I remember Panosian drawing some issues of AGENTS OF ATLAS towards the end of their canned ongoing. This is his deviant art page:
As for X-FACTOR FOREVER, it seems to be another "old creator returning to their old work and pretending like whatever made them leave never happened", like Chris Claremont on X-MEN FOREVER and Howard Mackie with his CLONE SAGA. It is worth noting that only Claremont was given a monthly, hell, bi-weekly, series out of it while Mackie and Simonson have to make due with mini's. He is a bigger name supposedly, although nothing he has written has sold above 30k for longer than a month in years. Heck, his relaunch of NEW EXILES was the final nail in that coffin.
It's a backward thinking premise and I don't care for that. It isn't like there is a lack of material about these characters back then. I'd be more enthused if Simonson was trying to write these 4-5 characters now, perhaps working in Frost in Jean's role. But I digress.
It's an odd project. Simonson may be using continuity from about 1989-1991, but the costumes, beyond Archangel, bare designs that seem closer to Frank Quietly of 2003 than from X-FACTOR circa 1991. Although it is worth noting that the first costume where Cyclops ditched his skull-cap wasn't Jim Lee in X-MEN #1, but in X-FACTOR #63. I fail to really see what this will add to any of the characters besides nostalgia, and I question whether there is any nostalgia left for the pre-Peter David X-Factor. All but Jean are still alive and appearing in X-Men books. Granted, you could argue a lot of the worst baggage that was added to the five came after Simonson left or was wrapping her run, although her era had some baggage too. Still, her run on that book was almost 5 years, 58 issues.
Personally, I never cared for Archangel's design. The while metal wing angst thing screamed of the early 90's and purple/lavender are not a tough guy make. I always thought it was a cheap, easy move to make Angel "tougher" since it has been hard to have a guy who flies seem useful in a fight beyond pointing out things or catching people.
Panosian's art alone might be enough for me to give it a try. Although I'd probably prefer if Jeff Parker and Panosian teamed up for another mini of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS, perhaps depicting that first squad being joined by Havok and Polaris (and even Mimic) towards the end.