Windows 8 help needed

Hunter Rider

Staff member
Oct 24, 2004
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So today my beloved PC of 8 years finally bit the bullet and with the new one I am now running Windows 8.

It's pretty disconcerting when you've used XP for so long, I'm scared. :(

My biggest problem is that writing on websites is either huge or tiny and the pics are squashed into the middle, any help in how to stabilize the font size would be appreciated.

I also can't find the volume control in the new media player. :huh: O
What brand of computer are you using laptop or desktop?

It would really help if you could take a few screen caps of the problems that you are having.

Try going into the control panel & adjusting everything to your liking.

Are you using the apps to access the internet or are you using the regular windows internet explorer same as on the windows xp?

What media player are you using or trying to use?
Can you "downgrade" to Windows 7?

I don't think so.

What brand of computer are you using laptop or desktop?

It would really help if you could take a few screen caps of the problems that you are having.

Try going into the control panel & adjusting everything to your liking.

Are you using the apps to access the internet or are you using the regular windows internet explorer same as on the windows xp?

What media player are you using or trying to use?


I've actually solved the font size issue thanks, just had to use manual zoom in on the pages.

I'm using Firefox to access the internet.

The media player is the one that came with the Windows 8 OS, I'm not sure what number they are up to now. It doesn't seem to have a volume control or a shuffle option.

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