Legend of Zelda Zelda On Wii U


Apr 17, 2008
Reaction score
This does not mean it's coming out soon.

“If We Don’t Change We Might Die,” Says Zelda Producer. June 13, 2013 . 3:00pm

“If we don’t change we might die,” says Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma. “We need to evolve. Things need to change. Things need to grow.”

Speaking with Engadget, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma once again says that Nintendo are looking to shake things up with regard to the series.

“If we don’t change we might die,” Aonuma said. “We need to evolve. Things need to change. Things need to grow.”

Why then, are Nintendo working on a remake of a past Zelda title for the Wii U, instead of looking forward? Aonuma says that it’s so the production team can familiarize itself with what the Wii U hardware. With the next Wii U Zelda game, Aonuma intends to introduce change, as he stated in a Nintendo Direct back in January.

“With regard to… breaking the mold or changing the formula, I certainly hear the thoughts of fans. The impressions of fans that maybe it’s getting a bit stale,” he admits. At the same time, however, Aonuma is also concerned about how much change is too much.

That having been said, changes are coming, he assures. Back in January, Aonuma stated that the next major Zelda title for Wii U would, among other things, feature a non-linear structure.

Zelda On Wii U Won’t Be Ultra-Realistic, But Not Cartoony Realistic Either. June 14, 2013 . 2:30pm

The next Zelda for Wii U—the one that will allegedly introduce some much-needed change to the series—will feature an art style that hasn’t been seen before.
The next Zelda for Wii U—the one that will allegedly introduce some much-needed change to the series—will feature an art style that hasn’t been seen before, says Zelda producer Eiji Aonouma.

“The thing about Zelda is we want everything to be unique, whether it’s the graphical presentation or the gameplay,” Aonuma tells Nintendo Life.

“It has to be something you can’t see anywhere else. We wouldn’t want it to be ultra-realistic because you can see that elsewhere. But I can’t say that it’s going to be cartoony-realistic like you mentioned, the fantastic presentation that we’ve already done in the past. It will be something new.”

Aonuma also says that Nintendo are considering add-on content for future Zelda games, such as adding new areas to explore, but that they’d need to be careful about making sure that the additional content is worth its price.

Note: Screenshot from Zelda Wii U tech demo from E3 2012.

source :Siliconera
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That's great. Zelda is a perfect opportunity to breath new life into the Wii U.
It would be nice to see a Zelda game that doesn't look dated.

An ultra-realistic Zelda would be interesting to see. Probably give everyone nightmares though. Hyrule is a pretty terrifying place if you stop to think about it. Zombies, giant spiders... not to mention Tingle.
A new Zelda being on Wii U would make the console instant buy, as long as it doesn't focus on motion controls like Skyward Sword.
I would like to be able to use the pro controller for the next Zelda. I love Skyward Sword, but I hate motion controls so ****ing much!!!
I would like to be able to use the pro controller for the next Zelda. I love Skyward Sword, but I hate motion controls so ****ing much!!!

Indeed, I'd adore SS if it wasn't for the motion controls!
The core games Nintendo released for the Wii are magnificent, but I never play them because of the goddamn motion controls!!!
The things i'd like to see are fairly simple,

• Voice acting. Before anyone starts, I don't care if Link stays silent. I just think the other characters who have considerable dialogue, should speak. It would make cutscenes more cinematic, characters more lifelike, and combat more engaging (if enemies could for example taunt, or give each other instructions).

• More weapons. Seriously, we go to a shop, we see halberds for sale... but we can't buy them. What the hell is up with that?

• Give Link some supporting characters who can fight. Apparently Miyamoto wanted to make a Zelda RPG with a party some time in the 90's, but he never got around to it. No time like the present.

• Make Zelda playable, and give her something to do. She's been a ninja, a pirate, a ghost, and the reincarnation of a warrior goddess, obviously "a" Zelda can kick ass and hold a game (or a good part of it).
I can agree with most of those. Hardcore fans would foam at the mouth if they did the first one probably. I'm really surprised they haven't done some spin-off with Zelda in her many guises.
Zelda has a lot of potential to be a badass female playable character. I remember how excited I was when the Twilight Princess artwork showed her with a sword. I thought for sure she would have been playable in that game.

I don't think Zelda is a flatout damsel in distress. Her roles have been diverse and integral to the plot. Unfortunately she still needs to get saved at the end. I felt that saving Zelda was shoehorned in both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, though I still enjoyed both games.
One thing I think would shake up the gameplay (outside of Link and Zelda teaming up) would be to have a level (or levels) where Link has to fight without his weapons.

Think of it like this he goes through a canyon and is struck from behind by some mysterious person who takes all his gear and leaves Link to die. Link is found by an old hermit who says that to defeat the thief he must be trained in martial arts. So Link becomes a hand-to-hand fighter and goes through the level without his gear, fights monsters, and eventually beats the thief.

Then afterwards if the player just wants to have Link kick butt literally they can select "No Gear" on the menu and he'll be in fighter mode.

Oh and I don't know if you heard about this, so check it out!:

I like the idea of hand-to-hand, but I think you can just bypass that thief, hermit **** and just have it be something you learn naturally with other weapons.
I can agree with most of those. Hardcore fans would foam at the mouth if they did the first one probably. I'm really surprised they haven't done some spin-off with Zelda in her many guises.

Honestly, having played Zelda for 20 years, I really don't understand that mindset. It would be one thing if Link started talking, but voice acting for other characters who actually speak? Some of them already utter words, like Beedle (he says "Thank You!" for example). Why is giving them voices so controversial?
I've found Nintendo fans are pretty adverse to changing certain things. I have found the suggestion of voice acting to be one of them. I don't particularly know why
The two most common arguments I see are "Zelda has never had voice acting" - which is moronic, since voice acting didn't become common until the early 2000's, and Zelda didn't have a lot of things it has now.

The second most common argument seems to be that the voice acting will be bad. Considering even most mediocre games now have decent voice acting, I also don't find this a very compelling argument. Surely Nintendo would be willing to shell out some cash for one of its flagship franchises.
Cinematic experience? How about making environments more immersive and characters more engaging?

Though you cinematic experience like it's a bad thing.
To be fair, considering the fan base blows a gasket with each change, I can see why.

Miyamoto has proposed some pretty radical things (like sending Link into a distant future), but he always seems to get talked out of it.
If they use voice acting, PLEASE hire Clancy Brown to do Ganondorf.
If they use voice acting, PLEASE hire Clancy Brown to do Ganondorf.

You know, I have to say that's not a bad choice at all.

I wouldn't mind English accents myself, a la Game of Thrones.

Since I played the games in Europe for the first time, I never really associated American accents with the characters.

Hell, I played Ocarina of Time in German for the first time if I recall correctly. Sounded better in my head, sometimes.

I swear, das god damn Wassertempel drove me insane.
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IMHO The Legend of Zelda would benefit from some class A voice acting. I'm even cool with Link speaking the replies you choose.
I will go a step further and say that I wouldn't even mind if they made a real character out of Link. But that may be a bad move, since I think most Nintendo loyals would put a double barrel shotgun in their mouths if it happened.
If the voice acting is good, I think they'll shut up once they play the game.

Truth be told, I'm on the fence about Link getting a voice, but there's no reason to not give other characters voices.

They could have a lot of fun with that. Like making up languages. Gerudos speaking Gerudo, enemies with different accents / levels of eloquence, etc. It could add so much to the games.
I'm all for giving characters voices. I think it'd elevate the Zelda series. It's not like it'd detract from the game. Would Skyward Sword suddenly be bad if the characters had voices? No.

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