X2, and it's two years as it is between X2 and X3.

Your sense of time is off...

It was 3 years between X-Men and X2 (X-Men coming out in 2000, X2 coming out in 2003, both in the summer) and 3 years between X2 and X-Men: The Last Stand (X2 in 2003, X-Men: The Last Stand in 2006, both in the summer)

P.S.: I realize that I'm just nitpicking.
TNC9852002 said:
Singer didn't want to hold back in the way that you say he did...Basically, FOX couldn't afford to give him as much money then as they've given Ratner now for this film..Alot of things just, couldn't be done, even within Singer's grounded realism (that a third X-Men would still be using)...


You're right that Singer was restricted by budget on many things - lack of cash ruled out the Danger Room, Sentinels and probably a lot more we don't know about. But I wonder if some things would have remained the same. More money wouldn't have improved Storm's dialogue -- though it might have paid for an origin scene.
TNC9852002 said:
Poseidon isn't doing well in the reviews so far...I'm pretty sure that's gonna hurt Poseidon's long-time standing...

Over the Hedge is getting some mixed reviews, but I still expect it to do better than Poseidon..


The problem is: REMAKES! Listen to a lot of modern dance music and you hear some 70s or 80s track recycled and sampled or re-recorded. And the cinema is caught in the same trend - Basic Insinct 2, King Kong, Omen, Poseidon. It puts people off. This is sad in the case of Kong as it is a vastly superior movie to the original, although overlong. I think people are looking for something new that hasn't been on the big screen before (LOTR, Narnia, Harry Potter). This sort of perception could also have hurt Batman Begins in some ways, I don't know if it will apply to Superman Returns (I haven't heard anyone going on about that film at all, either positively or negatively).
FieryBalrog said:
Wow, wtf? I dont think theres any need for an Stalinist inquisition....

Apologies if it seemed that way. His own user title is 'trolling around'. Some people on here are afflicted with what I call the SSC Syndrome - they seize upon Superman, Singer and Cyclops as reasons to hate X3 and predict its failure. Their weapons are that Singer isn't involved, that they believe Superman will be better, that they are convinced Cyclops is crapped on. Those with SSC Syndrome rarely mention anything else about the movie such as improvements to Storm or the arrival of Angel or Beast. A similar condition affllicts many of the Halle-haters - it's all they go on about, the only thread they surface is in is the Storm thread where they can be negative and hateful (see: Bluefire, Rattlerbrat).

If I can bring balance to all that hate, then I'll try to do so. It's never intended to be flaming. It's a necessary, impassioned response.
X-Maniac said:
Apologies if it seemed that way. His own user title is 'trolling around'. Some people on here are afflicted with what I call the SSC Syndrome - they seize upon Superman, Singer and Cyclops as reasons to hate X3 and predict its failure. Their weapons are that Singer isn't involved, that they believe Superman will be better, that they are convinced Cyclops is crapped on. Those with SSC Syndrome rarely mention anything else about the movie such as improvements to Storm or the arrival of Angel or Beast. A similar condition affllicts many of the Halle-haters - it's all they go on about, the only thread they surface is in is the Storm thread where they can be negative and hateful (see: Bluefire, Rattlerbrat).

If I can bring balance to all that hate, then I'll try to do so. It's never intended to be flaming. It's a necessary, impassioned response.
funny but true post.Yes budget was a factor in Singer's decisions.I totally overlooked that but I guess he also didn't want the story to suffer by adding too many sub-plots,ie Rogue and the vastness of her powers,Danger Room,Sentinels etc.In X3 the Danger Room serves a purpose because the X-Men are preparing for a war.So I guess it's what aspect of the comics works the best with the story they are telling in the movie.
i dont think that there is no love and expectations for x3 in the media because i think many are really expecting to watch this movie, we're not the only one excited even the media is. the reason why they conduct interviews and release tv spots is also a way to excite more movie goers to go see x3. just a thought.
I think there should have been more media coverage by now. Next to the Star Wars movies, this is 20th Century Fox's biggest franchise. They should have had a Superbowl ad like Batman Begins and Hulk; the commercials should have started airing over a month ago and and more frequently then they have been now. On average, I'm only seeing one commercial for every three days I watch television. Maybe I'm just not watching enough television, but they seem to be just limiting themselves to one demographic, and making the dangerous assumption that everyone in that demographic has cable television, as that seems to be the only place the commercials are in heavy rotation.

And what's this 7-minute special crap on FOX this Thursday?!? Even with the first film, the studio came up with the ingenious idea of doing a behind the scenes special under the guise of a Senate hearing. Then followed up with a news expose style special for the second film. Now all we get is some random 7-minute clip?!?!?

Articles I've read in film magazines though still have high hopes for the new film, they just happen to address fan concerns over the production. It's still ranking pretty high as far as what will be the big summer movies.
X-Maniac said:
Apologies if it seemed that way. His own user title is 'trolling around'. Some people on here are afflicted with what I call the SSC Syndrome - they seize upon Superman, Singer and Cyclops as reasons to hate X3 and predict its failure. Their weapons are that Singer isn't involved, that they believe Superman will be better, that they are convinced Cyclops is crapped on. Those with SSC Syndrome rarely mention anything else about the movie such as improvements to Storm or the arrival of Angel or Beast. A similar condition affllicts many of the Halle-haters - it's all they go on about, the only thread they surface is in is the Storm thread where they can be negative and hateful (see: Bluefire, Rattlerbrat).

If I can bring balance to all that hate, then I'll try to do so. It's never intended to be flaming. It's a necessary, impassioned response.

your lack of being able to read people's post amusses me so much, there are many reasons people aren't expecting alot from this movie..... to not bring up singer, or cyclops is what I will do......... running time, it's been basically confirmed at 103, and that's most likely including credits, so 10 minutes of credits gives us 1:33 long movie, I know longer doesn't always mean better, King Kong being a fine example, but for as much as they want to show us, this is not long enough, sure they can show it all, but it's not going to be to the standard and degree we all want, but this is all my speculation, they may pull it off, and I may be eating my words, but we won't know till then, so all you poeple who keep on saying, "you haven't seen this movie, so don't say it's going to be bad" well I say to you, the road goes both ways, don't be saying this is going to be an instant classic untill you see it.....

I love the way to, you keep bringing up my nick name, it's a joke, but you probably don't fathem what that is, in lamens, or x-mainiac terms, it's a choice of words that a person may or maynot find amussing...... trolling is the farthest thing in the world that I do on here, you buddy are very hard headed, as soon as someone doesn't agree with your opinion, you get all defensive and accusse them of the ridiculous accusations.... learn how to debate, and stop your *****ing, as Cartman says............

side note: if I say something that seems personal, it's not meant that way.......
X-Maniac said:
The problem is: REMAKES! Listen to a lot of modern dance music and you hear some 70s or 80s track recycled and sampled or re-recorded. And the cinema is caught in the same trend - Basic Insinct 2, King Kong, Omen, Poseidon. It puts people off. This is sad in the case of Kong as it is a vastly superior movie to the original, although overlong. I think people are looking for something new that hasn't been on the big screen before (LOTR, Narnia, Harry Potter). This sort of perception could also have hurt Batman Begins in some ways, I don't know if it will apply to Superman Returns (I haven't heard anyone going on about that film at all, either positively or negatively).

remakes put people off???? not really, if remakes do bad money wise, studios wouldn't release them, but they keep coming out, dont they?? I hate remakes, but only if they are trying to remake a film that doesn't need to be remade, such as the omen, the first one is a great peice of cinema............ but other remakes aren't as bad, I enjoeyed the new Amittyville Horror, and the original one was garbage, same with the hills have eyes, I know the orginal has cult fame, but I thought it was stupid...........
pyromaniac said:

Every movie that's been released thus far and will in the future has always been besotted with both positive and negative upshoots. The question is a matter of focus.

Superman Returns has received negative feedback just as X3 has.

As if these kind of things are precedent for how well a film will do, or how good (or bad) it is.

Your point being?

And by the way - again, the Sentinel clip was edited. It's a simple and indisputable piece of information, by which I can't believe you didn't grasp at especially that it was the only subject under scrutiny.

You're not doing yourself any favours if you're going to be selective in your line of reasoning, and an unnecessarily vindictive one at that.

you guys are tottaly not understanding me, and maybe I haven't been clear, I WANT NOTHING MORE THEN THIS MOIVIE TO BE 100% AWESOME, who knows, it might be, but it also might be crap......... I love the x-men material, behind batman, they are my favorite comic book characters, they have aswesome plotlines, great characters, and memorable moments....... I have seriuos problems with the first two movies too..... I hated storms character in the first film, I'm glad she's getting more time in x3, I hated cykes character, and I hated the way logan was the main character (why do we need a movie just about him, btw???) Understand this, I'm critical because I care, and I know many of you do too, but let me ask you this, would you want people, if this movie does turn out bad, to act like they love the film just because it's an x-men film??? would you want people to go see it numerous times, and promote it, even if it is crap........ I'd hope not... because that would insure more movies that would be the same standard (fox would think we approve of it).............. I'm like the overprotected dad, nothing is good enough for my child, and I feel the same for these movies, I'm going to critized when I see something I don't like, but if you look on other boards, I loved that Angel scene with his father trying to give him the cure, I thought it was great....... best scene I've seen so far..................... so hopefully his movie turns out great, just like that scene, but untill then, I'll be judgemental, I don't want poeple to agree with me, I enjoy the debates, no bodies opinion is more correct then the next....
X-Maniac said:
The problem is: REMAKES! Listen to a lot of modern dance music and you hear some 70s or 80s track recycled and sampled or re-recorded. And the cinema is caught in the same trend - Basic Insinct 2, King Kong, Omen, Poseidon. It puts people off. This is sad in the case of Kong as it is a vastly superior movie to the original, although overlong. I think people are looking for something new that hasn't been on the big screen before (LOTR, Narnia, Harry Potter). This sort of perception could also have hurt Batman Begins in some ways, I don't know if it will apply to Superman Returns (I haven't heard anyone going on about that film at all, either positively or negatively).
I've heard very little highly positive feedback on Superman Returns, as opposed to X-Men anyway..

The biggest thing that's kinda making people go, WTF? on SR is Brandon Routh...They're just not sure about him..

TNC9852002 said:
I've heard very little highly positive feedback on Superman Returns, as opposed to X-Men anyway..

The biggest thing that's kinda making people go, WTF? on SR is Brandon Routh...They're just not sure about him..


and I've heard positive feedback too, same with X3......... we are just gonna have to wait and see

and wasn't Batman Begins, a remake........... sort of, it was like a redo.....
JokerNick said:
your lack of being able to read people's post amusses me so much, there are many reasons people aren't expecting alot from this movie..... to not bring up singer, or cyclops is what I will do......... running time, it's been basically confirmed at 103, and that's most likely including credits, so 10 minutes of credits gives us 1:33 long movie, I know longer doesn't always mean better, King Kong being a fine example, but for as much as they want to show us, this is not long enough, sure they can show it all, but it's not going to be to the standard and degree we all want, but this is all my speculation, they may pull it off, and I may be eating my words, but we won't know till then, so all you poeple who keep on saying, "you haven't seen this movie, so don't say it's going to be bad" well I say to you, the road goes both ways, don't be saying this is going to be an instant classic untill you see it.....

I love the way to, you keep bringing up my nick name, it's a joke, but you probably don't fathem what that is, in lamens, or x-mainiac terms, it's a choice of words that a person may or maynot find amussing...... trolling is the farthest thing in the world that I do on here, you buddy are very hard headed, as soon as someone doesn't agree with your opinion, you get all defensive and accusse them of the ridiculous accusations.... learn how to debate, and stop your *****ing, as Cartman says............

side note: if I say something that seems personal, it's not meant that way.......

I read your posts very closely and replied in detail just above, so how can you say I don't read them?

The running time debate is a difficult one. On the one hand, 103 minutes doesn't sound very long by today's standards to tell a multi-layered, multi-character story...

But on the other hand, I've not seen complaints before about a film being too short. Fantastic Four clocked in at 101 minutes, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen at 105, Elektra at 92 minutes. I saw all of those and cannot recall them seeming short, or feeling like they'd been hacked down. (However, I remember X1 did feel - to me, personally - a little short, because i felt certain things were underdeveloped, notably Storm and Cyclops. When i knew much later what had been omitted I knew my suspicions were right).

Worries about other things - the fate of Cyclops and the absence of Bryan Singer - are not reasons that X3 will fail. They are reasons that some fans might not like X3 as much. They are the concerns of some people, but they do not spell doom for the movie. Ian McKellen is not obliged to keep telling us about the superior script - better than for X1 and X2 he says. I think he's genuine enough not to give us a load of lies.

I'm not hardheaded, and nor do i get defensive about people disagreeing with me (disagreements have happened on here many times). I have debated each of your points in detail. The evidence that I've seen - forgetting that butchered piece of Leno footage - tells me that the movie has potential to be great. That's what I'm saying.

You fail to understand that many people have seen the footage in those 11 TV spots and two trailers and THEY LIKE IT! They have a good feeling about the movie. I cannot quite see what you don't like. What about the new improved Storm, Beast, Angel, suped-up Iceman, Juggernaut, Dark Phoenix, the new Brotherhood members, the final battle, the fastball special - you fail to mention any of those things and I can't understand why!?. It makes it seem like you are focusing on negative things, as you have not mentioned anything positive at all. What DO you like?
JokerNick said:
and I've heard positive feedback too, same with X3......... we are just gonna have to wait and see

and wasn't Batman Begins, a remake........... sort of, it was like a redo.....

It was a restart.
TNC9852002 said:
I've heard very little highly positive feedback on Superman Returns, as opposed to X-Men anyway..

The biggest thing that's kinda making people go, WTF? on SR is Brandon Routh...They're just not sure about him..


My nan said that Routh looks like Supernerd more than superman...

.....ive never laughed so hard in my life
TNC9852002 said:
I've heard very little highly positive feedback on Superman Returns, as opposed to X-Men anyway..

The biggest thing that's kinda making people go, WTF? on SR is Brandon Routh...They're just not sure about him..


Him, and Bosworth I think.

I think the makeup artist decided to beat her with the ugly stick. :p
X-Maniac said:
I read your posts very closely and replied in detail just above, so how can you say I don't read them?

The running time debate is a difficult one. On the one hand, 103 minutes doesn't sound very long by today's standards to tell a multi-layered, multi-character story...

But on the other hand, I've not seen complaints before about a film being too short. Fantastic Four clocked in at 101 minutes, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen at 105, Elektra at 92 minutes. I saw all of those and cannot recall them seeming short, or feeling like they'd been hacked down. (However, I remember X1 did feel - to me, personally - a little short, because i felt certain things were underdeveloped, notably Storm and Cyclops. When i knew much later what had been omitted I knew my suspicions were right).

Worries about other things - the fate of Cyclops and the absence of Bryan Singer - are not reasons that X3 will fail. They are reasons that some fans might not like X3 as much. They are the concerns of some people, but they do not spell doom for the movie. Ian McKellen is not obliged to keep telling us about the superior script - better than for X1 and X2 he says. I think he's genuine enough not to give us a load of lies.

I'm not hardheaded, and nor do i get defensive about people disagreeing with me (disagreements have happened on here many times). I have debated each of your points in detail. The evidence that I've seen - forgetting that butchered piece of Leno footage - tells me that the movie has potential to be great. That's what I'm saying.

You fail to understand that many people have seen the footage in those 11 TV spots and two trailers and THEY LIKE IT! They have a good feeling about the movie. I cannot quite see what you don't like. What about the new improved Storm, Beast, Angel, suped-up Iceman, Juggernaut, Dark Phoenix, the new Brotherhood members, the final battle, the fastball special - you fail to mention any of those things and I can't understand why!?. It makes it seem like you are focusing on negative things, as you have not mentioned anything positive at all. What DO you like?

what I've seen of angel, I really really enjoy, I think the actor is great, Frasier as Beast is a spot on choice, and vinnie jones as juggernat is cool, just wish they would have worked him out instead of the muscle suit, but it was short notice so there wasn't much they could do....... I also like Bill Duke, great actor................. glad to see they got Halle back, not the hugest halle or storm fan, but it's good they didn't have to replace her.... I've always like pyro and it looks like he's having a blast in this film........ there are plenty of things I like, I'm glad they are doing to the phoenix story, and I'm happy there are still developing Rogues emotions towards herself.................:up:
Supreme Power said:
I felt the oppposite way about that superman trailor for some reason.

Could be Christopher Reeves withdrawal.

Strange that at much as I loved Reeves as Supes, Routh doesn't seem to bother me in the title role--then again, I haven't seen his acting prowess in the film yet. I don't have any great expectations for the film either.

Oh well, chalk it up to nostalgia.
KenK said:
I think there should have been more media coverage by now. Next to the Star Wars movies, this is 20th Century Fox's biggest franchise. They should have had a Superbowl ad like Batman Begins and Hulk; the commercials should have started airing over a month ago and and more frequently then they have been now. On average, I'm only seeing one commercial for every three days I watch television. Maybe I'm just not watching enough television, but they seem to be just limiting themselves to one demographic, and making the dangerous assumption that everyone in that demographic has cable television, as that seems to be the only place the commercials are in heavy rotation.

I thought I was the only one that noticed. I guess Fox is being careful where they spend their money. But it's definitely a far cry from the level of advertising we've seen for the Star Wars franchise, the Spiderman films and the Burton Batman films. I get the feeling the X-franchise doesn't rank to high with Fox. Either that or they are frugal as all hell.
X-Maniac said:
Some people on here are afflicted with what I call the SSC Syndrome - they seize upon Superman, Singer and Cyclops as reasons to hate X3 and predict its failure.
LOL! You nailed about 99.9% of the unfounded negativity here...seems like those afflicted with SSC are always lurking in the shadows, occasionally voicing "deep concerns," waiting to pounce on a bit of perceived "bad news"--then once that blows over or they are disproven...RETREAT! :D :up:
JokerNick said:
what I've seen of angel, I really really enjoy, I think the actor is great, Frasier as Beast is a spot on choice, and vinnie jones as juggernat is cool, just wish they would have worked him out instead of the muscle suit, but it was short notice so there wasn't much they could do....... I also like Bill Duke, great actor................. glad to see they got Halle back, not the hugest halle or storm fan, but it's good they didn't have to replace her.... I've always like pyro and it looks like he's having a blast in this film........ there are plenty of things I like, I'm glad they are doing to the phoenix story, and I'm happy there are still developing Rogues emotions towards herself.................:up:

Okay, so you have seen some things you like, that you regard as worth watching.

I think everyone has *some* reservations about any movie, including this one. It's good to hear it's not a case of negative trolling! At this stage, we can only hope it works out fine, with either high or low expectations.
X-Maniac said:
Okay, so you have seen some things you like, that you regard as worth watching.

I think everyone has *some* reservations about any movie, including this one. It's good to hear it's not a case of negative trolling! At this stage, we can only hope it works out fine, with either high or low expectations.

yah, I'm going to see this movie, i've been working on my GF for the past two months, I've bought her x-men stuff, trying to get her excited about the film...... I'm not going to see it opening weekend, I'll be whitewater rafting, but I will see it the following

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