X3 Teaser Poster is Up in Theaters!


Simply Amazing
Jun 7, 2004
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Just saw the X3 teaser poster up in a big theater today, bunch of people were looking around at it. One person said it reminded them of the Jurassic Park 3 teaser poster.
I like the poster. Having doubts about the movie though. Hope I'm wrong. Thus far superhero movies have not done well w/a third installment-especially w/director changes.
I can't find a Pic of it anywhere online, not even poster.com. Oh well, I'd rather wait until a more official poster comes out.
Atomicchuck3k said:
I can't find a Pic of it anywhere online, not even poster.com. Oh well, I'd rather wait until a more official poster comes out.


Threshold said:
Just saw the X3 teaser poster up in a big theater today, bunch of people were looking around at it. One person said it reminded them of the Jurassic Park 3 teaser poster.
A Jurassic Park 3 comparison does NOT make me feel better about this.
It's cool vile one...let's just hope the director actually pay's attention the the characters and gives each of them a larger part in the movie...especially storm. I'm sure it will be great....I actually have a feeling that this will be far better than the first two!
It and the V For Vendetta poster were up when I went to see WotW on Wednesday night.
Fox are really pushing this movie aren't they? Posters, trailers....Ratner is under some serious amount of pressure.
Chris Wallace said:
I like the poster. Having doubts about the movie though. Hope I'm wrong. Thus far superhero movies have not done well w/a third installment-especially w/director changes.

Also, there haven't really been any "thirds" since the comic book movie genre got it's rebirth, through X-Men, I'll have you know.

The only "third" since Batman Forever was Blade Trinity, and you really can't blame Blade Trinity for being a bad movie, because well, Blade 2 did a damn good job of ruining a great thing, Blade Trinity didn't have to come along to do that (Guerimo Del Toro is the worst director on the face of the planet, I hate this guy. He ruins a totally awesome movie with Blade by making Blade 2, and Hellboy was a worthless piece of **** too. You all complain about Ratner, just be thankful that it's not Del Toro that we have. -THAT- would be the ruining of this franchise).

X-Men 3 is going to be the first "real" 3rd (I say real, because again, the Blade franchise was already ruined by Blade 2 by the time Blade Trinity came out. X2 was quite the opposite) since the comic book movie genre has been ressurected. And if some of the recent 3rds are any indication (Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban, Revenge of the Sith, Return of the King, Matrix Revolutions - A lot of people will say this sucked... but most of those people hated Matrix Reloaded also, so that means Revolutions didn't really ruin it... but Matrix Revolutions was pretty much as good as Matrix Reloaded at least in tone, and in my opinion, a good movie anyways), on top of the fact that all failed thirds are unneccesary (Terminator 3, Jurassic Park 3, etc...), I'm not too worried about this movie. I don't hate Ratner either, so that helps.

Only one thing I'm worried about, and I've complained enough about that in other threads, I don't need to bring it here too :D
Well I am expecting the movie to be great! I will like it nonetheless, I do not critisise much on movies and I appreciate the effort from the actors...I am desparately anticipating it!
It was up over at the Irving cinema when I saw WOTW, and the Narnia poster as well...
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
Also, there haven't really been any "thirds" since the comic book movie genre got it's rebirth, through X-Men, I'll have you know.

The only "third" since Batman Forever was Blade Trinity, and you really can't blame Blade Trinity for being a bad movie, because well, Blade 2 did a damn good job of ruining a great thing, Blade Trinity didn't have to come along to do that (Guerimo Del Toro is the worst director on the face of the planet, I hate this guy. He ruins a totally awesome movie with Blade by making Blade 2, and Hellboy was a worthless piece of **** too. You all complain about Ratner, just be thankful that it's not Del Toro that we have. -THAT- would be the ruining of this franchise).

X-Men 3 is going to be the first "real" 3rd (I say real, because again, the Blade franchise was already ruined by Blade 2 by the time Blade Trinity came out. X2 was quite the opposite) since the comic book movie genre has been ressurected. And if some of the recent 3rds are any indication (Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban, Revenge of the Sith, Return of the King, Matrix Revolutions - A lot of people will say this sucked... but most of those people hated Matrix Reloaded also, so that means Revolutions didn't really ruin it... but Matrix Revolutions was pretty much as good as Matrix Reloaded at least in tone, and in my opinion, a good movie anyways), on top of the fact that all failed thirds are unneccesary (Terminator 3, Jurassic Park 3, etc...), I'm not too worried about this movie. I don't hate Ratner either, so that helps.

Only one thing I'm worried about, and I've complained enough about that in other threads, I don't need to bring it here too :D

Okay, even if you hate Del Toro, how could he be the worst director ever when Uwe Boll exists and Ed Wood used to? Come on, man, that's a rather lofty claim.

Del Toro is one of my favorite directors. In my opinion, Blade 2 is by far the best in the series and Hellboy was a great film.
LOL...Fox really should've put up a teaser page or something on the net by now, because the URL is plastered on the bottom of that teaser poster....:p I've tried the URL, and it isn't even forwarding to the Fox site yet. :o
I think they're waiting to launch the site with the teaser. If not, they're just being lazy asses. :D
In my opinion, Blade 2 is by far the best in the series.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree. :up:
Ugh...I didn't even try to look for one (X-men 3 teaster poster) at my Paramount Theatre. I did get to see Jesse Metcalfe (of Desperate Housewives fame) out and about tho. lol
I would prefer Del Toro over Ratner any day, though I don't really like either of them. Del Toro is a great visual director, and I love his smaller films, but his comic book adapted flicks thus far (Blade 2, Hellboy) are very..empty.

However, I do like Del Toro's passion, perhaps that's something that Ratner lacks as a filmmaker. I wish Ratner the best of luck though.

Anyway, it's good to start the hype early with the posters. Very simple but effective.
Roughneck said:
l love you

This was said by Ballistic Liz under my key. NOT ACTUALLY ME!!!

Not that I don't though.....

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