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Side-Kick my Ass!
Jul 28, 2005
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If you could have the job/trade perfectly suited to you, what would it be?

What is your greatest regret?

What is your greatest achievement?

What is your favorite movie?

If you could cast 5 members of the Hype in your favorite movie, what

parts would they have?

How would you bring the 'Sexy' back?

What are the three things you would never do?

What brought you to the Hype?

Who is your nemesis on the Hype?

Name three people, living or dead, you would want to have dinner with?

If you could go back in time and change/stop one thing, personal or historic, what would it be?

What is the most valuable thing you own (doesn't have to be monetary)?

When would you like to retire?

What would you like to do when retired?

Do you golf? If so, what's in the bag?

What is your worst habit? Your best habit?

Any nightmare sexual experiences? Care to share?

Finish this number puzzle: -2~> 2 ~> 0 ~> 3~> 3 ~> -2 ~> X

Describe your dream house.

If you could give only one piece of advice to anyone, what you it be?

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on?

What turns you off?

What sound do you love?

What sound do you hate?

Why should I hire you?

Please answer the following questions and give us your thoughts behind each answer.

Would you rather be mildly sick for a week or really sick for 3.5 days?

*The half day of sickness would be the first, and you'd have a "normal" feeling morning before the onset.
* "Sick" can mean a variety of things, but the main feature is "general malaise." (This may include, but is not limited to: fever, cough, sore throat, congestion, nausea, headache, lightheadedness.)
* "Mildness" is determined by having either few or mild symptoms. (You do not get to pick the symptoms).
* "Really"ness is determined by having many or severe symptoms (you do not get to pick them, and they would be sufficiently severe to cause you to miss some work).
* Severe illness would disrupt your plans.
* You could still do things while mildly ill (e.g. go to work), but you'd feel ****ty.
* If you pick severe sickness, there is a very small chance that your severe illness could be Ebola or flesh eating bacteria, which may kill you within the 3.5 days.

Would you rather be famous or be bitten by a dog on the ass?

* Keep in mind, you have no idea what you'll be famous for. Think Scott Peterson, Natalee Holloway, Tom Cruise and Anna Nicole Smith too, not just the fun/life is good kind.
* A dog bite would hurt a lot, and you would have to sit on one of those donuts for at least one week
* The dog may be a stray and/or foaming about the mouth.

Would you rather be addicted to donuts or heroin?

* Either way you get to know the local police, at least with donuts you will have a common bond.
* Donuts will make you fat, more than likely.
* Heroin will make you skinny, more than likely.
* Both will eventually kill you

Would you rather: Eat Spam OR Receive a lot of Spam?

* You have to eat the entire can, mmmmmmmmmmm yummy.
* Your Spam Filter is very unreliable, so you have to sift through the Spam folder to make sure something important wasn't sent there.

Who would you rather accidentally make a culturally insensitive remark to?

* A midget
* An albino
* An albino midget

Would you rather be a Dream Crushing Weasel or have your dreams crushed by a Dream Crushing Weasel?

* Assume you have dreams worth crushing and that getting them crushed would depress you a lengthy period of time.
* As the Dream Crushing Weasel, it is a sickness and you constantly do it. It is not a one time deal.
* Being referred to as The Weasel, basically makes you Pauly Shore.

Would you rather eat fried chicken with Colonel Sanders or pancakes with Aunt Jemima?

*Assume each would make their signature dish and that caloric intake for both meals is equal.
*Assume with Colonel Sanders there would liquor involved and that he likes to have people sit on his knee.
*Assume that Aunt Jemima is like Oprah's character in The Color Purple.

Would you rather kill the environment or kill an environmentalist?

* The environmentalist is Ed Begley Jr.
* By killing Ed Begley Jr, you make him a martyr and his message becomes even stronger.
* His family immediately forgives you, because they're good like that.
* Ed Begley Jr will feel no pain because he is not human
* Good God man, just kill him already!!

Would you rather kill a turtle or have one of your good friends become a Scientologist?

* The turtle is exotic, rare, and older than your oldest living relative.
* The turtle is named "Sam" and people call him "Sam the turtle."
* There is a 0% chance that you'll be able to convince your friend to renounce his/her scientologist beliefs.
* There is a 66% chance that your friend will try to convert you to scientology. This would, at the very least, be quite annoying.
* There is a 100% chance that the turtle will die when you kill it.
* You could keep the turtle shell as a memento.
* Sam's terrarium will look quite empty without him.
* You could kill Sam in any manner that you choose.

Would you rather be a **** or have everyone think you're a ****?

* If you picked to be a ****, you could be discreet.
* Haha, I know, a discreet ****.
* If everyone thinks your a ****, why not have the fun and just become one.
* ****!

Would you rather get a paper cut or eat a placenta?

* Assume that the placenta is cooked and entirely safe to eat.
* The papercut is severe enough to make you curse out loud.
* The placenta is not yours and is not related to you.
* The placenta might be gross to eat.
* Nobody likes paper cuts, except maybe emos and they don't count.

Would you rather have a dozen kids or be infertile?

* One or the other, and they can't be adopted or stolen.
* The 12 kids will all be born in 15 years.
* 12 could make you go ****ing bat **** crazy.
* No kids could make you sad and want to off yourself or the diners at the local Golden Corral.

Would you rather dissect a human corpse or go skydiving?

* Your scared of heights and a very downsy looking person packed your chute
* The corpse is a family member you like and you are not Bones, so this will haunt you forever and you will take no enjoyment in it.

Would you rather milk a cow or have your nipple bitten by an animal?

* Milking a cow could be udderly disgusting.
* Having your nipple bitten would hurt.
* What kind of animal would bite my nipple? How the hell should I know.
* It might be embarrassing to show your bitten nipple to a doctor.
* The cow might bite your nipple when you try and milk her.
* The cow will hit you in the back of the head with her **** crusted tail.

Would you rather lose an eye in a fireworks accident or get mauled by an animal and end up with a Michael Jackson nose?

* Michael Jackson's nose? Yes, his nose (or lack thereof). Assume that it comes with none of his other oddities (paleness/cleft chin/singing talents/high pitched voice/predilection for sleeping with children).
* What kind of animal? One capable of mauling you.
* If you only have one functioning eye at present, you would end up blind.
* Assume that your breathing would not be negatively affected by a MJ nose.

Would you rather eat a bowl of cereal or have a jetski?

* Assume that the cereal/jetski is of average quality and brand.
* Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
* A jetski is worth a lot more than a bowl of cereal.
* You might win a prize with this bowl of cereal.
* Jetskis claim many lives per year.
* Similarly, people have been known to choke on cereal.

Would you rather have a perpetual George Hamilton tan or skip the age of 33?

* Skip 33? Yes. You would go from 32 to 34 on your birthday. If you are already over 33, then you automatically become a year older (33 is retroactively skipped).
* You might freak people out if you were always kind of orange looking.
* If you were already pretty tan (albeit orange), it would be hard to get sun burn.
* Skipping 33 puts you that much closer to 40. And 50. And the grave.
* Assume that you would suffer no ill effects from skipping a year, although your body would age 365 days.

Would you rather always be hungry or always be fat?

* Assume that you are not always hungry if you choose 'always be fat'.
* Assume that 'fat' means fatter than you are now, fatty.
* If you were hungry you could eat, but that wouldn't satisfy the hunger.
* Always being hungry could lead to being fat.
* Being fat could lead to being depressed and more eating, which might land you on TLC or some such channel.

...and go!
How am I one of your favorite posters and why?
If you could go on a date with any X-man, who would it be and why?
Describe yourself in one paragraph, no more than 50 words.

What were you like as a child?

What are your aspirations and name 3 people who inspires you most.

Let's say you believe in reincarnation, what (not WHO) will you be when you return in your next life?

If you're a fictional character, which character is most like you and how?
How awesome is the cat that really NOM NOM NOMs its food?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could om nom nom nom?

And how much is Lost rocking the entire world of television?
Any pets?

Do you paint your nails/toes?

Favorite CBM of 2008?

Favorite TV shows?
Explain to everyone else why Chuck is amazing.

Are you also pissed that there was no Chuck tonight due to a presidential address?
If you could be any type of tree in the world, which dinosaur would you be?
If you could have the job/trade perfectly suited to you, what would it be?
it would have to be something artsy stuff, with short hours where I could work at home if i wanted to and leave me finacially stable enough that i didn't have to work a gazillion jobs. right spoons?

What is your greatest regret?
i don't know about all time, but my most current "great" one is recent. as some of you know I had surgery in early Jan that was giving me a month out of work. I had planned to go to SC to visit my Grandpa who I had not seen in person since 2003. We were planning it for the end of the month cuz my followup appt was the 21st and we were going to leave that Friday. Well I spoke to him the weekend before and he was all excited to see us.
That Monday, January 19th, I got a phone call. He had passed away. We were literally days from seeing him and we didn't get there in time.

What is your greatest achievement?

graduating high school. it may seem like not a big deal to some, but it's something no one can take away from me. i'm the only one of my siblings and the only one in my immediate family to graduate except my dad. i have like 4 cousins younger than i am who dropped out by 8th grade :(

What is your favorite movie?

Gone With the Wind is my all time favorite movie. I love just about everything about it from the actors, the cinematography, the costumes, the story, etc. Every time I watch it, it's in my head for a long time after and I can watch it one time and come away feeling one way and then watch it another time and feel completely different. I know so much stuff about the movie and i collect stuff too

If you could cast 5 members of the Hype in your favorite movie, what

I don't wanna cast GWTW, I don't ever even wanna think of them redoing that movie so I'll cast another one.


Mary Katherine Gallagher - ME lol
Helen (her bff) - Holly Goodhead
Evian - Pickles
Evian's Friend - Bella
Skye - Spoons
Slater - Kipobe
Father Ridley - Wilhelm
Skye's Friend played by Tom Green - Brodie
Maria - Star
Owen - Jal
The High Kid - Chaseter
Jesus - Erz
Nun- Bamfer,

man i wanna cast others in the movie, but I can't think of any parts would they have?

How would you bring the 'Sexy' back?

by walking into the room

What are the three things you would never do?

1) cheat on someone 2) steal from someone i know 3) to be determined...

What brought you to the Hype?

my X-Men fangirlness

Who is your nemesis on the Hype?

if I have one, I'm not aware of it.

Name three people, living or dead, you would want to have dinner with?

1) Jesus, who wouldn't?
2) my paternal great grandparents. they died before I was born but they have a longlasting legacy and our family (10 kids of theirs and their families, so i'm talking like 90+ppl) get together at their home every Memorial Day weekend.
3) maybe Marilyn Monroe. She was more than the sex symbol she is remembered for and I'd like to talk to her and have a real conversation. Despite her fame, she's underrated imo.

If you could go back in time and change/stop one thing, personal or historic, what would it be?

i would've stopped my nephew from killing himself. i think a part of me died that day and I can say for certainty that that was one of the days that changed my life from that point onward. I haven't been the same since

What is the most valuable thing you own (doesn't have to be monetary)?

photographs. if you could see my room right now, you'd see it was covered in photographs. I've got like 4 piles on my desk of em, 3 albums beside it, and shoeboxes everywhere. more than half of there are for a family project. i'm scanning them into my computer so we have backups in case any are lost. I have pics over a 100 yrs old and would be devastated to lose them.

When would you like to retire?

i was thinking bout this earlier. One of my Uncles is 70 and he still hasn't retired. I don't want to retire until I'm comfortable and ready. even then, i'll probably still do jobs on the side.

What would you like to do when retired?
just spend time with family and friends, maybe some traveling. more than anything I wanna be financially stable and worry free

Do you golf? If so, what's in the bag?

puhleeze, the only golfing I do is on the Wii and I suck.

What is your worst habit? Your best habit?
my worst habit is probably biting my nails.
best habit? maybe it's that I don't curse. It's one of the only new year's resolutions that I've stuck with. I used to talk like a sailor.

Any nightmare sexual experiences? Care to share?

Nothing too serious, otherwise I'd definitely not share. I kinda got assaulted in the hallway in middle school once.
When I used to play basketball for the rec league it was co-ed but I was the only girl. A guy playing defense was handchecking me, but he wasn't going for the ball so i punched him in the face.

Finish this number puzzle: -2~> 2 ~> 0 ~> 3~> 3 ~> -2 ~> X


Describe your dream house.

two stories, probably White exterior. a wrap around porch is a must! i've always wanted one. warm and cozy on the inside. not too many windows, but not too few either.

If you could give only one piece of advice to anyone, what you it be?

The first thing that popped into my head was to say : WEAR SUNSCREEN and then i recalled all the words to that song.

but, here's my own personal advice; I'm livin on a 5 year plan. If it's something that won't really affect me in 5 years, I'm not going to worry about it now.

What is your favorite word?

Facetious. I dunno why, but I like how it sounds :huh:

What is your least favorite word?

i'd post it but the censors would bleep it. it's a vulgar c-word though

What turns you on?

sincerity, realness, it really varies and depends on my mood

What turns you off?

ignorance, immaturity, rudeness, vulgarity

What sound do you love?

a lyric sung where you can hear the emotion in the singer's voice

What sound do you hate?

the sound of my mother crying

Why should I hire you?

cuz i work a lot of jobs and have never been fired from one. I am currently technically employed under the Dept of Defense, but i'm basically Civil Service. I'm smart, I learn quick and i know more than half my bosses at half their age.
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Kipobe is both Slater AND Owen?! I didn't know he's the next Eddie Murphy. Hehe!
Please answer the following questions and give us your thoughts behind each answer.

Would you rather be mildly sick for a week or really sick for 3.5 days?

i've endured more than 3.5 days where i was really sick. so i can handle either. i was in the ER a lot in 2008 but hopefully i'm all good now, but when it was bad, it was REAL BAD

Would you rather be famous or be bitten by a dog on the ass?

These 2 can go hand and hand lol. People want fame but sometimes when they get it, they kinda regret it. I think I'd take the fame, then try to use the fame in the best way possible.

Would you rather be addicted to donuts or heroin?

Donuts. I hate drugs and although I don't take them, they've influenced/ruin/changed my life greatly and those in it. I hate drugs more than just about anything in my life right now to the point even thinking about it makes me madder.

Would you rather: Eat Spam OR Receive a lot of Spam?

Receive spam. I'm used to sifting through it anyways, but I hate the edible kind.

Who would you rather accidentally make a culturally insensitive remark to?

* A midget
* An albino
* An albino midget

Midget. I'd tell them I was joking if they got short with me

Would you rather be a Dream Crushing Weasel or have your dreams crushed by a Dream Crushing Weasel?

* Assume you have dreams worth crushing and that getting them crushed would depress you a lengthy period of time.
* As the Dream Crushing Weasel, it is a sickness and you constantly do it. It is not a one time deal.
* Being referred to as The Weasel, basically makes you Pauly Shore.

I'd rather have my own dreams crushed. I'm very cynical, sometimes too much for my own good, but I also put people before me so I'd rather have mine ruined than theirs. I know I can bounce back, but not everyone can. I think my sig says it all: I've got dreams, but dreams won't keep the lights on. that's a lyric FYI

Would you rather eat fried chicken with Colonel Sanders or pancakes with Aunt Jemima?

Pancakes with Jemima. I don't eat them often so she can really hook em up

Would you rather kill the environment or kill an environmentalist?

* The environmentalist is Ed Begley Jr.
* By killing Ed Begley Jr, you make him a martyr and his message becomes even stronger.
* His family immediately forgives you, because they're good like that.
* Ed Begley Jr will feel no pain because he is not human
* Good God man, just kill him already!!

I don't know who Begley is. I wouldn't like to do either. I don't want to kill anyone, but I don't like hurting the environment, although I know I don't do as much as I could be

Would you rather kill a turtle or have one of your good friends become a Scientologist?

* The turtle is exotic, rare, and older than your oldest living relative.
* The turtle is named "Sam" and people call him "Sam the turtle."
* There is a 0% chance that you'll be able to convince your friend to renounce his/her scientologist beliefs.
* There is a 66% chance that your friend will try to convert you to scientology. This would, at the very least, be quite annoying.
* There is a 100% chance that the turtle will die when you kill it.
* You could keep the turtle shell as a memento.
* Sam's terrarium will look quite empty without him.
* You could kill Sam in any manner that you choose.

Scientology. Even if I can't convert them back, my friend's are intelligent enough to realize how dumb it is, and renounce it on their own. Plus, I had a lot of turtles as pets as a kid and that never ended well.

Would you rather be a **** or have everyone think you're a ****?

* If you picked to be a ****, you could be discreet.
* Haha, I know, a discreet ****.
* If everyone thinks your a ****, why not have the fun and just become one.
* ****!

Let people think I'm a ****. I don't care what people think about me and I've heard all kinds of rumors about me. Shame I never did half the stuff people said I did. As long as I know who I am and I can look in the mirror at the end of the day, that's all that matters to me.

Would you rather get a paper cut or eat a placenta?

* Assume that the placenta is cooked and entirely safe to eat.
* The papercut is severe enough to make you curse out loud.
* The placenta is not yours and is not related to you.
* The placenta might be gross to eat.
* Nobody likes paper cuts, except maybe emos and they don't count.

I'd rather get a paper cut. I get em a lot at work so I'm kinda used to it, even though they do hurt like heck.

Would you rather have a dozen kids or be infertile?

* One or the other, and they can't be adopted or stolen.
* The 12 kids will all be born in 15 years.
* 12 could make you go ****ing bat **** crazy.
* No kids could make you sad and want to off yourself or the diners at the local Golden Corral.

Have the kids. Family is very important to me, despite my family lol, and even though I'm very cynical, there's this lil spot inside me that's a hopeless romantic. This lil part dreams of having a family someday and the fact of knowing that I could never have any of my own is not something I'd want to consider, although I'm not closed of to the idea of adopting.

Would you rather dissect a human corpse or go skydiving?

* Your scared of heights and a very downsy looking person packed your chute
* The corpse is a family member you like and you are not Bones, so this will haunt you forever and you will take no enjoyment in it.

I don't do well with dead bodies AT ALL. When you get there 20 minutes after your nephew blew his head off with a rifle, yes a RIFLE, and your sister is crying her eyes out covered in his blood cuz she tried to stop him. And when you have to say your goodbyes to a body in a casket in which only his hand is visible cuz nothing's there... no you don't wanna see the inside of a corpse or anything like that again.

Would you rather milk a cow or have your nipple bitten by an animal?

* Milking a cow could be udderly disgusting.
* Having your nipple bitten would hurt.
* What kind of animal would bite my nipple? How the hell should I know.
* It might be embarrassing to show your bitten nipple to a doctor.
* The cow might bite your nipple when you try and milk her.
* The cow will hit you in the back of the head with her **** crusted tail.

Probably milk a cow depending on how severe the bite is, and if humans count as animals.

Would you rather lose an eye in a fireworks accident or get mauled by an animal and end up with a Michael Jackson nose?

* Michael Jackson's nose? Yes, his nose (or lack thereof). Assume that it comes with none of his other oddities (paleness/cleft chin/singing talents/high pitched voice/predilection for sleeping with children).
* What kind of animal? One capable of mauling you.
* If you only have one functioning eye at present, you would end up blind.
* Assume that your breathing would not be negatively affected by a MJ nose.

I don't wanna lose any eyes! I know a lady who was driving her jeep with the top down and some punk kid threw a brick off of an overpass and literally knocked her eye out. She has a glass one now.
If I had the nose one, I coul get it fixed later in life. Although, that would suck cuz the nose surgeon who came into my room erroneously prior to my operation told me i had a very nice one.

Would you rather eat a bowl of cereal or have a jetski?

* Assume that the cereal/jetski is of average quality and brand.
* Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
* A jetski is worth a lot more than a bowl of cereal.
* You might win a prize with this bowl of cereal.
* Jetskis claim many lives per year.
* Similarly, people have been known to choke on cereal.

Have a jetski. I'd sell it cuz I'd never use it and I can get more money for that than I can a bowl of cereal

Would you rather have a perpetual George Hamilton tan or skip the age of 33?

* Skip 33? Yes. You would go from 32 to 34 on your birthday. If you are already over 33, then you automatically become a year older (33 is retroactively skipped).
* You might freak people out if you were always kind of orange looking.
* If you were already pretty tan (albeit orange), it would be hard to get sun burn.
* Skipping 33 puts you that much closer to 40. And 50. And the grave.
* Assume that you would suffer no ill effects from skipping a year, although your body would age 365 days.

I'm scared enough of aging and dying that I'd never willingly forfeit any time of my life. so bring on the tann

Would you rather always be hungry or always be fat?

* Assume that you are not always hungry if you choose 'always be fat'.
* Assume that 'fat' means fatter than you are now, fatty.
* If you were hungry you could eat, but that wouldn't satisfy the hunger.
* Always being hungry could lead to being fat.
* Being fat could lead to being depressed and more eating, which might land you on TLC or some such channel.

uh neither. I don't wanna choose :)
How am I one of your favorite posters and why?

Aren't we assuming much?

Actually, if I had every member of the Hype on myspace, you'd probably make my top 8. You took me under your wing as survivor rookie, and I think I've been cursed ever since lol. If I ever win a tribal spirit challenge, I'm dedicating it to ya.

But more seriously, you're a stand up guy. You're intelligent and when I'm techblonde and ask questions, you help me out. That's all I think your ego can stand, so I'll move on... but feel free to tell me why I'm one of your faves

If you could go on a date with any X-man, who would it be and why?

I think 8 out of 10 females would probably pick Gambit or Wolverine, but I would actually pick... Iceman. Wolverine is too intense for me, and while Gambit is my second favorite X-Man, I'd be too worrid about his ladies man persona and other chicks trying to get at him lol. Plus he seems like a one night stand kinda guy and I'm soo not that kind of girl.

I'd actually choose Iceman. I think he has more traits that I actually am interested in than the others. I think we'd have a lot of fun, and a lot of laughs, and that's important to me. I need a release sometimes.
Describe yourself in one paragraph, no more than 50 words.

23 yr old East Coast gal with a slight southern twang and too much sarcastic sass for my own good. Random, a tad bit cheesy and a lot of fun. A cynical girl in my head and hopeless romantic in my heart and the two clash often. Insomniac, loves art, movies, music, and a sucker for a good lyric. I also, don't emoe externally often.

please note that if I went over, I'm not counting the words "I" "the" or "and" in word count, just like in English class

What were you like as a child?

haha I was a mess. I was into everything and always dressing up. I always had hats on, whether real or self made. I have pics of me with buckets on my head and stuff and apparently that was the norm for me. I was always into stuff, always on the go and I could get along with anyone. I was inquisitive and a know it all. I was very active, and kinda tomboyish cuz I was one of the only girls in the neighborhood. I was creative and liked to draw and make stuff. When I was really young I had an imaginary friend who got me in a lot of trouble all the time

What are your aspirations and name 3 people who inspires you most.

My aspirations in life are kinda simplistic; i wanna find happiness and peace of mind in my life. I aspire to be the kind of woman/mother I can be proud of and a person who will be remembered after I pass. I want to find a job I enjoy and have a family.

people who inspire me
1) My Grandma. She's my favorite person in the world. She's everything I think I wanna be when I get to where she's at. She is one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out. I don't think she has a single mean bone or thought in her whole body and her family is very important to her. She wants us all to do well and will do anything for anyone to help them be the best they can be.
2) My Mother. I get a lot of my strength from her. I could probably fill up a 15 minutes thread on things she's endured and gotten through, but she's still standing. We've gone through a lot of hard times together as well. No electricity, no water, death, and all in between at various points in time. I can handle a lot and keep my head up and do what I gotta do and I think I get that from her. I don't get upset easy and I don't really get riled up about stuff much. Ask a lot of ppl I know and they'll say I'm the most even tempered person they know.
3) People who do things that they don't have to, but because it's the right thing to do. People who help others, who fight to make things better, the ones who don't give up when everyone tells them they should and when all signs say they don't have a chance. These people inspire me.

Let's say you believe in reincarnation, what (not WHO) will you be when you return in your next life?

probably a dog. I'm very loyal and reliable, like a pet I guess lol

If you're a fictional character, which character is most like you and how?[/QUOTE]

Probably Rogue from the X-Men. We have similar physical features in that we're both green eyed, and brunettes (no white streak for me) and we're both Southern ladies. But we're probably more alike in the fact that she's untouchable physically, but I'm "untouchable" by choice. I have a hard time letting people in and getting close to me. When people ask me personal questions, I never answer them directly, if I even answer them at all. I'm very controlled with my emotions and I rarely emote unless it's an extreme emotion. But, I hide this very well with my wit, humor, and by my uncanny ability to put on a smile when all I wanna do is cry on the inside. I can be miserable and you'd never be able to tell it if I didn't want you too. That's how controlled I am.
huh, guess you could say I'm a bit like Emma Frost too, except I don't wear those kinds of outfits or act skanky.

How awesome is the cat that really NOM NOM NOMs its food?

very awesome.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could om nom nom nom?

a lot more. their productitivy would increase tenfold

And how much is Lost rocking the entire world of television?

this will shock some... but i've never seen a single episode of Lost. I was talking to a friend of mine tonight and I said I'd like to get the sets and catch up on it in the future
Any pets?

I have a husky named Bella who is gorgeous (must be a trait of all things named Bella. and I have a cat named Rocky

I total though, we had 3 dogs; Bella, a terrier named Hinky and a walker named Annie and 2 birds named Belvedere and Kettle

Do you paint your nails/toes?

My nails on occasion, but I haven't painted them since Halloween lol. I don't do it often but I should so I can try and stop biting my nails.

Favorite CBM of 2008?

It's a toss up between The Dark Knight and Iron Man. I really enjoyed aspects of both. If I want to watch something with grit, I'll throw in TDK, but if I want something else, I'll throw in Iron Man

Favorite TV shows?

I only really watch Tv on Mondays and Tuesdays.


*American Idol
*Biggest Loser
*Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

but I also watch Bones and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition regularly lol

Explain to everyone else why Chuck is amazing.

Are you also pissed that there was no Chuck tonight due to a presidential address?

I was mad that the presidential thing came on instead! it was on 20 other channels!

I like Chuck because it's one of the few shows where I like everyone in the ensemble cast. It has humor, action, romance, and humanity. The cast has great chemistry and I think it has a great balance of action and humor. The dialogue is strong and the actors are very talented and the characters are relatable. Plus, I have a crush on Zach Levi :heart:
If you could be any type of tree in the world, which dinosaur would you be?

Brontosaurus. You just don't push em around.

What is your biggest regret? If any........
I had surgery in early Jan that was giving me a month out of work. I had planned to go to SC to visit my Grandpa who I had not seen in person since 2003. We were planning it for the end of the month cuz my followup appt was the 21st and we were going to leave that Friday. Well I spoke to him the weekend before and he was all excited to see us.
That Monday, January 19th, I got a phone call. He had passed away. We were literally days from seeing him and we didn't get there in time.

Why won't you you post a pic?

I like the allure and anonymity that comes with posting on a forum, but I also have always been wary of the internet and putting "myself" out there. I know people who've had bad experiences from it. I'm not 100% against posting my picture, maybe one day I'll be like screw it, and post one, but it won't be today lol.
Let's just say I'm not a complete mystery to everyone here.

Plus I really don't like how guys act on here when females do post a pic. It kinda turns you off from wanting to post one cuz they act as though they've never seen a real live girl before.
very awesome.

Damn straight! :up:

a lot more. their productitivy would increase tenfold

Ah, yes. :up:

this will shock some... but i've never seen a single episode of Lost. I was talking to a friend of mine tonight and I said I'd like to get the sets and catch up on it in the future

Why aren't you catching up now so you can join in on the fun that will be the series finale next year? Do you want to miss it? Are you passively aggressively hating on Lost? Do you need Lost in 3D to get you into Lost? And were you disappointed in the not so great 3Dness of Chuck? If Chuck and Lost had a crossover would you watch it? Are you watching Lost yet? How many more questions can I come up with to deal with you haven't not seen it? Seven? Three? 4 8 15 16 23 42, mean anything? Don't you think it would mean something if you saw Lost?
You don't like the monkey dance we do when a girl posts a pic?
1.To you, what have you accomplished most in life thus far?
2.Do people question your time on the hype?
3.Out of all the banned users, who do you miss most?
4.Dark chocolate-thoughts?
Having gone through traumatic experiences, do you feel that you have moved past them?

Describe your dream abode and who you dream would be living there with you?

Have you ever travelled to Europe and would you like to?
Aren't we assuming much?

Actually, if I had every member of the Hype on myspace, you'd probably make my top 8. You took me under your wing as survivor rookie, and I think I've been cursed ever since lol. If I ever win a tribal spirit challenge, I'm dedicating it to ya.

But more seriously, you're a stand up guy. You're intelligent and when I'm techblonde and ask questions, you help me out. That's all I think your ego can stand, so I'll move on... but feel free to tell me why I'm one of your faves

Cause you're a girl. :heart:
Whatis your name?
What is your quest?
On your list of the 10 greatest stories, where does Whiskers rank?
A train full of babies is speeding into a train full of kittens. Which does Godzilla eat first?
If you could be the pet of any celebrity, who would you choose and why?
If you could be the sex slave of any female celebrity, which would it be and why? Please go into great detail if possible :up:
Would you rather die young in a blaze of glory or old and quietly?
You find a million dollars in a ditch, what do you do with it? Go into great detail if you can.
Do you follow any religion? If no, what are your answers for life's mysteries?
Whom is someone you hate but highly respect?
Assign a Greek god to your favorite Hype posters
If you were a politician, what would be your issue?
It's 12 o'clock, do you know where your children are?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Do you plan on moving out of your home city/state in the near future?
Are you close to your family?
Say one thing about yourself that either few on here or no one on here knows about you?
Political affiliation?
Best movie of 2008?
Worst movie of 2008?
Favorite annual ceremony?
Do you go to the movies by yourself?
Do you make few really good friends or many loose friends?
Last nightmare you had?
Have you at all followed my Hype Award winning Fan Fic?
Do you have dreams of being a mod on the hype?
Whatis your name?
What is your quest?
On your list of the 10 greatest stories, where does Whiskers rank?
A train full of babies is speeding into a train full of kittens. Which does Godzilla eat first?
If you could be the pet of any celebrity, who would you choose and why?
If you could be the sex slave of any female celebrity, which would it be and why? Please go into great detail if possible :up:
Would you rather die young in a blaze of glory or old and quietly?
You find a million dollars in a ditch, what do you do with it? Go into great detail if you can.
Do you follow any religion? If no, what are your answers for life's mysteries?
Whom is someone you hate but highly respect?
Assign a Greek god to your favorite Hype posters
If you were a politician, what would be your issue?
It's 12 o'clock, do you know where your children are?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Do you plan on moving out of your home city/state in the near future?
Are you close to your family?
Say one thing about yourself that either few on here or no one on here knows about you?
Political affiliation?
Best movie of 2008?
Worst movie of 2008?
Favorite annual ceremony?
Do you go to the movies by yourself?
Do you make few really good friends or many loose friends?
Last nightmare you had?
Have you at all followed my Hype Award winning Fan Fic?
Do you have dreams of being a mod on the hype?
Oh, my. What a grueling line of inquiry. :p
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