your thoughts on Chavs


2010 & 2018 SHHFFL Champion
May 23, 2004
Reaction score
so tell me what do you think about britains lower class ppl
Everyone hates them. It's pretty much universal.
Hate them.....Can't stand them.......They must all die!!!!

I mean....Come on, they call that music?
DBM said:
Everyone hates them. It's pretty much universal.

Unless your a chav, which i'm not i'm just saying.
They damaged the repetation of Burbury.



The British version of Trailer Trash.

I despise the buggers, practically every teenager in Wales and probably elsewhere in Britain as well is a CHAV. There are the most annoying species of humans to ever exist. I know some of them were born into Chav society but some do try and manage to become actual people. I couldn't believe there was a programme on Sky One a while back trying to justify them!
Red X said:
Unless your a chav, which i'm not i'm just saying.

No, they pretty much hate each other as well. And they have a fair share of self-loathing too, they just drown that in cheap booze.
As long as they stay in England, I don't care about them. :up:

The Storm said:
I despise the buggers, practically every teenager in Wales and probably elsewhere in Britain as well is a CHAV. There are the most annoying species of humans to ever exist. I know some of them were born into Chav society but some do try and manage to become actual people. I couldn't believe there was a programme on Sky One a while back trying to justify them!

I went to Wales last week :eek:

Chav city!!!

There is no hope :(
Isn't this like the 15th post about Chavs. And every time I see it I think it's about leather chaps. :(
Long as they dont come upto me asking for **** i dont care for them :)
has any american ever thought about becoming a dentist here and then going over there? damn you'd be drowning in cash. I think i just found my goal in college :) Porslin vinears any one?
Assassin said:
has any american ever thought about becoming a dentist here and then going over there? damn you'd be drowning in cash. I think i just found my goal in college :) Porslin vinears any one?

Dentistry is wasted on Chavs my friend, they only use their teeth to open bottles of lager.
I assume this is a British slang for a certain type of person...not a certain race or nationality?
think emo ******s mixed with the guys who film bum fights
C. Lee said:
I assume this is a British slang for a certain type of person...not a certain race or nationality?

It is a term used to describe the burgeoning peasant underclass.

Oddly enough it has been embraced (the term Chav) with pride by the miscreants. :confused:
C. Lee said:
I assume this is a British slang for a certain type of person...not a certain race or nationality?
It's a type of person.

People who wear tracksuit bottoms, brigh gold jewellery, sovereign rings, you no the drill.

In interesting news, Chavs have started wearing jeans now. We are moving on from tracksuit bottoms. Say bye to Lacoste.
Assassin said:
has any american ever thought about becoming a dentist here and then going over there? damn you'd be drowning in cash. I think i just found my goal in college :) Porslin vinears any one?
Britain actually has a massive dental crisis, though that's mainly in the NHS, and I've no doubt you wouldn't want to work for the NHS.

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