He should be a teacher. His primary role should be to play off Rogue and Storm and, to a lesser extent, Gambit. Of course, he is his own character, but I see those three as more important at this point. Logan is definitely down to number 4 at best (which is still significant, but it's not #1), and that's the way it should be. He's had three movies where he was the centerpiece. He should stay, but it's time to give the limelight to some others.At this point, it just wouldn't be an X-Men movie if Wolverine wasn't here, and it would be a complete mistake on Fox's part to take him out of the franchise.
Lets be serious here, Wolverine is the figurehead of the X-Men trilogy, doing away with him in X4 would no doubt drive some fans away from the movie, and what not.
Yes, he should be in X4, but not in a role like he has had in the past two movies. His story has been "finished" at this point in the trilogy.
I dont like any of the poll options
This to me would be more like a slap in the face because X-3 sucked. It is not the character's fault that the writer(s) suck at their job and stupid studio politics got in the way.
Ok, other than being rebels and having a bad past, I don't see the similarity between Wolverine and Gambit.
If his age is too obvious, they can de-age in X4 like somebody else said. Also, they might be able to shift him into the 4 Horsemen in X5, where the characters aren't supposed to look so pretty.Plus Hugh is almost forty... this guy isn't supposed to age no?
I understand you.
Lately, the polls seems to be incompleted. The option should be more and with different points of view.
I, for example, would want to see Logan in X4, not like the main star, but not like a cameo either. I don't think he is the most important character, but would be nice to see some interaction with Gambit, the young mutants, Emma, etc. So none of the options are correct.
They aren't alike; the movie people are either idiots or they didn't even try to come up with a good excuse for keeping Gambit out. I'd even say the rebellious thing isn't a good similarity since Gambit doesn't balk at authority when it's more useful not to.