The Force Awakens With fan support high in returning original actors, are they more inclined to..


Aug 29, 2005
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Are they more inclined to write them into the story? Perhaps Luke and Leia heading up the Jedi Academy could be a simple way to go that allows them to introduce new characters as well.
Are they more inclined to write them into the story? Perhaps Luke and Leia heading up the Jedi Academy could be a simple way to go that allows them to introduce new characters as well.

They're most likely going to be in the story, at least R2 and 3PO have to be. Keep in mind this is based off Lucas's outlines for the Sequel trilogy which were about Luke passing the torch.
I'd prefer they just tell the story they want to, whether this means the original cast, or not.
Isn't the current rumour that Michael Ardt's treatment does indeed include Luke, Leia and Han? If that's the case and Hammill, Fisher and Ford are all reputedly interested, then I can only see one thing happening........
It's pretty much a given that the original characters are returning, whether or not it will be the original cast is up for question however.
I'd prefer they just tell the story they want to, whether this means the original cast, or not.

I think it was always meant to be about Luke and the new generation so we can have our cake and eat it in this case.
I'd prefer they just tell the story they want to, whether this means the original cast, or not.
My thoughts exactly. Fans will never fully all agree on what they want, so they should just do what they want to do.
My thoughts exactly. Fans will never fully all agree on what they want, so they should just do what they want to do.

They're not going to make it a totally unrelated story. It's going to have something to do with the other films. I agree they should make what they want but it kind of goes without saying since it's called Star Wars VII. Even Episodes I-III had characters that were in IV-VI
I'd almost feel bad for the original cast at this point if they are not included in some way

ever since the new of the movies came out, people keep asking them if their interested/ an they've all been saying, yes

these people are giving them fate hope (if they don't end up getting roles)

lets face it, other then, Ford, the original cast hasn't really had great careers outside of the star war franchise, this could be the big break they have been waiting for...
just in case they call mark up i hope he is working out. we need a fit luke.
They're not going to make it a totally unrelated story. It's going to have something to do with the other films. I agree they should make what they want but it kind of goes without saying since it's called Star Wars VII. Even Episodes I-III had characters that were in IV-VI
I never said it had to be an unrelated story though. The events from the previous films should be referenced somehow, but that doesnt mean the old characters are mandatory imo. While i love Luke, Han and Leia i wont be crying if they're not featured or if they are dont have as much screentime as they had in the OT, if they manage to come up with a great story.
I'd almost feel bad for the original cast at this point if they are not included in some way

ever since the new of the movies came out, people keep asking them if their interested/ an they've all been saying, yes

these people are giving them fate hope (if they don't end up getting roles)

lets face it, other then, Ford, the original cast hasn't really had great careers outside of the star war franchise, this could be the big break they have been waiting for...
Mark Hamill's had a tremendous career. :o

I'm glad to see that the original trilogy characters will be in Episode 7. However, I can't see anyone else playing Luke, Leia, and Han than Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford.

I can see Luke Skywalker heading up the New Jedi Order, Leia elected as Chancellor of the New Republic, and Han Solo heading up the New Republic's defenses with Chewbacca. Lando could be the Senator for Bespin.

I hear rumors of the return of Darth Vader. This could work in several ways, clone him from Anakin's severed arm from Attack of the Clones or Luke's severed hand from Empire Strikes Back.

PS - Someone get Harrison Ford a baby Wookie from the Clone Wars' Young Jedi arc!!
James Earl Jones should return to voice the Darth Vader clones or a Darth Vader droid.
I just don't understand everyone's desire to have these actors back. I can see wanting the characters--if Luke, Leia and Han aren't back in Episode VII, I might have a full-out tantrum--but the actors?

Why? As much as I loved Hamill, Fisher and Ford in the original trilogy, they no longer resemble the characters I grew up with. In order to add them into the storyline, we have to skip at least thirty years of the characters' lives, important years that will have to change who they are. And on top of that, while none of them are bad actors, there are so many better ones out there who would be more than happy to play these roles.

I want a sequel that's set just a few years after Return of the Jedi, when the universe is still just recovering from the Empire and a lot of crap is still going on. If the writers want to ignore the EU completely, fine with me, but we could have such an amazing, new start with a younger cast that can breathe some fresh air into this franchise.
Obviously they are coming back. If the characters are coming back, the actors will be.
I just don't understand everyone's desire to have these actors back. I can see wanting the characters--if Luke, Leia and Han aren't back in Episode VII, I might have a full-out tantrum--but the actors?

Why? As much as I loved Hamill, Fisher and Ford in the original trilogy, they no longer resemble the characters I grew up with. In order to add them into the storyline, we have to skip at least thirty years of the characters' lives, important years that will have to change who they are. And on top of that, while none of them are bad actors, there are so many better ones out there who would be more than happy to play these roles.

I want a sequel that's set just a few years after Return of the Jedi, when the universe is still just recovering from the Empire and a lot of crap is still going on. If the writers want to ignore the EU completely, fine with me, but we could have such an amazing, new start with a younger cast that can breathe some fresh air into this franchise.

Best of both worlds: You get the old actors/characters back to pass the torch to younger actors/characters, a new generation. Simple.

And your "no longer resemble the characters I grew up with" is called aging. And it happens to every fortunate human being. 2/3 actors may have not aged as gracefully, but they're there and they're available and they ARE the characters. No need to recast if indeed the story is about the new generation.
I just don't understand everyone's desire to have these actors back. I can see wanting the characters--if Luke, Leia and Han aren't back in Episode VII, I might have a full-out tantrum--but the actors?

Why? As much as I loved Hamill, Fisher and Ford in the original trilogy, they no longer resemble the characters I grew up with. In order to add them into the storyline, we have to skip at least thirty years of the characters' lives, important years that will have to change who they are. And on top of that, while none of them are bad actors, there are so many better ones out there who would be more than happy to play these roles.

I want a sequel that's set just a few years after Return of the Jedi, when the universe is still just recovering from the Empire and a lot of crap is still going on. If the writers want to ignore the EU completely, fine with me, but we could have such an amazing, new start with a younger cast that can breathe some fresh air into this franchise.

Keep in mind that there was a significant gap in between the first and second trilogy. I expect this to follow the same rules. If it's only a few years after RotJ, wouldn't it feel like it's just a continuation of the same trilogy rather than a new chapter?

I like the idea of passing the torch to the next generation.
More time will have passed between VI and VII (32 years) than III and IV (19-20 years). It should have Luke, Leia, and Han.

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