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X-Men Origins: Gambit-How would you do it?


Jul 25, 2007
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If I did X-Men Origins: Gambit I think I would have it done in the present and past. He could be at a bar that Rogue just happens to be at. She could have just found out that Bobby was cheating on her and we can find that out later. Gambit could get into a big bar fight with some Marauders after flirting with Rogue. She helps him in the fight then they escape. Then he starts to tell Rogue about his past and we go into his origin. The movie could go back and forth from past to present. In the present Gambit and Rogue are running from Marauders and in the past we will find out why he's running and the Mutant Massacre could be apart of his past. Marrow,Vertigo,Harpoon,and many others would appear in the film. If Mr.Sinister is not used in the X-Men Origins:Magneto or First Class then he will be the main Villain.
Hmmm, well i think it should end w/ him meeting rogue in a bar as a set up for future films. They could both mention how there getting over a bad relationship

I think it should start him off in a flash back as a young boy and then eventually feature Bella Donna, Mr. Sinister, and the Thieves Guild. And like you said, the Marauders.
i like how ur thinkin malgal and canemacar y no rogue
I think Gambit is one of the most perfect/near perfect representations of a comic character on film from what we have seen so far so already wanting to see something else out of him before you see this movie IMO is pointless.
Plus we don't even know if Gambit will get his own movie yet so I just don't see what this has to do with this movie. Not trying to be mean...I just don't see the point just yet.
NO ROGUE! At least, not right away. I would want Gambit to be developed as a character before any relationship.
But this is a Wolverine forum anyway...
I could see Gambit in two movies that would complement each other...

X-Men Origin: Gambit - Taylor Kitsch reprises the role of Gambit but the story would take place before X-Men Origin: Wolverine...


Act One:The story begins with a brief history of the Thieves Guild and there association with the Assisins Guild. The two guilds used to work together to help each other. The thieves guild acted as intelligence gathering for the Assisins. and the Assisins gave the thieves guild possible locations or people they could gain a profit from. The story then centres on two children grown up within the guilds, Remy LeBeau and Bella Donna Boudreaux - Remy's mother became a target of the assisins guild, but was a friend of Jean-Luc LeBeau who was a member of the Thieves guild, Jean-Luc agrees to look after Remy when his mother is forced to go on the run. Remy and Jean-Luc's son Julian are brought up together considering each other as brothers. They both meet a young Bella Donna and three become great friends, years later Remy and Bella form a relationship but we learn that there relationship was a set up by Jean-Luc and Mr Boudreaux the leader of the assisins guild to forge together the two guilds by a single union. But Mr Boudreaux discovers that Remy is not really a member of the Thieves guild and believes this was a set up by Jean-Luc to make them look stupid. The reality of it was that Jean-Luc originally wanted Julian to be marrid to Bella but Bella was naturally attracted more to Remy so he didnt reveal Remy's true origin. Tension between Remy and Bella grow as they both are forced to take there families sides but Mr Boudreaux puts a hit out on Remy unbeknownst to the thieves guild and Bella Donna. Remy discovers the plot and after fighting off several members of the assisins guild decides to leave New Orleans to keep the bond between the thieves and the assisins guild. However a war between the two guilds occures and the thieves guild is completly assisinated. Bella Donna is given a twisted verson of events from her father stating that Remy was a traitor and thats why a hit was put on him and the thieves. Bella feels used and now hates Remy for what she believes has done...

Act Two: You find that Remy has fled to Las Vegas, mostly because the place is rich of profitable targets but is also a largely crowed place that assisins would avoid because of all the security cameras and lights. Whilst there he learns a few card tricks through observing how gamblers work. Unbeknown to him he is being watched by hotel securty, he is captured and taken to the owner of the casino... Nathaniel Essex, Nathaniel is the owner of Essex.Corp, which mostly deals with funding of mutant research for places like Muir Island. Nathaniel is also a fellow researcher himself but has a brilliant mind for business enviroment hence the Casino which helps funds his research. He likes to keep his hand in everything just so he can keep his finger on the pulse. However business rival Worthing Industry have been working closely with the goverment for unknown mutant related project. But like all other scientists they are being shut out of the project so Nathaniel wants Remy to infiltrate Worthington Lab to discover what their working on in exchange for Nathaniels help to bring Bella Donna to him. Remy manages to break into worthington labs and discovers there plans to create a cure. Remy informs Essex but before he leaves he is confronted by a younger Warren Worthington 2 - (Reprise from Michael Murphy who played him in X-Men The Last Stand) who warns Remy that Essex isnt exactly who he says he is and that he cant let Gambit leave with the cure research. However Gambit manages to escape but Mr Worthington 2 informs the goverment about the leak to which leads the Assisins Guild to Gambit. Upon his return to Vegas, Nathaniel informs Gambit that according to his information the Assisins Guild lead by Bella Donna killed all the Thieves guild members. Hurt by this information Essex offers Gambit the ability to seek his revenge, to even the score... If gambit agrees work soley for Essex he will increase Gambits mutant powers so he can seek revenge. Gambit agrees and the transforamtion makes his teleknetic powers more powerful and controlable plus his agility is improved tenfold.

Act Three: Gambit heads back to New Orleans to face the assisins guild, However is overpowered by the mass number of assisins including a vengful Bella Donna and Mr.Boudreaux who reveal's that Remy's mother was an assisins guild member who betrayed and that she had to pay for her treachury but because a union between thieves guild and assisins guild would of occured between Bella Donna and Remy, upon learning the truth about his origin he found it a great insult. Bella Donna discovers that her father lied to her and feeling hurt she sets fire to the assisins guild before she helps Gambit escape. But she is killed by the assisins after her father puts the a hit on her. In her last words she tells him how much she loved him and says he will get his revenge. Suddenly the guild explodes killing Mr.Boudreaux and the other assisin members... Horrified of what has become he leaves to seek out Dr.Essex the final seen sees Nathaniel offering a new job marked "Weapon X Facility" leading to his involvment in the wolverine movie.

That would be my Gambit Origin story... the second movie would be to include him in x-men 4...

X-Men 4: The Legacy Of The X-Men (My Fan-Fic)
Gambit would be played by Josh Holloway, showing the progression of time between the two movies.

Story: basically the story revolves around The Cure mutating into a virus that is targeting the mutant gene, fear and quarrenteen occures as the Morlocks seem to be effected the worst by this. Essex plus other scienstist are brought in to help find a cure but essex has an altiera motive, he sends his maurders to wipe out the Morlocks which he considered genetic mishapps that shouldnt of been. Gambit is originally on of the Maurders but has a change of heart when he meets de-powered Rogue who wants her powers back, Gambit helps Rogue get her powers back by Essex but learnrs Essex true sinister nature which leads to Gambit helping the X-Men take down Sinister.

I dont know if Rogue should be recast or weather a Anna Paquel and Josh Holloway Rogue and Gambit combo would work. But it would be brilliant to have him appear in both his origin then later in the x-men series denoting where he turned to the darkside and how he found redemption...
First of all I would give him Red and Black eyes, not some cheap tv show variation!
How would I do it?

I wouldn't.

We don't need separate movies for every character in the X-Men universe. Make a Wolverine movie, or 2, and some First Class prequels, and leave it at that.
I wouldn't make a Gambit origins films either.

Heck, I wouldn't even think of seeing Wolverine's solo film if they hadn't loaded it with cameos.
I wouldn't make a Gambit origins films either.

Heck, I wouldn't even think of seeing Wolverine's solo film if they hadn't loaded it with cameos.
How would I do it?

I wouldn't.

We don't need separate movies for every character in the X-Men universe. Make a Wolverine movie, or 2, and some First Class prequels, and leave it at that.

Agreed. I wouln't even make Wolverine 2 or X-men first class. Just good ol X-men movies.
What? you think certian characters of the marvel universe doesnt deserve there own movie?

Actually i wouldnt see a point of spinning off unless there was a really good story to tell. Personally i think there are only a few characters you can do that with in the x-men universe... Wolverine solo movie was inevitable, mostly because when you look back at the comics or even the cartoon series Wolverine has had his own solo adventures mostly because he can hold a story on his own. Again only a few characters can do that...

Here is a list of characters from the x-men universe that could have a spin off, and why they could...

Storm - depends on how she is used but i feel we could tie in the Black Panther and set it in Wikanda, We could detail the history of Storm growing up, meeting Black Panther and stopping a common enermy The Shadow King... There is a bases for a superhero movie to be based somewhere other than the US.

Gambit - like wolverine has had many solo missions, granted he hasnt had the extended past like Wolverine has had, but there are many levels to Gambit that needs to be explored i mean he is a thief, what drove him to it, why do people not hate him for being a thief. Plus we have his involvement with Sinister...

Young Xavier & Magneto - now basically they wanted to make a rise of magneto story but they said Xavier would be in it, Personally i feel if there going to tell the story of how the x-men came about i would have the story called X-Men Origins: Xavier & Magneto which shows how each of them grew up and how there lives cross pathed more than once before they formed an aliance to create the x-men.

But thats about it for Origin stories... as for the rest of the cast.

You could follow on X-Men 4 - but with the state the movie was left in by the end of x-men 3 it would lead to the logical conclusion that X-Men no longer exist and that Storm is left to control school... So by proxy i would say that the goverment through Beast assign a new mutant team..."X-Factor" consisting of Iceman, De-Powered Rogue and Angel. focusing on the younger generation of the x-men stories.

Or... you could create a live marvel tv series based on the current X-Factor Investigations... Eric Dane is a TV Actor and im guessing he could reprise his role as Madrox, all they would need is a strong guy, wolfbane and syran and you have a series.
What? you think certian characters of the marvel universe doesnt deserve there own movie?

Yes. That is exactly what I am saying.

Star Wars doesn't have spin offs for Obi-Won Kinobi, Yoda, Boba Fett, Lando, Han Solo, etc...

Lord of the Rings doesn't have spin offs for Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Sauron, etc...

Star Trek doesn't have Spock spin offs, and DeForest Kelley wasn't running around in solo Dr. McCoy adventures.

That's just how storytelling works. You don't need to tell solo stories for every character in your universe. It's unnecessary, it's overkill. Wolverine has nearly become as much of an independent character away from X-Men as he is a part of X-Men, so giving him a prequel solo movie isn't really all that out of place.

Deadpool is even more of an independent character, and not really all that much tied to any one particular universe, so if he got his own movie, I don't know that I'd even call it a spin off, to be honest. And when it comes to Fantastic 4 and Silver Surfer, well the same thing. Silver Surfer is a huge character on his own regardless for F4, so a Silver Surfer movie is warranted.

Gambit isn't. Gambit is a big name with X-Men, but he's not a big name outside of X-Men. Same goes for Storm. They are major players in the X-Men universe, but they aren't solo characters, and don't warrant movies being made about them. Making a solo movie for these characters is a LOT different than these characters having some story arcs that are revolving around them in an on going medium like a comic book. In a way, comic books and TV shows are a lot alike, because they are on going, and therefore have time to shift focus to different characters at different times, although the main core of lead characters always remains the same.

Movies are not like TV shows and comic books. They are very limited, self contained stories. On occassion, you can get a few movies out of a topic, such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and most comic book movies (because there is SO much to draw from), but they cannot be made in the same way as comics and TV shows. Every story cannot be told, every character cannot be showcased. That's why when it comes to comic book movies, they are never 100% accurate to the source material. Things NEED to be changed, period.

And making solo movies for every character in your source is not an effective, nor appropriate way to tell your story. You also need to maintain a particular core of characters, which means NO MOVIES that focus on Iceman, Kitty Pryde, and Colossus. Movies aren't comic books. Just because that would make a cool team in the comics does not mean it will work on the screen. These characters are nothing more than minor supporting characters. To throw them into the mix as lead characters is asking for disaster.

Making solo movies for anyone outside of Wolverine, and making SEQUELS to X-Men: The Last Stand without a good percentage of the CORE characters (Cyclops - dead, Xavier - dead, Jean Grey - dead, Rogue - cured) is asking for disaster, and quite frankly, poor film making. PREQUELS to the original X-Men movie, centering on the original team of Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey, and Beast, that COULD be appropriate (although perhaps unnecessary and overkill, as unlike Wolverine, there is really nothing un said about the past of the X-Men). But no X-Men 4 (it will either focus on a slew of supporting characters, without the established core of central characters, or it would undo the events of previous films - both attrocious choices). No solo spinoffs outside of Wolverine.

Let the franchise maintain some dignity.
I believe that if spin-offs are given to the right characters they can be a part of good storytelling. I really don't see what would be so bad about giving Gambit a spin-off. He may not be big outside of the X-universe, but who knows what this movie will do in terms of his popularity? And anyway, I see this point as irrelevant. Who cares if he's not big outside of the X-universe? If he has an interesting story to tell and people wanna see it then it really doesn't matter!
Mystique is another character that could use a solo film
There's no way we'll see a Gambit/Rogue relationship until the re-boot series. Even if Gambit had some movie only power where he ages slowly, Rogue would be too young for him with Gambit looking like a pedophile.
There's no way we'll see a Gambit/Rogue relationship until the re-boot series. Even if Gambit had some movie only power where he ages slowly, Rogue would be too young for him with Gambit looking like a pedophile.

There's no way we *should* see a Gambit/Rogue relationship period.
why do you lot talk so much like a comic book fan one minute and a movie fan the next, you're contradicting yourselfs so you can find a negative on both sides.

I understand your over protectiveness of the characters. But the way i see it is, X-Men is a universe of untold stories and could make good big screen movies... yeah some.

Now those examples you gave me, Lord of the rings, star wars and star trek. Firstly star trek was a popular television show, the reason there hasnt been a spin off, even after having several movies and multiple star trek series is because the universe they created is soly based on space exploration. What the core original shows was about... several years later they created a massive universe of history via the television or movies. So right now there at a point where a new Star Trek Series on TV can have a spin off if they wanted to. Why do you think the re-invented the movie series.

Lord of the rings was based on a book that followed on from the Hobbit... If your going to compaire this to anything... its like saying im going to make a story about the bible, but i want to make spin off's.... LOL.. X-Men original was one comic that devided into several comics spin offs that worked. What makes you think that wouldnt work on screen?

And finally Star Wars.

Simular premises to star trek really, it created its universe on screen..... And im surprised you bring up star wars considering its many spin offs....Cough Clone wars, Ewoks the battle of endor, Return of the ewok, The Great Heap...

But my point being X-Men Movieverse has a long history to maintain and will continue way beyond any other movie because you have the ability to move beyound the core characters from the original...

And what you got to remember is there is nothing stopping bringing back several characters. Jean - well we are well aware of her comic book resserection tale... she has come back from the dead more times than resident evil. Xavier is hinted that his mind was trasnfered to his brother who was a non-concious body in Muir Island and as for Scott well there is no evidence he actually was disintigrated? For all we know he washed up on sure at Sinisters own personal lab...

Remember its X-Men nobody dies.

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