You know what I miss? Batman Beyond.


Oh, shock!
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
That was a quality show, for a Saturday morning cartoon. I really want to see more done with this guy, but haven't seen anything at all.

I just hope they don't forget about it.

I enjoyed the show alot. I thought it was very well done, and worked very well with the DCAU Batman mythos. It was something different and fresh.

My only qualm was that Terry didn't have a "Joker" per se. He didn't have a believable arch nemesis, like how Bruce had the Joker or Superman has Luthor. He had..what..Blight? I guess that kinda worked.

Especially since Cadmus is responsible for the whole Batman Beyond thing-they could of done so much with using Project Cadmus as the central villian.
I enjoyed the show alot. I thought it was very well done, and worked very well with the DCAU Batman mythos. It was something different and fresh.

My only qualm was that Terry didn't have a "Joker" per se. He didn't have a believable arch nemesis, like how Bruce had the Joker or Superman has Luthor. He had..what..Blight? I guess that kinda worked.

Especially since Cadmus is responsible for the whole Batman Beyond thing-they could of done so much with using Project Cadmus as the central villian.

Neither the characters or the viewer were meant to know about cadmus or their involvement at that time.

Blight was a great 1 season villain... perhaps if he had of returned we would believe him to be such as big threat!

Great show... with great models, voices, music and animation - fans won all round with this one i feel.
I loved this show. I thought Terry was a great character. Derek Powers was a terrific villain. I saw him as Terry's arch enemy, since he killed his father and all, and was a recurring enemy in the series. Plus, he siezed control of Wayne Enterprises from Bruce.

My favourite episode is 'Meltdown', where Mr Freeze makes a very dramatic return. Really emotional story. No more than I'd expect from animated Freeze.
Well, I've got 7 months 'til Halloween.
Could be a fun project. I wonder if those masks that show up on Amazon are worth anything... an underlying structure even.
it was a good show but it's last season got a lil bit too commercial, I didn't like the dynamic with the purple haired girl..

season 1 and 2 were the best, season 3 only had the call in it which was decent (and the ep when bruce got younger).

overall it was a well delivered fantastic concept of things and probably the greatest portrayal of batman.

old bruce is the single greatest character in the whole dcau.
This show really grew on me. My initial reaction to it was one of the stereotypical fanboy who shuns the newcomer to a previous hero identity, labeling him a pretender to the mantle, unfit to carry the name and proceeds to railing against to new guy entirely. Well, after I managed to calm my behind down, I surprised myself by how entertained I was.

Terry became an interesting character in his own right and Old Bruce was dynamic enough in his mentor role to avoid being cliché, while still possessing enough of the magic that made that incarnation of Batman so wickedly popular. The villains could have been better, but they weren't slouches either. Blight and Inque stand out as strong spots. I'm glad to have all three DVD volumes in my collection.
I was surprised it became successful because it changed who Batman was and I was sure people wouldn't like it.

I loved it though. It was great and opened up my eyes that eventually Batman would have to pass down the legacy to someone.
I really liked the show myself, Terry was great very intresting and fun. The animation and music was great too and I enjoyed the action. I didn't mind the villains, old Bruce was cool too. Good thing I have all the episodes including the Joker movie.
This show really grew on me. My initial reaction to it was one of the stereotypical fanboy who shuns the newcomer to a previous hero identity, labeling him a pretender to the mantle, unfit to carry the name and proceeds to railing against to new guy entirely. Well, after I managed to calm my behind down, I surprised myself by how entertained I was.

Terry became an interesting character in his own right and Old Bruce was dynamic enough in his mentor role to avoid being cliché, while still possessing enough of the magic that made that incarnation of Batman so wickedly popular. The villains could have been better, but they weren't slouches either. Blight and Inque stand out as strong spots. I'm glad to have all three DVD volumes in my collection.

mate I was like that I didn't think Terry was good enough it wasn't until he fought the Joker I think I sort of warmed up to him cos he didn't differently and beat him on his own. I also like how Terry's reason for being Batman was self-redemption in away for his troubled past.
I loved this show. I can't believe it got canceled. It was such a good show.
I was surprised it became successful because it changed who Batman was and I was sure people wouldn't like it.

I loved it though. It was great and opened up my eyes that eventually Batman would have to pass down the legacy to someone.

I think the fact that Timm and Co. took the time to flesh out a concept that wouldn't disturb the continuity they has already created partially accounts for the success of 'Beyond.'

I mean to think they could've taken the concept of 'teenage Batman' and just as easily done what 'X-Men: Evolution' did and throw Bruce Wayne into Gotham University taking classes like Psychology 101 with Dr. Crane or Botany with professor Pamela Isley.

I mean the show gave us a chance to jump into the future and see what Bruce's crusade had brought him...which was nothing more than an empty house, a lonely existence, the loss of his company and even MORE crime on the streets.

It was definately a nice 'pulling back the veil' moment to see what the future possibly had in store for the character given his decision to fight crime.

And the Terry character, as he was for Bruce, was an injection of youth and kinetic energy into the mythology...more hardened given his time in juvie than Dick or Tim when it comes to a younger ally to Wayne.

The show itself had this whole hard-edge vibe and the concepts of the stories, while outlandish at times, had a very adult-themed vibe to them that allowed older audiences to really get into it as a result of discovering those psychological underpinnings that the kids wouldn't be able to comprehend. In the meantime, the show gave said kids cool stuff like a flying batmobile and robots and ninjas and all the like. Plus, it gave kids that thought that 'if I can't be the real Batman, I could still be a field agent for Batman and get to wear the suit and pilot the car and all that cool stuff.'

It was a very well concieved show, IMO, and a wonderful edition to the 70 year history of the Batman mythology. It certainly, deserved the Emmys it recieved.

I thought it was a great series. The last season of BTAS (the Batman/Superman hour episodes) were already leaning in the BBeyond direction, so it seemed like a natural progression, and there was still a strong link to the original series.

The JLU episode which caps off the entire Batman saga (I think its just called 'epilogue') is great, wraps it all together so neatly.

That and I loved that episode where Terry has to take an egg-baby with him on his rounds in order to pass his health-studies class.
This show really grew on me. My initial reaction to it was one of the stereotypical fanboy who shuns the newcomer to a previous hero identity, labeling him a pretender to the mantle, unfit to carry the name and proceeds to railing against to new guy entirely. Well, after I managed to calm my behind down, I surprised myself by how entertained I was.

Terry became an interesting character in his own right and Old Bruce was dynamic enough in his mentor role to avoid being cliché, while still possessing enough of the magic that made that incarnation of Batman so wickedly popular. The villains could have been better, but they weren't slouches either. Blight and Inque stand out as strong spots. I'm glad to have all three DVD volumes in my collection.

i was very much the same. had no desire to see a new younger brat playing batman. but my son watched it so i did too and ended up loving it. it helped that terry wore a completely different costume and having old bruce play oracle also helped to soften the blow.

and "return of the joker" was excellent.
I have only seen Justice League episode; Epiloque, but after I watched it, I was certain that I should buy it. BTW, how did they explain Bruce being 100 years old?

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