x-men 3 UK realease date change may 25th!


Mar 20, 2006
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this may have already been posted but i thought yall wod wanna know if ya dont beleive me check out the odeon website
Yeah. I saw that on one of the TV adverts this afternoon.

I'm very happy about it.
WTF???!!! I missed another Ad. ******* School!!! I'm pretty sure May 25th is advance screenings though. I'm probably wrong
Yeah we have been talking about this in the poster thread but i'm loving it now it comes out a day early here :D i wonder why?
The Top Hat said:
Yeah. I saw that on one of the TV adverts this afternoon.

I'm very happy about it.
URGhH i have been off all day cos i was ill and i never once saw the tv spots :(
*xmenfan* said:
Yeah we have been talking about this in the poster thread but i'm loving it now it comes out a day early here :D i wonder why?
Because of the outrage that it generated. MOTHER******* 27TH????!!!!!!

:p :D
Nice, UK people. ;) Same date as the Australians, too. :up:
*xmenfan* said:
^ what lol calm down :)
It was only a typo in the end. I wonder why it's being released on the Thursday. More money I expect
*xmenfan* said:
^ cool I bet your happy Lex :)
Not really. I wanted to spoil the movie to the UK people. :D
Aiden said:
It was only a typo in the end. I wonder why it's being released on the Thursday. More money I expect
Yeah most probaly!
I read that X3 will have premiere in Sweden May 24th... that's really weird. It can't be true, but I read it on SF's (Swedish film industry) official site. But still, it can't be true. It would be kinda cool though... a girl can always dream.
The majority of films are released on a Thursday in the UK. It's been the changeover date for as long as I can remember.
It's premiere is first in Cannes, then London then LA
I. Hate. UK.

*Remembers ol' good times when Spanish Empire fought against England*

This is the second time I've been proud to be British
Excuse me while I do a very happy dance...................

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