X-Men Origins: Gambit-How would you do it?

There's no way we'll see a Gambit/Rogue relationship until the re-boot series. Even if Gambit had some movie only power where he ages slowly, Rogue would be too young for him with Gambit looking like a pedophile.
But we don't actually know when the Gambit cameo is supposed to take place as far as I know. It could be right before Wolverine meets Rogue or something. He might not be that much older than Rogue.
But we don't actually know when the Gambit cameo is supposed to take place as far as I know. It could be right before Wolverine meets Rogue or something. He might not be that much older than Rogue.

It seems likely the film takes place when Wolverine lost his memory, and that happened 15 years before X1. That much older then Rogue feels pretty pedo-ish.
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I think y'all have to forget the comic book Rogue/Gambit romance. Rogue was with Iceman in the movies - and you can't blame Ratner for that!

If they meet in an X4 or something like that, I think Rogue could be friends with Gambit or be attracted to his free-spiritedness and sense of fun, but don't expect them to get jiggy. Perhaps he could teach her to stop moping around and accept the good sides of being a mutant. Maybe he could give her a kinetic charge and her powers would come back!!!
It seems likely the film takes place when Wolverine lost his memory, and that happened 15 years before X1. 15 years older then Rogue feels pretty pedo-ish.
But that still doesn't prove exactly when he meets Gambit. It could be later on in that period. That's all I'm saying.
If Wolverine loses his memory 15 years ago, and Gambit meets him before then, that means Gambit is several years older then Rogue.

If Gambit and Rogue were even close in age they wouldn't even be introducing the age suppressant stuff. I agree you all should give up on the idea of a Gambit/Rogue match up in the current X-Films. It's never going to happen and if it does it will be pulled off in an awkward way.
Who cares about Rogue and Gambit as a couple anyway? I have already had more than i can stand in the comics. Gambit needs to shine on his own. That crap with Rogue is played out.
If Wolverine loses his memory 15 years ago, and Gambit meets him before then, that means Gambit is several years older then Rogue.
Am I missing something? Did they say that he lost his memory 15 years ago? Is this confirmed? Seriously, I wanna know. I could very well be.
Who cares about Rogue and Gambit as a couple anyway? I have already had more than i can stand in the comics. Gambit needs to shine on his own. That crap with Rogue is played out.
I care about them as a couple. And a lot of people do, actually. Not that I am some rabid "Romy" fan, but there you go. I do think that they should have a break in the comics (5 years or so would be nice), but I really think it would be silly not to include at least a reference to their relationship in the movieverse since it is a canonical relationship. Sadly, I could see them ignoring it completely.
Am I missing something? Did they say that he lost his memory 15 years ago? Is this confirmed? Seriously, I wanna know. I could very well be.

I believe it was established somewhere in the X-Films that is the length of time between's Logan's memory loss and the current events. I may be wrong though.
Ah. I see. Well, let's just see how they deal with everything.
I apologize in advance, I have to get my Guardball on for this one.

why do you lot talk so much like a comic book fan one minute and a movie fan the next, you're contradicting yourselfs so you can find a negative on both sides.

No, not at all. I recognize that comic books and movies are 2 completely different things, and I treat them as such.

I understand your over protectiveness of the characters. But the way i see it is, X-Men is a universe of untold stories and could make good big screen movies... yeah some.

Agreed. Which is why I think that the closure brought in X-Men: The Last Stand was the wrong way to go, because there was still stuff to touch upon. But alas, that's the direction they chose to take, and that's what we got.

Now those examples you gave me, Lord of the rings, star wars and star trek. Firstly star trek was a popular television show, the reason there hasnt been a spin off, even after having several movies and multiple star trek series is because the universe they created is soly based on space exploration. What the core original shows was about... several years later they created a massive universe of history via the television or movies. So right now there at a point where a new Star Trek Series on TV can have a spin off if they wanted to. Why do you think the re-invented the movie series.

Why do I think they re-invented the movie series? Easy. To make a buck. Which is exactly what re-boots and spinoffs are all about.

Secondly, when it comes to movies, even this remake realizes that Star Trek is an ensemble piece. This isn't Star Trek: The Adventures of Spock. And that is what we're talking about.

Lord of the rings was based on a book that followed on from the Hobbit... If your going to compaire this to anything... its like saying im going to make a story about the bible, but i want to make spin off's.... LOL.. X-Men original was one comic that devided into several comics spin offs that worked. What makes you think that wouldnt work on screen?

Because things that work in comic books don't work in movies. That should be pretty much a given considering that not one single comic book movie in the history of EVER has been 100% accurate. Not any of the X-Men movies, not any of the Spider-Man movies, not the Fantastic 4 movies, not Daredevil, not Ghost Rider, not the Burton / Shumacher Batman movies, not the Nolan Batman movies. Not Watchmen, not 300.

And finally Star Wars.

Simular premises to star trek really, it created its universe on screen..... And im surprised you bring up star wars considering its many spin offs....Cough Clone wars, Ewoks the battle of endor, Return of the ewok, The Great Heap...

None of which were movies. Most of what you just mentioned are straight to DVD, non canon children's movies.

But my point being X-Men Movieverse has a long history to maintain and will continue way beyond any other movie because you have the ability to move beyound the core characters from the original...

X-Men has no more history and longevity to maintain than any other comic book. Yet, no comic book franchise has gone on as long as you seem to think the X-Men franchise can. If BATMAN and SUPERMAN can't get past 4 without getting stale and needing a break, what makes you think that characters like Gambit, Storm, Mystique, Deadpool, Cable, etc... can maintain their own spinoff movies and franchises, when they don't have NEARLY the icon status that Batman and Superman have?

And if you think that a group X-Men movie can be manned by characters like Iceman, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Havok, Bishop, etc... without the likes of Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Xavier (who are the FOUNDATION of the X-Men), then you are as naiive as what we in the sports world call a "homer".

And what you got to remember is there is nothing stopping bringing back several characters. Jean - well we are well aware of her comic book resserection tale... she has come back from the dead more times than resident evil. Xavier is hinted that his mind was trasnfered to his brother who was a non-concious body in Muir Island and as for Scott well there is no evidence he actually was disintigrated? For all we know he washed up on sure at Sinisters own personal lab...

-Jean Grey: In the movies, Jean Grey / Phoenix is NOT a cosmic entity that cannot be killed. Jean Grey is NOT actually a clone, with the real Jean Grey underneath the waters of Alkali Lake. Jean Grey is a mutant. A human. A mortal. There is nothing about movie Jean Grey that allows her to resurrect. She never resurrected the first time. Her instincts and powers kept her alive underneath the water. On Alcatraz, Jean Grey consciously, willingly, allowed herself to be killed. And as a mortal, that means she is dead.

-Professor Xavier: Sure, we DID see Xavier transfer his mind to another body, but if we're actually going to utilize that in a movie, then the movie franchise loses ALL credibility. That is not something that will work in a movie franchise, everytime a character gets killed off, they come back. I'd prefer movies based on my favorite fictional universe to maintain some kind of dignity.

-Cyclops: There is PLENTY of evidence that Cyclops was vaporized - we see the demolecularization effect on Cyclops when he is kissing Jean; Wolverine finds Cyclops' glasses with no other trace of Cyclops anywhere; Jean Grey flat out stated that she killed Cyclops; Xavier felt Scott's essence fade away, thus sending Wolverine and Storm to Alkali Lake; Xavier TOLD Jean Grey that she killed Scott. Xavier has a psychic bond with all of his students, if anyone is going to know their fate, it is him.

Do you actually WATCH these movies? Or do you get mesmorized by the colorful special effects?

Just to throw the nail in the coffin:

-Beast: Left the X-Men again to become the ambassador for the United States. He is no longer an X-Man.

-Nightcrawler: Never became a member of the X-Men, and after X2 left the mansion (yes, I realize this was the fault of the X-Men: The Last Stand team, but the fact is, in continuity, Nightcrawler is not part of the X-Men).

-Angel: Never joined the X-Men, and after the incident on Alcatraz, Angel stayed in San Francisco (as we see him flying through the skies of San Francisco over the re-built Golden Gate Bridge). He never joined the X-Men, and he didn't stay long enough to form any relationships with the other X-Men. He has no ties to the X-Men, and will not be going back to them.

Remember its X-Men nobody dies.

In the COMICS. That kind of stuff does not work in movies.

A limited edition Gambit run works in the comics. It will NOT work in the movies.

Wolverine works because his backstory actually is part of the full story of the X-Men film franchise. The MAIN CHARACTER of the trilogy is established to know nothing of his past. Promises to find the answers to his past are what kept him with the X-Men in the first place, essentially allowing these movies to happen.

In the 2nd movie, the man responsible for Wolverine's unknown past returns, triggering SOME memories, but no answers. The answers to Wolverine's past are STILL unknown to both Logan AND the audience.

A "spin off" movie to explain Logan's past to the audience is definitely not out of line, and arguably, necessary. In fact, I wouldn't even call it a "spin off", because if anything this is more of a prequel than anything. This is necessary information to fill in the gaps through the rest of the series.

A Gambit film does not enrich the X-Men film series. Nor does a Mystique movie (we don't need to know her origins, nor is she a character worthy of developing in a solo movie). Storm doesn't either. Hell, Magneto doesn't even deserve a spinoff. His origins were addressed already. We know who he is and why he does what he does. We don't need a movie to tell us more of the same.
. . . .

Okay, seriously? I'm not one for dirty jokes, but someone please make a dirty joke about the title of this thread so the temptation passes me by.

Come on. I know you have it in you.
A Gambit film does not enrich the X-Men film series. Nor does a Mystique movie (we don't need to know her origins, nor is she a character worthy of developing in a solo movie). Storm doesn't either. Hell, Magneto doesn't even deserve a spinoff. His origins were addressed already. We know who he is and why he does what he does. We don't need a movie to tell us more of the same.

I agree with most of the rest of what you have said. But I do think there is scope for filling in more of the blanks in the X-Men's story, as the first movie jumped us right into an established team with uniforms and a jet.

How Magneto came to meet Charles Xavier and how and why they fell out would be interesting - it could also incorporate some more of Mystique. Hopefully, a Magneto movie would achieve that although whether it gets done is another matter.

And how the first pupils were recruited and how the school began its early years - that could also be interesting. Hopefully X-Men: First Class will show us that. It will give fans more Cyclops and could even showcase the power of Phoenix before the blocks were put in (maybe even a firebird effect too), as Beast hinted in X3 that he knew already that Phoenix did not have limits (on the way to Alcatraz: "Magneto has limits, she does not"). Maybe some terrible event proved this. Maybe they tackled Sentinels somewhere and she nuked them with her powers; as a result a Sentinel was incorporated into the Danger Room programming.

And, although I say this with great bias as a fan of the character, I think Storm has an interesting story to tell with her African origins and even the link to Black Panther. It's a great story how a woman who protected a people who worshipped her came to be in the USA protecting a people who hated/feared her. Whether this could be a solo movie, I have no idea, but the character has a large fanbase.
Nell2ThaIzzay - I like you, you have displayed a great deal of though into this, i agree with your points.

Except for one thing, X-Men: The Last Stand was the end of the X-Men trilogy... As you said the main core of the characters have either died or left and Storm alone cant hold the movie for X-Men 4...

But im also an optimist, you see there were still issues that wasnt addressed by the end of X-Men: The Last Stand. Not enough to continue the X-Men universe, the way i see it is that Storm has been left the school to run, Iceman, De-Powered Rogue, Angel, Colossus and Shadow Cat are left as the x-men? dont think that would work.

Oh an Angel did become an X-Man, in the scene where you see him flying over san fransico - Angel is wearing a X-Man uniform...took alot of freeze frames to see it because the scene goes way to fast. Plus in the promo art he is wearing an x-men

But thats going off the point...

There is a future for the x-men universe but i think we need to step away from the x-men as you said the core characters are dead...

Let me give you a scenario... What do you think about a movie revolving around X-Factor, and im talking about a bit of a merge between X-Factor one and two...

You see where Beast is now, being a popular character of the x-men universe up there with wolverine, cyclops and Professor X... do you think he could continue Xavier's dream in the sense of creating a goverment run mutant strike force simular to that of the X-Men?

Because it would be a vehicle to explain how important the x-men were, and the goverment realises that they need to tread lightly on how they resolve mutant affairs... So a strike force with mutants at the core would solve this, With Beast being in the position he is in couldnt you see him leading the new X-Factor style group involving, Iceman, Angel and Possibly Rogue.
Guardball 2 (I'm sorry, I know a lot of people hate it, but to me it's an effective way to address each statement)

Nell2ThaIzzay - I like you, you have displayed a great deal of though into this, i agree with your points.

I have put a lot of thought into this. I am overly obsessive with things that I am passionate about. Including petty things like X-Men movies and the San Francisco 49ers.

Except for one thing, X-Men: The Last Stand was the end of the X-Men trilogy... As you said the main core of the characters have either died or left and Storm alone cant hold the movie for X-Men 4...

But im also an optimist, you see there were still issues that wasnt addressed by the end of X-Men: The Last Stand. Not enough to continue the X-Men universe, the way i see it is that Storm has been left the school to run, Iceman, De-Powered Rogue, Angel, Colossus and Shadow Cat are left as the x-men? dont think that would work.

I don't either. I don't think that trimming the main series down to a trilogy was unnecessary, the films could have gone on plenty long. Although for movie telling purposes, I also think that the Phoenix Saga is the ULTIMATE closure to the trilogy, so even though they didn't need to bring such a brick wall ending to the series, I kind of almost agree with it. There's not much in the X-Men universe that's bigger than the Phoenix Saga; at least not stuff that would work on film (I don't think Age of Apocalypse would work at all).

Oh an Angel did become an X-Man, in the scene where you see him flying over san fransico - Angel is wearing a X-Man uniform...took alot of freeze frames to see it because the scene goes way to fast. Plus in the promo art he is wearing an x-men

Promos don't mean anything - but for the record he's not wearing an X-Men uniform, it's a grey t-shirt. I guarantee it.

But thats going off the point...

There is a future for the x-men universe but i think we need to step away from the x-men as you said the core characters are dead...

Let me give you a scenario... What do you think about a movie revolving around X-Factor, and im talking about a bit of a merge between X-Factor one and two...

I think it's overkill, to be honest. There's just really nothing set up in the previous movies that needs to be addressed in future movies. I think an X-Men 4, or spinoffs of any kind are just overkill. Like I've stated before about Wolverine:

1. Wolverine is just as much a solo character as he is a member of the X-Men, and thus by his status alone is justified for a solo film

2. Wolverine's backstory was introduced in the previous films, but never addressed. His backstory is rather vital to the understanding of the main character in the trilogy, thus a necessary movie to the series.

You see where Beast is now, being a popular character of the x-men universe up there with wolverine, cyclops and Professor X... do you think he could continue Xavier's dream in the sense of creating a goverment run mutant strike force simular to that of the X-Men?

I suppose it COULD work, I just don't really feel like it's necessary. Just look at Pirates of the Caribean sequels to see what happens when you make "unecessary" movies - just bad stuff all around. Tries to hard to recapture the original magic, not realizing that the original magic came from the fact that the film didn't TRY at all, it was just charming on it's own.

I think the same would go for future X-Men films and spinoffs. It's not really necessary, and because there's no natural transition to the next movies, it would lack the same magic that made the originals great.

Because it would be a vehicle to explain how important the x-men were, and the goverment realises that they need to tread lightly on how they resolve mutant affairs... So a strike force with mutants at the core would solve this, With Beast being in the position he is in couldnt you see him leading the new X-Factor style group involving, Iceman, Angel and Possibly Rogue.

I -could- see it, but to be honest, if we're going to do something like that, I'd probably prefer to just see an X-Men 4. And I don't think that's a good idea, as I've stated before.

I have thought about potential arcs for a possible X-Men 4, but to be honest, as good as some ideas are that I've come up with, and that I've heard from others, I still think I'd just prefer to see 3 X-Men films, 1 Wolverine film, and perhaps 1 or 2 First Class sequels to X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Personally, I think this would be the best direction for the franchise, if it is to continue:

-X-Men (2000)
-X2: X-Men United (2003)
-X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
-X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

-X-Men: First Class (future) - sequel to the events of X-Men Origins: Wolverine / prequel to X-Men (some stuff here seems to be setting up a possible X-Men: First Class).
-Wolverine 2 (future) - dependant upon events of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. That movie may set up to X-Men perfectly, and not need any stories between the 2. Perhaps post-X-Men: The Last Stand adventures in Japan or something.
-X-Men: First Class 2 (future) - sequel to First Class dependant upon the events of the first.

Though that said, everything PAST X-Men Origins: Wolverine is completely unneeded in my opinion.

I could see an X-Men: First Class happening based upon what may happen in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but to this point I don't feel that film is necessary.
I absolutely love Gambit, I think he is a great character(pretty much the main reason I am going to see the Wolverine movie) but I do not think he can carry his own movie. He is the stand-out supporting character who'd become the fan fav. On screen he needs mystery to his persona, not his own movie explaning his origins. I like Gambit as a main character in an ensemble movie or as he is in Wolverine's movie- a supporting character, hopefully a major one...though I am unsure as to why they'd put Gambit in a Wolverine I am definitely not complaining.

So I probably wouldn't want a Gambit origins movie...but I am hyprocrite, I'd probably be first in line at the theater.
Nell2ThaIzzay dont worry about the guardball's, i find it better to read them than one long rant...

Anyway lets talk story arcs for a second... Now i know how you feel about Pheonix being the ultimate show stopper for the story. But in my mind i think it is just a show stopper for a part of the x-men saga, there is still something left to follow on... Let me explain.

Now i have been a marvel fan ever since the eighties, i was pratically brought up with a marvel comic. One of the great stories that i felt could of translated to the big screen was the legacy virus... Albiet the story would vastly have to be changed before considering it. In my opinion X-Men 3 should of joined Phoenix with The Legacy Virus storyline but when i look back i think mixing it with a cure was probably for the better...

The whole arch that follows the trilogy was Mutation, but it only talks about mutation within humans. Now by the end of last stand you had a depowered rogue, but magneto possibly regaining his powers... it was hinted. It got me thinking... what kind of arch could follow regaining there powers, then it hit me. What if we incorporated The Legacy Virus as a base for the next x-men movie.

What if... The Cure mutated, instead of supressing the mutant gene it had an adverse reaction causing mutants to die, basically what if the cure which supressed the gene was doing more harm by (caging the beast) or power within them leading to the system slowly shutting itself down.

Why would The Cure mutate? well i have given it alot of thought and i think the cure's mutation could be linked to Pyro's attack on the cure facilities. - think about the batches of the cure leaking into the sewer's being heated by Pyro's flames and mixing with the diseases beneath the sewer... we then have a segway to re-introduce The Morlocks...

Picture this, after what happend on M-Day the devide between human and mutants are on the brink of uncertanty. It would take oh something like a viral outbreak to re-ignight the fear in humans to quickly judge... quarenteening area's, mutant researchers... We could bring in Dr.Essex working on a cure with Moria & possibly Beast because the viral outbreak is something that has been brought to his attention. See what i was thinking is we could have a whole new trilogy arch with Sinister replacing Magneto as the villian you follow, but Sinisters agenda is personal gain, and the concluding part would be if an x-men 6 were to happen not saying it would but you could lead to Sinister recruiting horsemen for apocalypse... but that is a whole other arch i dont really want to get into, to cut it short i think the apocalypse arch could work but you would need three movies to do it, and it wouldnt be as grand as the comic but there would be enough stories to fill three movies.

Anyway back to the legacy virus, so far the cure mutates causing outbreak. Now Dr.Essex as we know is a perfectionist, and his believes maybe harsher than those of moria nad beast, so we could bring in The Maruaders to massicure the morlocks who are supposibly spreading the virus. All dont unofficial, we could go some dark places with this, we could have Dr.Essex, repower Rogue... Pyro could be infected by the virus and goes all preachy because of the choices he has made and now he regretes them, he dies as no cure is found in time. Angel could lose his wings during the fight with the murauders which is an event the comic, this could lead him reflecting on wanting to lose his wings before and the whole Arch-angel darkside of the character could be something to lead upon...

The first trilogy had the arc of magneto's war
The second trilogy arc should be something along the lines of survival of the fitist and it goes from not not becoming the superior race. But a fight to recognise there true potential. I dont think age of apocalpyse could work but a rise of apocalpyse may work but again as i said its a story you would need to have developed from x-men 4 by introducing a Mr Sinister character to fuel the story along, legacy virus would be the first part of survival of the fittist story, second would be fighting against the worse scenario betrail of mutants themselves, so again maybe the hellfire club having a controlling interest in the sentinal project, you dont litterally see a robot walking around but the story is more about the hellfire selling out mutants for there own personal gain, were magneto may have saw mutants as superior, were all of them worthy to have the mutant gene, especially if there going to sell out.

So let me know your thoughts on this, i feel it could work but you seem to have a better sense of the big picture.
So let me know your thoughts on this, i feel it could work but you seem to have a better sense of the big picture.

My thoughts are that this WOULD work in a film if they didn't brick wall the franchise with X-Men: The Last Stand.

You're still going into a franchise without Xavier, Cyclops, Jean, etc... Core characters. You're also picking up where no story arcs were left unfinished, essentially just forcing storylines.

For instance, in X-Men, it wasn't exactly a cliffhanger ending, but there were some loose ends. The best example was Logan leaving in search of clues to his past. His mysterious past was a big part of the film, and it ended with him going off in search of his past. So there are more story arcs right there that are left open.

There is also Mystique impersonating Senator Kelly, meaning that the Brotherhood is still going to be left up to their mischievious ways. So off the bat, there are a few loose ends in X-Men to address in the sequel.

The loose ends in X2 are blatant, hit you in the face with a frying pan obvious. Jean Grey is the big one. To a casual fan, sure, they don't necessarily know. But to comic fans, the death of Jean Grey means the beginning of something bigger than anything in the X-Men world. There is also Pyro leaving the X-Men to go join the Brotherhood, as Magneto departs to pursue his war. These were the loose ends in X2 that were tackled in X-Men: The Last Stand (Magneto is already fighting his war, as it's established that between X2 and X-Men: The Last Stand he's committing terrorist acts around the globe) - how well is up for discussion, as some (like myself) liked it, and others (everyone else) hated it.

There weren't really any loose ends in X-Men: The Last Stand. Magneto's war has been fought, he and his Brotherhood defeated. Rogue's struggle with her powers is over with, as she is "cured". Xavier is dead, and Storm takes over the school, while Iceman makes the leap from student to teacher. Beast goess back off to Washington, Angel goes back home to San Francisco with no ties to the X-Men. Logan, the drifter, has finally found a home, and Cyclops and Jean Grey, the original members, are dead.

Sure, there's the shock value scenes with Magneto and Xavier at the end, but those aren't really "loose ends" so much as "okay, Magneto still has his powers and Xavier survived". Mostly shock value stuff, no real significance.

I also don't think that the Legacy Virus is as big as the Phoenix Saga.

So with that said, I'm still pretty much against any post-X-Men: The Last Stand films, or any spin offs other than Wolverine (and I still don't know how I feel about sequels - I'll have to see this film first).

Pre-X-Men prequels could possibly work, but again, I personally don't feel that there are really that many loose ends that need to be explained from BEFORE the trilogy outside of Wolverine's past.

I was thinking about it at work tonight, and the best way to continue the movie version of the characters might be a Clone Wars style cartoon or something. That's where spinoffs and minor characters work best, is on a TV show or a cartoon. I could see a post-X-Men: The Last Stand X-Men cartoon about Iceman, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Storm, etc... I think that might actually be rather interesting.

But I really don't want to over saturate the movie version of the X-Men. Personally, I think that a quadrilogy containing the main X-Men trilogy, and the Wolverine origins film, would be perfect.

Wolverine MAY set up a First Class prequel film rather well, and then we could get into that, but I won't know until I actually see the film.
I could see Gambit in two movies that would complement each other...

X-Men Origin: Gambit - Taylor Kitsch reprises the role of Gambit but the story would take place before X-Men Origin: Wolverine...


Act One:The story begins with a brief history of the Thieves Guild and there association with the Assisins Guild. The two guilds used to work together to help each other. The thieves guild acted as intelligence gathering for the Assisins. and the Assisins gave the thieves guild possible locations or people they could gain a profit from. The story then centres on two children grown up within the guilds, Remy LeBeau and Bella Donna Boudreaux - Remy's mother became a target of the assisins guild, but was a friend of Jean-Luc LeBeau who was a member of the Thieves guild, Jean-Luc agrees to look after Remy when his mother is forced to go on the run. Remy and Jean-Luc's son Julian are brought up together considering each other as brothers. They both meet a young Bella Donna and three become great friends, years later Remy and Bella form a relationship but we learn that there relationship was a set up by Jean-Luc and Mr Boudreaux the leader of the assisins guild to forge together the two guilds by a single union. But Mr Boudreaux discovers that Remy is not really a member of the Thieves guild and believes this was a set up by Jean-Luc to make them look stupid. The reality of it was that Jean-Luc originally wanted Julian to be marrid to Bella but Bella was naturally attracted more to Remy so he didnt reveal Remy's true origin. Tension between Remy and Bella grow as they both are forced to take there families sides but Mr Boudreaux puts a hit out on Remy unbeknownst to the thieves guild and Bella Donna. Remy discovers the plot and after fighting off several members of the assisins guild decides to leave New Orleans to keep the bond between the thieves and the assisins guild. However a war between the two guilds occures and the thieves guild is completly assisinated. Bella Donna is given a twisted verson of events from her father stating that Remy was a traitor and thats why a hit was put on him and the thieves. Bella feels used and now hates Remy for what she believes has done...

Act Two: You find that Remy has fled to Las Vegas, mostly because the place is rich of profitable targets but is also a largely crowed place that assisins would avoid because of all the security cameras and lights. Whilst there he learns a few card tricks through observing how gamblers work. Unbeknown to him he is being watched by hotel securty, he is captured and taken to the owner of the casino... Nathaniel Essex, Nathaniel is the owner of Essex.Corp, which mostly deals with funding of mutant research for places like Muir Island. Nathaniel is also a fellow researcher himself but has a brilliant mind for business enviroment hence the Casino which helps funds his research. He likes to keep his hand in everything just so he can keep his finger on the pulse. However business rival Worthing Industry have been working closely with the goverment for unknown mutant related project. But like all other scientists they are being shut out of the project so Nathaniel wants Remy to infiltrate Worthington Lab to discover what their working on in exchange for Nathaniels help to bring Bella Donna to him. Remy manages to break into worthington labs and discovers there plans to create a cure. Remy informs Essex but before he leaves he is confronted by a younger Warren Worthington 2 - (Reprise from Michael Murphy who played him in X-Men The Last Stand) who warns Remy that Essex isnt exactly who he says he is and that he cant let Gambit leave with the cure research. However Gambit manages to escape but Mr Worthington 2 informs the goverment about the leak to which leads the Assisins Guild to Gambit. Upon his return to Vegas, Nathaniel informs Gambit that according to his information the Assisins Guild lead by Bella Donna killed all the Thieves guild members. Hurt by this information Essex offers Gambit the ability to seek his revenge, to even the score... If gambit agrees work soley for Essex he will increase Gambits mutant powers so he can seek revenge. Gambit agrees and the transforamtion makes his teleknetic powers more powerful and controlable plus his agility is improved tenfold.

Act Three: Gambit heads back to New Orleans to face the assisins guild, However is overpowered by the mass number of assisins including a vengful Bella Donna and Mr.Boudreaux who reveal's that Remy's mother was an assisins guild member who betrayed and that she had to pay for her treachury but because a union between thieves guild and assisins guild would of occured between Bella Donna and Remy, upon learning the truth about his origin he found it a great insult. Bella Donna discovers that her father lied to her and feeling hurt she sets fire to the assisins guild before she helps Gambit escape. But she is killed by the assisins after her father puts the a hit on her. In her last words she tells him how much she loved him and says he will get his revenge. Suddenly the guild explodes killing Mr.Boudreaux and the other assisin members... Horrified of what has become he leaves to seek out Dr.Essex the final seen sees Nathaniel offering a new job marked "Weapon X Facility" leading to his involvment in the wolverine movie.

That would be my Gambit Origin story... the second movie would be to include him in x-men 4...

X-Men 4: The Legacy Of The X-Men (My Fan-Fic)
Gambit would be played by Josh Holloway, showing the progression of time between the two movies.

Story: basically the story revolves around The Cure mutating into a virus that is targeting the mutant gene, fear and quarrenteen occures as the Morlocks seem to be effected the worst by this. Essex plus other scienstist are brought in to help find a cure but essex has an altiera motive, he sends his maurders to wipe out the Morlocks which he considered genetic mishapps that shouldnt of been. Gambit is originally on of the Maurders but has a change of heart when he meets de-powered Rogue who wants her powers back, Gambit helps Rogue get her powers back by Essex but learnrs Essex true sinister nature which leads to Gambit helping the X-Men take down Sinister.

I dont know if Rogue should be recast or weather a Anna Paquel and Josh Holloway Rogue and Gambit combo would work. But it would be brilliant to have him appear in both his origin then later in the x-men series denoting where he turned to the darkside and how he found redemption...
I liked your idea, Velvet, but there are some minor problems:

. X-men Origins: Wolverine is set 20 years before X1.

. Warren Worthington found out his son was a mutant 15 years before X3. So, 14 or 13 years before X1.

. Your gambit movie is set prior to Wolverine's movie, so, Worthington Labs would't be working in the Cure yet.

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