Young Justice Cartoon - Part 8

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Wow...I am really not understanding all of the Mal Duncan hate. Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, but people are acting like the show has been re-named "Mal Duncan & The Team!" (Mal Duncan & His Amazing Friends?) lol

A character received a semi-spotlight episode. They wrote something to get him out of the background and into the Guardian armor. I've no doubt that he'll return to the background next episode, and the focus will shift back to Superboy, M'Gann, Nightwing, Blue Beetle, etc.

(Oh, and it was good to see General Eiling again, even if just for a cameo...I enjoyed his story arc in Justice League Unlimited)
I don't dislike Mal b/c he got too much of the spotlight this week. I think the character is boring and pointless in his entirety. He can take Bumblebee with him too.
But... We are JUST getting to know him :/ and from his little dance in the limelight we saw, I kind of like him now. What he did was gutzy and respectable. We really got to see the "giant with a heart of gold" side of him. While charcters like Tim, Lagoon Boy, batgirl, and Bumblebee have been all pawns pretty much without much importance to the story aside from maybe one episode. I'd say he's risen to their levels now. Lagoon Boy seems useless as ever now that he's not playing damsel in distress anymore.

On an unrelated note, it sounded like Impulse's voice has changed..... I know it's pretty much impossible that it's a different VA since these episodes weren't made in accordance with the hiatus but it just sounded weirdly different to me...

I love the sassy scarab's continued suggestions for killing him though. It's hysterical how the scarab has pretty much been a main character this season. More so then some of the other kids XD
I think it is time that Wondergirl/Robin/Batgirl get more development. BB and Impulse have gotten majority of the limelight when it comes to new characters.
I personally dont hate Mal. Before yesterday's episode I thought he was a waste of screen time and was nothing more than Bumblebee's needy b**ch.
I personally dont hate Mal. Before yesterday's episode I thought he was a waste of screen time and was nothing more than Bumblebee's needy b**ch.

Yeah. He's proven to be needy, clingy, insecure, and good as a distraction to "buy time". I've seen all I need to see of this Mal character.
I don't dislike him I was actually cheering at the screen when he put the armor on. Just till now he's been utterly useless
You know, I'm not sure that I liked Static's origin being changed. The "Big Bang" gave Dakota its personality (also the fact that the reason why there were so many bad guys who gained powers is because a good chunk of them were thugs beforehand)
Yeah. He's proven to be needy, clingy, insecure, and good as a distraction to "buy time". I've seen all I need to see of this Mal character.

I wouldn't say he is needy, clingy or insecure by any means. I think his girlfriend has just moved on, is disinterested, may have something going on with her professor (not sure if he is the Atom), and needs to quit leading him on.

I agree that they have shown him more than some of the other characters that I would rather like to see Batgirl, Robin, Capt. Marvel, Zatanna, etc. etc. However, I think Mal being human ads a certain element to the team. Plus, maybe they are setting him up to become Vox or an exo-suit Guardian. Furthermore I think him putting on the Guardian suit was a one-off and that he won't be continuing in the role.
You know, I'm not sure that I liked Static's origin being changed. The "Big Bang" gave Dakota its personality (also the fact that the reason why there were so many bad guys who gained powers is because a good chunk of them were thugs beforehand)

I agree.
I think it is time that Wondergirl/Robin/Batgirl get more development. BB and Impulse have gotten majority of the limelight when it comes to new characters.

It appears from the various promos that Wonder Girl will be around quite a bit this season. She's been seen around static quite a few times and will be in the fight with Mongul so don't worry, we'll be seeing more of the blonde wonder soon.

As for Mal, we've seen him quite a bit in the promos in the Guardian costume. So he will be on the team and doing things... I say we all give him more of a chance. His neediness comes out of the fact that Bumblebee has continuously blown him off and seems to be hiding something from him. If someone I cared about started doing that to me, I'd kind of hound them with "what gives?" if they were really so disconnected. It's very fair for him to act that way. And he's getting involved physically in the story so there isn't much left to complain about.

Now back to Lagoon Boy, that child needs to go. Death, booted, whatever he needs to get out of here. I can't stand him.
I find Mal a very normal character, who's trying to salvage (is this a good word to use now?) a relationship. I didn't know what else to say about him until this episode. The man is funny and courageous! His dramatic line about summoning Earth's power or something was hilarious!
It appears from the various promos that Wonder Girl will be around quite a bit this season. She's been seen around static quite a few times and will be in the fight with Mongul so don't worry, we'll be seeing more of the blonde wonder soon.

As for Mal, we've seen him quite a bit in the promos in the Guardian costume. So he will be on the team and doing things... I say we all give him more of a chance. His neediness comes out of the fact that Bumblebee has continuously blown him off and seems to be hiding something from him. If someone I cared about started doing that to me, I'd kind of hound them with "what gives?" if they were really so disconnected. It's very fair for him to act that way. And he's getting involved physically in the story so there isn't much left to complain about.

Now back to Lagoon Boy, that child needs to go. Death, booted, whatever he needs to get out of here. I can't stand him.

lol...we're definitely in agreement on Lagoon Boy! Get that dude off of my tv screen! And, in my opinion, Impulse can go with him!
eh. this episode was okay, but who really stood out for me was Shazam/ Captain Marvel! and i dont even dig that guy! i thought it was cool for him to quit that all that "Holey Moley! Gosh!Golly Gee!Bull&&%" he normally says and was all "that's a pretty good punch but how about this... KAPOW!!!" that was cool!
and was it just my imagination or did YJ do a little inside joke to " superfriends? When Static( Black Vulcan) Tim Long shadow( aka Longshadow JL ultimated, Apache chief) and the 2 others. i didnt get get a look at them were outside waiting to come in to see Black Canary? it seem like a slight wink to that!if it was it was cool!
eh. this episode was okay, but who really stood out for me was Shazam/ Captain Marvel! and i dont even dig that guy! i thought it was cool for him to quit that all that "Holey Moley! Gosh!Golly Gee!Bull&&%" he normally says and was all "that's a pretty good punch but how about this... KAPOW!!!" that was cool!
and was it just my imagination or did YJ do a little inside joke to " superfriends? When Static( Black Vulcan) Tim Long shadow( aka Longshadow JL ultimated, Apache chief) and the 2 others. i didnt get get a look at them were outside waiting to come in to see Black Canary? it seem like a slight wink to that!if it was it was cool!

Apparently one of them is going to be El Dorado as well so you are correct.

And about Capt. Marvel, this is still 5 years after season 1. I believe they said he was 10 then so he's about 15 now. It's pretty much expected that he's matured some. It was cool to see him though like you said.

And to the guy earlier, lol yeah that was a mighty fine performance Mal had as "The Earth's Guardian". I literally laughed out loud at his antics about being the strongest being on Earth and all that.

But I like Impulse. Sure he's childish and at times a bit overly hyperactive but he matters to the plot and he's in the Flash family: two very good reasons to keep him on. He grew on me by the end of Bloodlines I'll admit.
I wonder if Jaimie having the scarab removed will more so lead to the future Impulse is from as opposed to if he hadn't told them. Thoughts? I also think that this might be the case where the future & fates are predetermined and that no matter what the future will occur. However, I don't think that Jaimie was the one in the BB suit in Impulses future and that it was someone similar if not Black Beatle himself using the Blue Scarab.

Impulse just said that it was Blue Beatle and never Jaimie that turned against the team.

I also wonder when Jaimie will tell the team that he can talk to the scarab. His silence on the subject is more annoying than anything concerning Mal Duncan IMO.
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So, the strike at Rimbor drew the attention of all these alien factions and put Earth in the galactic spotlight, but the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of the Universe didn't know what happened? For five whole years? Earth's propensity for developing champions is obviously considered noteworthy by the Reach and Despero, and the Justice League has two Green Lanterns as members. I guess it's possible that this incident happened in some corner of the galaxy far from Guardian influence but close to the Kroloteans and the Reach--who were able to find Earth, mind you--but it would be nice to firmly establish where the Green Lantern Corps actually sits compared to the factions interested in the metagene. You can't just say that the Green Lanterns were unaware of the League's attack and then treat it like some well-known event.

Regarding Godfrey, would it kill the writers to actually show people reacting to his diatribes? Are we really expected to take Godfrey's influence over the populace on faith? It doesn't help that the Justice League version of Glorious Godfrey was much more charming.

Were I writing this show, Captain Atom would not have talked just to Chancellor Sang. The good captain would have gone to the military and his own government as well. And guess what? When a member of the group that has routinely supressed metahuman crime, put and end to large-scale disaster, and saved the world made an accusation, they'd listen. The government and military would be pissed as all hell that the League kept them out of the loop, but they'd believe listen.

I'll give the show credit where it's due, though. The League's secrets are pretty damaging, and throwing them into the open is a good way to score points with the public. "The bad guys get one up on the good guys" might be a better plot, though, if it wasn't one we were being hit with repeatedly.
Wow...I am really not understanding all of the Mal Duncan hate. Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, but people are acting like the show has been re-named "Mal Duncan & The Team!" (Mal Duncan & His Amazing Friends?) lol

Pretty much. It's also weird how some people seem to think he popped up out of nowhere. He's been around all season. And if he's "useless" then so is every other non-powered character.
Pretty much. It's also weird how some people seem to think he popped up out of nowhere. He's been around all season. And if he's "useless" then so is every other non-powered character.
That's what it's like watching "Game of Thrones" sometimes; some characters get their own story or get killed, then you go back to the first episode and realize they were there the whole time. :whatever:
Good ep.
Again, I often find myself wonder how big these threats are seeing as how the impromptu B team is always in the forefront but this show's very definition.

I would love to see these aliens politically out maneuver Batman in such a way, then I'd feel the accomplishment, instead the show does something kinda interesting and just has the b team and the kids deal with problems.
Like Lobo for instance.
So, the strike at Rimbor drew the attention of all these alien factions and put Earth in the galactic spotlight, but the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of the Universe didn't know what happened? For five whole years? Earth's propensity for developing champions is obviously considered noteworthy by the Reach and Despero, and the Justice League has two Green Lanterns as members. I guess it's possible that this incident happened in some corner of the galaxy far from Guardian influence but close to the Kroloteans and the Reach--who were able to find Earth, mind you--but it would be nice to firmly establish where the Green Lantern Corps actually sits compared to the factions interested in the metagene. You can't just say that the Green Lanterns were unaware of the League's attack and then treat it like some well-known event.

All this was answered before. Rimbor is an outlaw planet and not covered by the Guardians of the Universe (after all, they can't really cover EVERY SINGLE AREA IN THE UNIVERSE), which made that type of info both untrustworthy, especially from criminals, and encouraged the Lanterns to stay out of a conflict that may or may not be true.

Regarding Godfrey, would it kill the writers to actually show people reacting to his diatribes? Are we really expected to take Godfrey's influence over the populace on faith? It doesn't help that the Justice League version of Glorious Godfrey was much more charming.

All in good time.

Were I writing this show, Captain Atom would not have talked just to Chancellor Sang. The good captain would have gone to the military and his own government as well. And guess what? When a member of the group that has routinely supressed metahuman crime, put and end to large-scale disaster, and saved the world made an accusation, they'd listen. The government and military would be pissed as all hell that the League kept them out of the loop, but they'd believe listen.

The military was present when the Reach made their move, so that's probably too little too late. Not to mention the time-frame between the last episode and this one is less than a day, so they could only talk to the people already available and in contact with the Ambassador.
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