I'm definitely seeing this, but it's because of a different reason besides just liking the character.
I want to see if a movie can finally get Wolverine right. I've had to watch WINO for three movies running, and I'm getting tired of waiting to see a movie do the Wolverine character justice.
Now, don't get me wrong, there have been parts of the X-men movies that do Wolverine justice, but I have yet to see a full movie treat the Wolverine character the way he's supposed to be. I mean, by X-3 it wasn't Wolverine, it was basically Cyclops with claws.
Where is the internal turmoil? The battle against his berserker side? That was not even hinted at in the movies. Where's the reference to his history in Japan? Or if not that, at least film the fight scenes so it looks like the guy is an experienced fighter. He's had decades of martial arts training and was a former government assassin, but in the X-men movies he basically fought like a big brawler with claws.
I'm hoping that the Wolverine movie will correct the many mistakes that the X-men movies had, and hopefully see a more faithful adaptation of the character.