I`m so tired about these threads with opinions like: "The Hulk was a bad movie", or " Hulk movie sucked" , I don`t understand why this movie is attacked for people, and their reasons for the bashing are:
"The Hulk movie sucked, because this movie was about drama and no action sequences, this movie was supposed to be a summer blockbuster with an army chasing a big, giant green monster, with a total destruction in a big city, with great explosions and realistic CGI".
So if the people who hates the Hulk movie and loves blockbusters movies with great explosions, with no drama and with no story, about a green monster, destroying a big city with no reason, and facing a big army of soldiers, then the perfect Hulk movie could be similar to:
Godzilla 98 movie!!!!!
"No, the Hulk movie sucked, because Hulk has realistic emotions like a human, Hulk has a big love interest called Betty, that`s his big love, and Hulk should be fighting against big monsters, and no stupid dogs, and protecting his big love from danger, with a realistic story, with romance and passion, with a great FX also very realistic, with an adaptation to his real origin, like the monster that he is, with a great director, with knowledge about an epic movie, The Hulk sucked because he don`t have nothing about this".
Oh yeah, Hulk created with a great and realistic CGI with a story about romance and passion, with a big love interest, fighting against big monsters and no stupid dogs, with a real adaptation to his origin, and with a director with knowledge in epic movies, yeah then the perfect Hulk movie could be similar to:
King Kong movie!!!!!
The only "problem" with Hulk Movie is because Hulk is not a hero, he`s a monster, he`s not a hero like Spidey, Blade, Daredevil, and that`s the reason why this movie is not so popular like Spidey`s, Blade`s or DD`s, but anyway The Hulk movie is a great movie because Director Ang Lee had a big interest in the real problems of Doctor Banner, and his struggle to take down the monster inside in him, and I think that`s why this movie was a great film.