The Dark Knight Updated


Let The Games Begin!
May 30, 2006
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Now if you click on the " The only sensible..." picture, it goes to the same Joker picture, but now there is a big black ribbon next to it.
Nice, but depressing.
R.I.P. Heath :csad:
Yeah, I noticed that too, it's something that must be done...
All my prayers to the Ledger family...
R.I.P. Heath!
they also changed the video page on the offical website...they took down the poster with the joker and put up the exploding bat-symbol
^ Yeah I saw that too. I am looking to see if they changed any of the other sites.
Yeah I noticed that. Its sad, its kinda sinking in now :(
I can't get to the picture. :csad: Stupid old computer. I'll have to wait until I get home to see it.
And it wouls kinda suck to change the viral campaing and stuff just because he is gone.
I think they'll keep it on the down-low for at least a few weeks. Everyone's still emotionally caught up in this. The man has yet to be buried and the cause of death has yet to be determined.

And yes, I think they'll have to rethink about how they'll do the marketing, which is understandable, I think. As long as the movie is done the way Nolan and Ledger originally intended it to be done, I'm fine with it.
The ribbon is a lovely touch, but I hate how they removed his poster from the trailer webpage.

Why not replace it with a pic of Heath Ledger rather than the Joker? That crappy exploding bat photo is insulting.

What? Are we supposed to act like he's not even in the movie now? The guy put his heart and soul into that performance. That poster should stay!
The ribbon is a lovely touch, but I hate how they removed his poster from the trailer webpage.

Why not replace it with a pic of Heath Ledger rather than the Joker? That crappy exploding bat photo is insulting.

What? Are we supposed to act like he's not even in the movie now? The guy put his heart and soul into that performance. That poster should stay!
Seconded. Let him be seen.
I think people try to be WAY too "politically correct" (or whatever you want to call it) sometimes. Doing stuff like this is turning the movie into something it wasn't intended to be, and it's taking away the excitement of the film IMO and even ruining it in a way. Heath worked his ass off on this film to bring about a very realistic and scary, but great Joker. Heath PLAYED the Joker on film. He's not the Joker in real life. Let's keep real life and the movies separate and let the show roll on AS INTENDED!!! It's like the guy said on here already, are we suppose to pretend that the Joker isn't in the movie anymore? Are they going to delete all the Joker scenes or something? The Joker is the main villian in this movie, let's enjoy it the way it's meant to be! PLEASE!
But I really do think they should continue the viral campaign.(Not trying to sound heartless) But I think the movie should change cause of this..
I think people try to be WAY too "politically correct" (or whatever you want to call it) sometimes. Doing stuff like this is turning the movie into something it wasn't intended to be, and it's taking away the excitement of the film IMO and even ruining it in a way. Heath worked his ass off on this film to bring about a very realistic and scary, but great Joker. Heath PLAYED the Joker on film. He's not the Joker in real life. Let's keep real life and the movies separate and let the show roll on AS INTENDED!!! It's like the guy said on here already, are we suppose to pretend that the Joker isn't in the movie anymore? Are they going to delete all the Joker scenes or something? The Joker is the main villian in this movie, let's enjoy it the way it's meant to be! PLEASE!
I swear if they put some memorial prologue at the beginning of this movie, it's going to affect everyone's emotions and cause the movie to suck. It's sad but true. It's sad that Heath died, but too much of a good thing will ruin a great movie.
I swear if they put some memorial prologue at the beginning of this movie, it's going to affect everyone's emotions and cause the movie to suck. It's sad but true. It's sad that Heath died, but too much of a good thing will ruin a great movie.

If they did do that at the beginning it would be awful, it would only remind people that he died and this is his final movie. I'd imagine he would want people to watch his performace completely open-minded and only expect to be blown away. I nice "In Memory of" at the end would be enough, IMO.
If they did do that at the beginning it would be awful, it would only remind people that he died and this is his final movie. I'd imagine he would want people to watch his performace completely open-minded and only expect to be blown away. I nice "In Memory of" at the end would be enough, IMO.

I agree, "In Memory of" at the end would be perfect. I'm gonna be honest when I say that seeing WB change the marketing pisses me off. I don't look forward to seeing many movies, but I've been super excited for this film ever since I saw BB, just as everyone else on here is hyped up. And I'm not gonna lie, since Heath's death this movie has quickly turned into something completely different by the media and now by WB. And dare I say that I've actually LOST excitement for this film over the past 2 days!! I say use even more Joker for marketing. The Joker is the greatest villian of all time IMO, and is meant to be enjoyed on film. The Joker is a fictional character. Heath is a real person. Heath isn't even recognizable in this film. Let's keep 'em separate. It's starting to feel like this movie isn't meant to be enjoyed anymore. It makes me want to e-mail my thoughts to WB, maybe we should all send 'em a message before they completely screw up the greatest comic book-to-film movie ever made. :hoboj:
^ I wanted to e-mail WB my thoughts too but I cant find a contact e-mail address.
I see it now, now that I'm at home.

It's so touching, that's really sweet and simple. :csad:

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