You know the End is Near


Mar 26, 2001
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Ok, this is for you political guys.
Most of you have actually talked about it here in the political thread, so I wanted to create it here, and not in the main community.

I really am curious, please keep it somewhat serious guys, I love talking about these scenarios.

You have 1 year, you KNOW in 1 year the following is going to happen, you don't know if anything ELSE will happen, or this was it.

1) All electricity Plants in the world will cease to function.
2) All Public Water Plants in the world will cease to function.
3) Public Order will cease.
4) All Global Governments will cease.
5) The end is sudden, meaning, everything is fine up till about a day or so.

How do you prepare?
What do you do?
Do you save yourself, of get a group together? What sort of political system do you setup for yourselves?
Here is a good primer leading to the financial crisis and the bailout. The index will be constantly updated with dates included.

Code Blue: Guarded
Things you can do prepare, that is not cost intensive. If nothing happens in the long term, you still have nothing to lose to try any of this. Mostly basic stuff.

Body Preparation
Bugout Kit - Updated 10/8/08 - included Hygiene Subkit

Code Yellow: Elevated
You have a bit more money to invest in protecting your welfare.

Transportation - Coming Soon
The Yurt - New 10/21/08

Code Orange: High
A full on recession or depression for a couple years. Expect the public not react really well.

Small Units Tactics - Coming Soon

Code Red: Severe
Full and complete return to pre-industrial society.
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This could be a very fun and disturbing topic (fact it might be real), I am going to reserve this post. I actually have quite a bit of info to put up (from researching for a fictional story). But I want to post most of it down in at the same time or in intervals.

But one of the first thing we need to distinguish - what you do on the move, and what to do if you choose to settle down somewhere.

There is a great series of books on this, written by S. M. Stirling , the first book is called Dies the Fire...check it there...Gunpowder doesnt work anymore either.
I'd probably invest in a lot candles, generators, canned food, and bottled water...get my loved ones, go out to the country, and establish some sort of bunker.
My parents own a lot of land in the country, though they have several close neighbors, they have enough space for a bunker and land to grow food on. But my wife wouldn't go for it, so we'd suffer the fates.
There is a great series of books on this, written by S. M. Stirling , the first book is called Dies the Fire...check it there...Gunpowder doesnt work anymore either.

I see a lot of books, which are the good ones? Besides the first one.

I'd probably invest in a lot candles, generators, canned food, and bottled water...get my loved ones, go out to the country, and establish some sort of bunker.

I think one of the first thing people must consider is, even if you go to some bunker you have to worry about raiders. Where ever you have to bunk out, it has to be a smart location. Mobility and even scavenging will be essential skill sets.

Don't forget toilet paper. Stock up on a lot of toilet paper :woot:

I know everything as it exists now, will end in 1 year. I am going to throw it in a list, somewhat ordered, although many of the things would happen at the same time.

I am going to break it down into sections:
1) Recruiting
You need people with skills, in all sorts of fields to join you, doctors, ranchers, machinists, contractors for construction, teachers, etc...

2) Finances
Right off the bat, every person you recruit, needs to sell off their non-needed personal assets, and get as many credit cards as they can (your credit report is not going to matter in a year)....With all these finances, you will have to buy things in the Procurement area.

3) Home Base Procurement
This is the huge task, of buying a piece of land that you will have to start building as fast as you can. It will have to have, a water supply, good soil for planting, wood for burning nearby, and hopefully wildlife for hunting.

4) Material Procurement
- Books - Chemistry, Biochemistry, Horticulture, Construction, Smelting, Iron-Working, Horse Breeding, Gunsmithing, Metalsmithing, Wheelworking, Medicine, Sewing, Leatherworking, Weaving, Electronics, Motors, Welding, Mathematics as well as Classic literature, I would want to try to keep copies of things like Shakespeare, etc... (dont forget school books to have people learn with).....basically a freaking library
- Arms, obviously we cant buy hundreds of guns at one time, but you can start picking up a few and buy ammo to stock up at regular intervals, like once a week, you goto 2-4 different stores buying all sorts of ammo, and then of course, once a month or so, but a new gun. You have to keep off the radar of the government to keep this up.
- Work Equipment - Shovels, rakes, pickaxes, hammers, etc...
- House Wares - Pots, Pans, silverware, blankets, matresses, and ALOT of sewing materials (needle, thread, and anything HAND driven)
- Medicine - Aspirin, and anything that can be long lived, penecillan, and numerous other drugs the doctors of the group tell me to get, this includes medical supplies like bandages, saline, needles, you name it...
- Livestock - Horses, cows, pigs, chickens, goats, sheep
- Raw Building Materials - If you can still afford it, a bunch of raw materials for building might be nice. (fence posts, concrete, fence pickets, barbed wire, etc...)
- Seeds for growing, alot of them and of a good variety that will grow in the area
- Massive amounts of non-perishable food

5) Construction
This will be tough, because you need to build up your property, to suit you, while still in the real world (with a government) to help you in the new world.
You will need extra living areas (buildings to house the people of your post apocalyptic village), library, barns for livestock, fences for livestock to graze, irrigation for planting, storage buildings for other non-perishable materials, building for the sick. This all needs to be non-threatening to the nearby populace, so you dont get on the governments radar.

Hopefully, you can get some planting done here also, so you have some crops at the time of the event.

6) Relocation
Now, you have been getting this stuff for months, you need to slowly have it trickle into the camp, again, you cant be to obvious about it.

7) Hole Up
A few days before hand, you start the obvious building of defenses of your camp. Might be a little excessive to put up walls, might not be. But at least put up some towers so you can see a good distance.

8) Politics
This is a tough one.
First and foremost, all people agree, they obey the laws, or are ejected from the town, simple as that.

Who is to lead, not sure yet.
Frankly I would kiss my butt goodbye. I'm assuming that if the world wide power grid were to fail, that means there is no more fuel (or very little) left to power the turbines. Nations all over the world would start jockeying for what little fuel (oil, gas, coal, whatever) is left and the situation would soon turn ugly. The entire economies of superpower or near superpower nations is totally dependent on oil, so it wouldnt surprise me if the missiles started flying for dominance of what is left. Game over.

I wouldnt bother trying to convince others of what is going to happen. Where could we go? In any situation, I cant imagine lasting long. Besides, I cant function without my medication. I'd be full out manic a few weeks after my meds run out.
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Frankly I would kiss my butt goodbye. I'm assuming that if the world wide power grid were to fail, that means there is no more fuel (or very little) left to power the turbines. Nations all over the world would start jockeying for what little fuel (oil, gas, coal, whatever) is left and the situation would soon turn ugly. The entire economies of superpower or near superpower nations is totally dependent on oil, so it wouldnt surprise me if the missiles started flying for dominance of what is left. Game over.

I wouldnt bother trying to convince others of what is going to happen. Where could we go? In any situation, I cant imagine lasting long. Besides, I cant function without my medication. I'd be full out manic a few weeks after my meds run out.

True, but I would say the hell with it and form my own pre-industrial age colony....

Stockpiling gas will be to hard to any massive quantities...
I would still wake up at five thirty in the morning, do a little bit of yoga, run a few miles, bathe, walk to school, where I teach junior high social studies, ethics and history, as I do every day, and teach them what I teach every day: that it's up to each and every individual to make this world a better place, which holds true now as it will hold in a post apocalyptic future
of course, right now, I'm doing my best to teach my kids it's up to them to avoid that kind of future
and yes, panic shopping sprees and credit oversaturation is one of the things that would further bring this kind of scenario
True, but I would say the hell with it and form my own pre-industrial age colony....

Stockpiling gas will be to hard to any massive quantities...

If you have a year, and assuming you have the cash, you could install a solar power system, or maybe even a big windmill in your back yard...
Well London would be underwater within a year so probabley head inland up north somewhere.
Doesn't the end being sudden sort of preclude planning?
How do you prepare?
I'm not sure this is something that can have proper preparation; it's dependent upon where a person lives to some extent. I feel like this is the kind of thing that is survived as opposed to any preparatory response. Don't misunderstand, I could store dry food stuffs, fluids, other nutrients, a portable heating source, amid a bevy of other things and maybe some type of weaponry, but the variables are unaccounted for.

Do I wait six months to get everything ready and then disappear into a rural area before it happens? Do I have family? If so, will they cooperate? What about my friends? Do I tell them? What if they don't believe me? Do I abandon them? How is my health? Am I traveling with any other people who I perceive as weak links?

Personally, I would try to learn and understand as much as I could about agriculture, wild game prep, and alternative food sources. I would start attempting to make the transition from grocery-shopping suburbanite to nomadic survivor.

I feel that a plan is essential, but only experience would enable me to persevere, endure, and ultimately survive.

Do you save yourself, of get a group together? What sort of political system do you setup for yourselves?
I'm not sure a political system is a priority. That seems like a liability. If I'm on my own, it's less of a problem, but if I'm with other people, we would definitely need to set up a structural authority. A political order may become bogged down in semantics, but I would work to establish a loose system of order. Am I trying to survive or save other people, some historical preservation, etc...?

Also, if your scenario happened, I would need weapons for defense. I may enjoy living off of the land, but many a person may and probably would try to live off of me. *pumps shotgun*

At this point, chaos is sure to envelop with no order, so imho Malice, we would all have no other choice than to prepare for war. A worldwide chaotic war comprised of minute skirmishes and slaughters. Hunger disputes. Water riots. Unscrupulous individuals looking to cause trouble for the thrill of it. Multiple militia groups forming to protect themselves and embark on their own formulations about an answer to the situation. When order leaves, people would show their true colors and I definitely wouldn't stay around to witness them.

Hypothetically, I'm in the Canadian Mountainous region somewhere with a sizable amount of food, sufficient shelter, weaponry, and a fresh supply of water nearby. I would prefer a cold area to combat the concern of disease as well. I need some dogs also to help me hunt and to serve as my eyes and ears: preferably husky mixed with German Shepherd. I would also get rid of any identification on my person or any ties to my past existence and become a ghost in a figurative sense.
For one, I would want to have a gun, a crossbow, and a few knives, because hunting would be essential.

Second, I would want to stock up with as many non-perishable goods as possible, including canned soups, vegetables, and meat [sounds gross, but when faced with such a crisis, I'm sure I'd be able to cope].

Third, a continuous source of fire would also be essential. Half of my savings would be going towards bic and Zippo lighters.

Fourth, assuming the sun is not blocked out from view by whatever this disaster is, some sort of solar generator would need to be purchased to power whatever shelter I am living in.

Fifth, I would need paper, pens, and books to ensure a source of entertainment.

Sixth, there is a pond with a stream in my backyard, and assuming it doesn't cease to rain, I have a source of water-- so that is no big deal.

Seventh, I would have to put my management skills to task and organize as many people who are still left in my area into a community of some sort.

Those are just brief points as of now.
Body Preparation
Head back here for the index.​

Start working out, keep your body lean and mean, with emphasis on a balance of strength and endurance. Start to learn the body weight conditioning techniques. Practice and ease yourself into it by doing it every 2-3 other days, to every other day to 4-5 times a week. You need to calibrate based on how your body feels. If it is sore, that is good, because it is trying to repair itself (DOMS). If you don’t feel anything, you are either really fit or doing something wrong. My suggestions: hindu squats, hindu pushups (or just pushups), one leg squat pistols, back bridges – there are tons of videos on YouTube for this.

Learn to keep a good diet. No more microwave/oven dinners and lunches. Learn to clean, cut and cook meats and vegetables; I like to call this the caveman diet. The caveman diet denotes a more primal image – meat that you hunt and eat, and vegetation you pick up on the field; nothing artificial (at least try to avoid). I’d avoid bread and crackers, for your fibre I suggest oatmeal instead.

Yea stop smoking. Don’t have to explain why. Besides you probably went get to smoke much when **** hits the fan anyways.

Notice none of this preparation is waste of time; even if nothing catastrophic happens; your lifestyle will improve significantly. More importantly you save money on medical bills and horribly overpriced junk food.
Bugout Kit
Head back here for the index.​

You have a backpack that has all the things you need to survive on the short term, whilst giving you mobility to get a destination or scavenge around. So if things get dicey, you grab this bag and head out. If you are not too prepared, it’s better than nothing. It’s not expensive and much of the items – you could use anyways even if things don’t turn out bad. A lot credit goes to the SAS Survival Guide. I streamlined it a bit to fit the more urban and suburban folks.

Knife – I would go against anything cheap here. You will need your knife a lot, and you want something good and reliable. Don’t get a folding knife either. Get a k-bar with a rounded handle, because you don’t blisters from excessive use. Make sure it has a positive fastening and tunnel belt loop.
Multi Tool - I would get a Leatherman, Gerber Multi-Tool. Forget the Swiss Army novelty knives.
Hand Gun: Glock 17, reliable (can tolerate water and sand), very little moving parts, light weight
Bottle – For water. Consider buying condoms too, they are good for being impromptu waterbags. Avoid tin.
Waterproof Matches
Flint with Striker
Needles and Thread
Compass – liquid filled since pointers rust. Have a map on hand, and a pencil and eraser or pen.
Pencil Size Torch - flip batteries wrong way so you don't accidently turn it on and waste it
Survival Bag - heat insulated. Reflective material to keep you warm and free of condensation.​

Medical Subkit
For these medications, copy the list down and head to some drug store (or Walmart) and ask some sales or pharmacist for these items:

Analgesic - pain relief
Intestinal sedative - for diarrhea
Antibiotic - for infections
Antihistamine - for allergies​

Here are the rest non-medication items:

Alcohol Pads
Cotton Wool
Water Sterlizing Tablets
Surgical Blade
Butterfly Sutures
Waterproof Plasters
Hygiene Subkit
It's up to you if you want to anything more like a deodorant, keep in mind anything more is going to be luggage.
Toothbrush + Toothpaste
Floss (do it everyday!)
Tea tree castille soap - as a soap, as paste and moisturizer (thanks Zephyr Alexian)
Straight or Safety Razor​
Make sure you have Mess Tin and have the utensils in it as well. As common sense dictates you should pay attention to food expiration. The food for the bugout is only short term – you cannot rely on it. And it is for you to have when you are on the move.
Granola and Chocolate bars (or any of those meal replacement energy type bars)
Beef Jerky
MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) - make sure you have the chemical heaters.
Multivitamin Pills
Tube of Butter
Egg Powder (Properly Sealed)​

On staying hydrated: Keep cool (obviously), so don’t over exert. Remember if you eat too much, the act of digesting food uses flood. You want to retain as much as possible. Cut off caffeine and alcohol, they dehydrate you. Particularly the later.
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I predict the future will be like Mad Max, so I have stock piled swords weapons and campbell soup to last me a few winters.
If I update any of my old posts, it will be indicated on my index in red text (date). I am going to have a lot of fun coming up insane ideas of how to take advantage of the infrastructures. :woot:

Too bad I can't tell people how to lockpick certain locks and hotwire some cars (one way to ticket to bansville). Still :woot:
^Your suggestion about body weight exercises was an invaluable one.

Also, tea tree castille soap can replace toothpaste as a natural dental cleaner. It isn't difficult to make from scratch.
^Your suggestion about body weight exercises was an invaluable one.

Also, tea tree castille soap can replace toothpaste as a natural dental cleaner. It isn't difficult to make from scratch.
I completely forgot about dental! Elaborate on what you said (tea tree castille), I will include it and credit you
You make it with the following ingredients(some things one could acquire prior to departure)

2 lbs. 100% pure olive oil

2 oz. beeswax pearls

4-5 oz. lye crystals (available at most hobby and department stores)

10-12 oz. distilled water

2 oz. scented oil

That's one of the recipes I'm familiar with.

It's also a pretty good moisturizer.

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