X-Men ‘97 X-Men ‘97 News and Discussion Thread (TAG SPOILERS!!!!)

Tbf, Mystique became the leader of the Brotherhood in the 80s, so they probably chose that version since it was the most recent version of the team.
Plus their most prominent appearance was in Days of Future Past which was Mystique leading them in the comics story.
Its like when they had Emma as part of the Brotherhood in Pryde of the X-men and Mystique with Magneto in the movies
And in the classic Konami Arcade game they are both with Magneto. Along with Pyro, Blob, and for some reason Juggernaut, Wendigo, and Nimrod.
I don't know how S02 will look like. But if they're bringing Kitty, I hope they have a time traveling role for her, since she didn't get to do it in both adaptations of Days of Future Past.
I don't know how S02 will look like. But if they're bringing Kitty, I hope they have a time traveling role for her, since she didn't get to do it in both adaptations of Days of Future Past.
I hope she's introduced in the present. We already have Bishop for that time-traveling role. :xmen:

This has been discussed already and there isn't an issue. There's a time jump between the end of the original show and the start of 97. The current tie in comic is covering what happened in the gap of time.
Any word about Wave 3 for X-Men '97? Surely, they must be doing Beast, Jubilee, Sunspot, Forge and Cable. I don't really buy action figures but they look pretty good. The 90s costumes are iconic. :xmen:

I would love to see Hot Toys do every character in X-Men '97 as well.
I'm currently re-watching the original animated series (in the middle of season 3 so far) and although I remembered bits and pieces, it's fair to say that X-Men 97 definitely improved the characterisations of certain characters (though screwed up with Rogue in the early episodes).

In a Season 1 episode, Callisto tried to sexually coerce Cyclops into impregnating her- Definitely would've gone over kids heads but is kind of surprising they actually had that in a Saturday morning kids cartoon.

Cyclops was such a suck up to Xavier- He will literally berate someone for suggesting something that he thinks is a bad idea or a waste of time, yet if Xavier agrees with the person, Cyclops does a complete 180 in attitude and suddenly thinks the idea was good. He also kind of threw a mini temper tantrum over Iceman.

Cyclops and Wolverine have a go at Gambit for seemingly no reason.

Gambit says "The name's Gambit, remember it!" a lot more often than you think, alongside Rogue calling people "Bright Eyes". Therefore the X-Men 97 episode titles "Remember it" and "Bright Eyes" were clues that those particular episodes were going to be Gambit and Rogue heavy respectively.

Jean wore her hair down quite a lot in the early seasons.

Polaris decided to fake her own kidnapping rather than have a break up conversation with Iceman

Gambit and Rogue are in some sort of romantic entanglement. It's not quite boyfriend/girlfriend officially but it's also not strictly platonic since Gambit confessed his love for Rogue and she has kissed him on several occasions with her hand as a barrier.. It's enough to say that Rogue did cheat on Gambit with Magneto in the early episodes of X-Men 97 and that there was no past relationship with Magneto present in the original series.

Morph was able to morph into animals like a rhino and imitated Wolverine's claws whilst in his form. However Wolverine was able to shred Morph's claws with his real ones. This means that Morph turning into characters like Juggernaut and Hulk and using their strength makes sense (because size and strength is relative) but still leaves a question over how he was able to use Quicksilver's superspeed (unless Quicksilver's body makes him very aerodynamic thus allowing superspeed to be possible). It does leave the question of whether Mystique can do the same as Morph since they're both shapeshifters.

Xavier is kind of annoying so I'm glad X-Men 97 used him sparingly

I prefer Rogue's look in the original series compared to X-Men 97

Sinister was more creepy in the original series than he was in X-Men 97

Beast acted unprofessionally with a patient of his and would be classed as abusing a position of trust. He also got very emotionally attached to a sentient spaceship very quickly.

Xavier falls in love with Lilandra very quickly despite the two of them only having a couple of brief conversations.

Bishop was kind of irritating in the original series so X-Men 97 improved his character.

Cable has a son in the future called Tyler so I don't imagine he'd stick around as a main character for too long in X-Men 97.
Just finished the Assembled documentary. It was good but it would've been better if it was longer. As it is, it doesn't cover the actual making of the show as deeply as I would've wanted, especially since a large portion of the doc is spent on the old show and its legacy. Loved seeing the voice cast, they're all cool people and those voices are beyond iconic.
It's not a surprise that Beau DeMayo isn't interviewed, but he's not seen or mentioned either. We still don't know why exactly he was fired, but as it is, it seems asinine to produce a making-of documentary that pretends that the creator/lead writer of the show doesn't exist.
X-Men 97 is back to 100% on rotten tomatoes, seems like someone changed their rating from rotten to fresh

This was more nostalgia-driven. It talked about the history of '92 and spent much time with the voice actors. We learned very little about the actual creation/production of '97. I hoped for storyboards, pre-vis, animation tests, writing, character designs, score, etc.

I guess that'll be in the inevitable art book.
I noticed that Rogue/Wolverine/Magneto go the entire season with never having their character stats be shown in the end credits. I demand a refund
Just finished the Assembled documentary. It was good but it would've been better if it was longer. As it is, it doesn't cover the actual making of the show as deeply as I would've wanted, especially since a large portion of the doc is spent on the old show and its legacy. Loved seeing the voice cast, they're all cool people and those voices are beyond iconic.
It's not a surprise that Beau DeMayo isn't interviewed, but he's not seen or mentioned either. We still don't know why exactly he was fired, but as it is, it seems asinine to produce a making-of documentary that pretends that the creator/lead writer of the show doesn't exist.
I was surprised that the Assembled doc didnt bother to interview Jubilee or Morphs VAs. They played this 10x safer than the show did.
I started watching the show this week, and the thing is I was so much younger when I watched the original, I can't piece together everything I recall from it. I definitely didn't see all of the episodes and the last memory of it that I have, I don't know how close it is to how it ended.

but my question is, is 97 picking up right from where the original left off? and it is the same universe, right? not an alternate one?
but my question is, is 97 picking up right from where the original left off? and it is the same universe, right? not an alternate one?
Not exactly right where it left one. There's a time jump (not sure how much, but a handful of months it seems). There's a comic coming out right now that's filling in the gap between the 2 shows. Haven't read it yet but from what I've heard it's not required to read.

But yes, it's the same universe.
The Assembled episode was entertaining.

Also, it left me wanting to have some drinks or at the very least a cup of tea with Alison Sealy-Smith and Lenore Zann. Those women are FUNNY AS HELL, I love how Ms. Sealy-Smith is so extra too.

I bet they would be a riot.

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