World Would You Want To Be A Mutant?


Mar 8, 2006
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Under all the conditions and different types of abilites that most mutants have in the X-World. Future sight, being ugly looking with intresting powers, reading minds, shooting fire etc. ...would you liked it if mutants were real, or to be a mutant yourself, weather or not you were one of those ugly mutants or just a normal looking person and be hated and misjudged by other people?

I know I wouldnt mind being a mutant, it would be intresting, in my opinion.:up:
You guys are just saying that but if mutants were real theyd be physical mutations and the discrimination wouldve been overwhelming...If I were to pick between being a REAL mutant (not the xmen kind :D ) or human...Id pick human, no discrimination and I look normal.

But if were speaking in the comic book world then I rather be a mutant of course
yes that would be super duper
I feel discriminated as a human, so... why not being a mutant. :O At least, I could defend myself.
It depends, I wouldnt want to be a hideous mutant or have Rogue-like powers or anything, or even Cyclops. So, most likely no. A power like telekinesis or kinetic charge would be cool.
I wouldn't mind... already dealt with the whole being a 14 year old boy and wanting boyfriends, not girlfriends.... so I guess I am already in a minority... might as well add another one in there too!
I like to be a mutant, even even with a wild skin or hair color change I wouldn't mind all that much... sure I'd be blue/purple/pink/white/orange... but I'd have cool mutant powers :)
GL1 said:
I like to be a mutant, even even with a wild skin or hair color change I wouldn't mind all that much... sure I'd be blue/purple/pink/white/orange... but I'd have cool mutant powers :)

Or you might just be a green blob with the power to waddle on the ground. They dont get to join the X-men either :(
I basically have been a mutant my whole life, I was an outcast at school, I have a skin condition which literally IS a genetic mutation (lol) although on the surface it usually looks normal, just alot of scrubbing and cream involved...I feel thankful that it's not severe like some people can get, but it is time consuming to manage it and at times it really does flare up and it's noticeable. I'm pretty much allergic to heat and light. I also like guys, not girls, but it's not something I've ever dealt with, yet still I have suffered discrimination and abuse. I also have issues with humanity and I have a lot of built up bitterness and resentment...

SOOOO (lol) seeing as I've experienced pretty much every bad thing that mutants experience, OF COURSE I'd like to be a mutant! I wouldn't mind Rogues powers at all, since I hate being touched anyway due to my skin always being sensitive or itchy or whatever...

I think with my current mind set and personality I'd be a pretty bad, if humanity did mostly resent mutants, I'd probably be drifting towards Magneto rather than Xavier.

I wouldn't mind having weird skin color, and probably wouldn't be bothered about being physically different, since I'm not interested in affection and all that cr*p anyway...

Elixirs powers would be cool though, being able to heal and alter your own body and others, maybe cure disease...

My "superpower" of choice would be telekinesis cos it has lots of useful benefits and isn't just there for show or to be flashy
We outcasts are used to see the idea of being a mutant more desireable than a person with a normal life... :(
I guess we really are "mutants" in our own way...and maybe that's why we develop obsessions with comic books and their characters! lol

I hafta say that I actually became a fan of X-Men cos I thought TAS was so darn cool, it wasn't until more recently that I really felt and identified with the whole "minority" aspect of it...
I remember watching TAS when I was a little girl and thinking "people hate them, bash them... like my classmates do with me". It's sad when you remember the past. :( Luckily, most of it has disappeared.

You become a "mutant" not only because of your appearance but your beliefs, behavior, manners... and kids are really cruel.
i would love to be a mutant. i'd want to have jean greys powers though.
I'd rather have Xavier's powers.
of course id like to be one!.....

as long as i have kickass powers.....not some dumb power like a can fart really loud.
You already have that power ^

I think I've got enough problems without having to worry about an extra gene. Though I think I've had dreams where I'm Iceman... *sigh*

I'm so cool :D :p
Iceman/Psylocke said:
You already have that power ^

if there WERE mutants around and i was not one of them....

...then i would carry a large knife everywhere i go.
Actually... I day/night dream about this a lot. I'd either be the guy with claws (wolverine) or have Cyclop's power. Plus, I could run around with my X-men suit and save the world :p

What if something happened to us and mutation began to evolve within us... (Im not a scientist so... yeah) and I dunno... I wake up one morning and I start feeling weird and suddenly these claws appear from my hands... then in my mind, I hear a woman's voice...

then I happen to be in New York...and yeah... someone's dog runs up to me and starts to hump my leg... ... how embarassing. :o Next thing I know, Sabertooth attacks me...and Toad comes in and yeah...

Then Iceman appears as well as some other kid...
DarknessOfDeath said:
Actually... I day/night dream about this a lot. I'd either be the guy with claws (wolverine) or have Cyclop's power. Plus, I could run around with my X-men suit and save the world :p

What if something happened to us and mutation began to evolve within us... (Im not a scientist so... yeah) and I dunno... I wake up one morning and I start feeling weird and suddenly these claws appear from my hands... then in my mind, I hear a woman's voice...

then I happen to be in New York...and yeah... someone's dog runs up to me and starts to hump my leg... ... how embarassing. :o Next thing I know, Sabertooth attacks me...and Toad comes in and yeah...
......then you woke up and realized your in a white room with padded walls:up: :)

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