

Banned User
Aug 16, 2002
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Someone, tell me that this is real, so that I can retain some faith in UFOs and space travel:

The secret of the Scientologists has been revealed!
I like how his pictures are not that pefect, like the bigfoot photo...only less clear. What kind of camera did he use? A camera that only takes negative samples?
Looks like they took pictures from the internet or a book and stuck them in an album. What's the big deal? :huh:
Well that was a bunch of ******ed. The quality of the video (and the pictures) were so bad that they could have easily been doctored photos. Also, wtf is he talking about with the plant-insect bull****. Plants don't evolve into insects they just evolve into better plants. Jesus.
More weird stuff. Please watch. This stuff, if true of course, is way more important than anything else you might see today:

real or fake, that was neat, they should make this into a least its kinda original.
That was pretty interesting. Next thing ya know he's gonna say the Tralfamadorians took him up into space...
Weren't there 7 spiritual energies in Slaughter house five? Wasn't the guys name Billy in Slaughter house five?
I don't believe it.

I believe in life elsewhere in the universe, but I don't buy what's been posted here.
Dude sounds like Bill Paxton... doctored photos and an actor... give up hope people...
The universe is immense, there are trillions of galaxies with trillions of stars. The distances unimaginable. I believe in the possibility that there are other lifeforms out there. We may or may never know. Never give your hopes up, just because some lifeforms on this planet are telling fantastic stories.
The universe is immense, there are trillions of galaxies with trillions of stars. The distances unimaginable. I believe in the possibility that there are other lifeforms out there. We may or may never know. Never give your hopes up, just because some lifeforms on this planet are telling fantastic stories.
I believe there is other life forms out there. there has to be.
I agree, At the Mountains of Madness FTW.

But this isn't the thread for that.
悪魔天;14021029 said:
I think Guillermo Del Toro should direct every HP Lovecraft film:)
I thrice agree with thee sir! But back to aliens. Man I love how this billy guy keeps changing the date of WWIII

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