X Men Evolution figures


Apr 3, 2006
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I was just wondering...what vehicals and figures were avalible in the x men evolution toyline? If anyone has pics or knows the line ups, I would appriciate it, or a link where I could buy some if possible...all i know of are the ones I have: Wolverine , Battle damaged Wolverine, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Juggernaught, Magneto, Sabretooth and 12'' talk back mutant wolverine
I have the following loose: Spike, Toad, Storm, Blob, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Wolverine, & Sabretooth. Spike's right elbow doesn't work, but other than that, they are mostly intact.
MangleBoP said:
I have the following loose: Spike, Toad, Storm, Blob, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Wolverine, & Sabretooth. Spike's right elbow doesn't work, but other than that, they are mostly intact.

What do you mean his arm doesn't work? you mean doesnt move or what? but i would be interested in spike, storm, and blob....tell me what youd be interested in for cash or trade (anything, dvds, figures, comics, etc).
It broke off at the joint, and the only way to fix it was to superglue it in place, so it doesn't move. I take cash, Marvel Legends, the ocassional Street Fighter fig, and of course, YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL! (Just kidding about that last part.:p)
But can you tell it's been glued back on or does it look otherwise normal?

how much each? i may have a few doubles of the giant man series of ml in a few weeks (i get figures shipped from legends figures in canada) if you wanna wait for that...its up to you mate.

what other legends might you be interested in?
Shadow Cat & Ms.Marvel, and you got yourself a deal!
It doesn't look that bad (the elbow, I mean), and I can probably touch up the paint a little. I may have lost some acessories, it's been a while since I checked, but I'm sure I can find something to make up for anything that's missing.
MangleBoP said:
Shadow Cat & Ms.Marvel, and you got yourself a deal!
It doesn't look that bad (the elbow, I mean), and I can probably touch up the paint a little. I may have lost some acessories, it's been a while since I checked, but I'm sure I can find something to make up for anything that's missing.

Can you get any pics? not a problem if you cant...

it might take a few weeks for them to get in stock and them to ship, but as soon as they do, ill let you know (send me a pm every two weeks if you want and ill let y ou know).

But yeah you got yourself a deal when they finally arrive.
Sweet! Sorry, no can do on the pics, and do you want Toad as well? I see you don't have him, and aside from having a dorky face, (not really out of the ordinary for Toad) it's a pretty good fig.
MangleBoP said:
Sweet! Sorry, no can do on the pics, and do you want Toad as well? I see you don't have him, and aside from having a dorky face, (not really out of the ordinary for Toad) it's a pretty good fig.

I do have toad, I just forgot to mention him :p

Yeah but dont let me forget, my memory sucks, a pm every two weeks or so will do :)

Is spike ok to display though? as long as he looks ok thats whats most important...is the arm stable now?

and also, is the wolverine figure either the logan figure (in jeans and cowboy hat) or martial arts? if so I'd be interested in that...
Never could find a Magneto one, that figure is just beyond sweet.
Horrorfan said:
I do have toad, I just forgot to mention him :p

Yeah but dont let me forget, my memory sucks, a pm every two weeks or so will do :)

Is spike ok to display though? as long as he looks ok thats whats most important...is the arm stable now?

and also, is the wolverine figure either the logan figure (in jeans and cowboy hat) or martial arts? if so I'd be interested in that...
The arm is stable, as long as you don't drop it more than three feet, throw it across the room, or some other crazy thing. It's Wolverine in his orange costume, with kicking and slashing actions.

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