What? you think certian characters of the marvel universe doesnt deserve there own movie?
Yes. That is exactly what I am saying.
Star Wars doesn't have spin offs for Obi-Won Kinobi, Yoda, Boba Fett, Lando, Han Solo, etc...
Lord of the Rings doesn't have spin offs for Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Sauron, etc...
Star Trek doesn't have Spock spin offs, and DeForest Kelley wasn't running around in solo Dr. McCoy adventures.
That's just how storytelling works. You don't need to tell solo stories for every character in your universe. It's unnecessary, it's overkill. Wolverine has nearly become as much of an independent character away from X-Men as he is a part of X-Men, so giving him a prequel solo movie isn't really all that out of place.
Deadpool is even more of an independent character, and not really all that much tied to any one particular universe, so if he got his own movie, I don't know that I'd even call it a spin off, to be honest. And when it comes to Fantastic 4 and Silver Surfer, well the same thing. Silver Surfer is a huge character on his own regardless for F4, so a Silver Surfer movie is warranted.
Gambit isn't. Gambit is a big name with X-Men, but he's not a big name outside of X-Men. Same goes for Storm. They are major players in the X-Men universe, but they aren't solo characters, and don't warrant movies being made about them. Making a solo movie for these characters is a LOT different than these characters having some story arcs that are revolving around them in an on going medium like a comic book. In a way, comic books and TV shows are a lot alike, because they are on going, and therefore have time to shift focus to different characters at different times, although the main core of lead characters always remains the same.
Movies are not like TV shows and comic books. They are very limited, self contained stories. On occassion, you can get a few movies out of a topic, such as
Star Wars,
Lord of the Rings, and most comic book movies (because there is SO much to draw from), but they cannot be made in the same way as comics and TV shows. Every story cannot be told, every character cannot be showcased. That's why when it comes to comic book movies, they are never 100% accurate to the source material. Things NEED to be changed, period.
And making solo movies for every character in your source is not an effective, nor appropriate way to tell your story. You also need to maintain a particular core of characters, which means NO MOVIES that focus on Iceman, Kitty Pryde, and Colossus. Movies aren't comic books. Just because that would make a cool team in the comics does not mean it will work on the screen. These characters are nothing more than minor supporting characters. To throw them into the mix as lead characters is asking for disaster.
Making solo movies for anyone outside of Wolverine, and making SEQUELS to
X-Men: The Last Stand without a good percentage of the CORE characters (Cyclops - dead, Xavier - dead, Jean Grey - dead, Rogue - cured) is asking for disaster, and quite frankly, poor film making. PREQUELS to the original
X-Men movie, centering on the original team of Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey, and Beast, that COULD be appropriate (although perhaps unnecessary and overkill, as unlike Wolverine, there is really nothing un said about the past of the X-Men). But no
X-Men 4 (it will either focus on a slew of supporting characters, without the established core of central characters, or it would undo the events of previous films - both attrocious choices). No solo spinoffs outside of Wolverine.
Let the franchise maintain some dignity.