Wolverine.....what a joke!


Feb 16, 2003
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Can someone tell me why this losers so popular? He's a short little runt, he throws temper tantrums, his second hand smoke is killing the other X-Men, he can barely form a complete sentence, bub, and maybe worst of all, he is a filthy little mutant, like a great number of posters who have bad mouthed me here.
Well lets see here ...

1. He makes every fight somewhat hilarious
2. He could chop you up into teeny tiny bits
3. He's a badass mother****er who doesn't take **** from anyone
4. He can get his face blown off by a shotgun and keep going
5. He's short ( Thats what makes it so funny ... Watching some big ass guy getting the **** kicked out of them by someone whos like 5' 8")
6. He's Right Behind You! Ahh! Watch Out For That Claw ... Ouch ... Thats Gotta Hurt ...

Originally posted by ComicMaster
Can someone tell me why this losers so popular? He's a short little runt, he throws temper tantrums, his second hand smoke is killing the other X-Men, he can barely form a complete sentence, bub, and maybe worst of all, he is a filthy little mutant, like a great number of posters who have bad mouthed me here.

WOW! Aside from the X-men part, you just described yourself!:D
Tired of his posts and they've only made 10 themselves. He's even getting on the nerves of people who haven't been here long.

p.s. welcome to SHH

p.p.s IAJK - I love your avatar. Its well good. Where'd you get it from?
I will say that Wolverine is my most hated character in all of fiction, and because the entire Marvel Universe has basically been sacrificed at his disgusting, worthless alter, I no longer read any of their titles.
Originally posted by Kurosawa
I will say that Wolverine is my most hated character in all of fiction, and because the entire Marvel Universe has basically been sacrificed at his disgusting, worthless alter, I no longer read any of their titles.

What the hell are you talking about?
Basically I feel that almost every major Marvel character that has encountered Wolverine has been made to look inferior to him. I think the character has been built up, not on his own merits (of which I feel he has none), but at the expense of other characters. Marvel has either killed every character they had that I liked or changed them so much that I can hardly recognize them. So, as they have cancelled series over they years and started them over, I have just cut the titles.

And Marvel is hardly the best they have ever been. That was in the 60's.
Originally posted by ComicMaster
Can someone tell me why this losers so popular? He's a short little runt, he throws temper tantrums, his second hand smoke is killing the other X-Men, he can barely form a complete sentence, bub, and maybe worst of all, he is a filthy little mutant, like a great number of posters who have bad mouthed me here.

are u talkin about me? :p
It's very true that, often, Wolverine is hyped up. Maybe a little too much. I don't think that there's an X-book he isn't in. But that's because he's the most popular X-character.
Basically, as long as Wolverine is around (and that'll pretty much be for as long as Marvel exists) he's going to be a major player. You're not going to get rid of him, and get this--the majority of Marvel readers like him, so you're not going to get anywhere *****ing about it, either.

Deal with it.
Originally posted by USM ****e
It's very true that, often, Wolverine is hyped up. Maybe a little too much. I don't think that there's an X-book he isn't in. But that's because he's the most popular X-character.
Basically, as long as Wolverine is around (and that'll pretty much be for as long as Marvel exists) he's going to be a major player. You're not going to get rid of him, and get this--the majority of Marvel readers like him, so you're not going to get anywhere *****ing about it, either.

Deal with it.
Actually, I'm getting sick of him. He's in, or has been in, literally every X-book, not to mention his own title with a billion one-shots or mini-serieses. There's only so much of one character I can take, and this guy is definately pushing his luck. He may be a good character, but there are plenty other good mutants out there, who've lost focus thanks to only him being in the limelight.
Wolverine is cool. But he is hyped a little too much. I mean while Marvel are writing so many books about him. I think its time to give other X-characters a chance.
I hate him. But he is so easy for writers to write him.
First off **** you man Wolverine is great the best superhero out there and no i dont hate wolverine i like him. If it wernt for wolverine the x-men wouldnt be where there at today and you want to talk about to much hyped Spiderman is the one that is to much hype everywhere i go its spiderman this spiderman that so dont go say that wolverine is hyped cause thats bull**** i wont take this post talking bad about wolverine the character i like the most.
Originally posted by Batman23
First off **** you man Wolverine is great the best superhero out there and no i dont hate wolverine i like him. If it wernt for wolverine the x-men wouldnt be where there at today and you want to talk about to much hyped Spiderman is the one that is to much hype everywhere i go its spiderman this spiderman that so dont go say that wolverine is hyped cause thats bull**** i wont take this post talking bad about wolverine the character i like the most.

so the fact that wolverine is being featured in a gazillion titles and is being seriously milked shouldnt have any bearing coz u like him.....u know how i think wolverine is making so much money....its the kids they want anything with wolverine on it....he is marvel's cash cow and its gonna be this way for a long long time....personally i think wolverine has become very predictable and boring....i havent read anything on him since Origin...and prolly wont....
So what if Wolverine sell books. I have avoided titles cause he is in them. Marvel should o a poll. If they want to sell books for me I need an Archangel appearance. That is a guarenteed sale for me. For some it is Cyclops, or Dr. Strange, or even 3DMan. Just case more people will buy a book with Wolverine in it doesn't make sense for them. Oh Wait it does. Well I still dont like him. I used to but I m now sick of him. I used to like McDonalds Cheesburgers, But I ate about 5-10 a day for three months now I can't stand them. If I smell one I will get sick. As a Canadian it disgusts me that Wolvierine is so loved. It bothers me tht he is even from Western Canada. I would expect that from a Newfie but not here. I cannot wait for the day when his real origin is revealed and he spent WWII as a Nazi that everyone hated and then he fades into obscurity right behind Eye-Scream.
Well, if not Wolverine, then who?

Who should be the money player in the MU that does guest spots in every other title and automatically guarantees an increase in sales in every issue he's on the cover of...?


I don't think so.




Whoops, was that a typo? No, it was not.

Fact is, the only other true bad-ass in the MU is the Punisher. I guess he could go on a tour of all the other titles in the MU and just start waxing all the second rate crappy background characters, but hey, even better send him over to the "ultimate" universe, just kill EVERYONE in that whole bastard franchise then last panel have a close-up of Frank's ugly mug with him going, "Heh! Cancelled."

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