Well I played the Prey demo. It's really exciting. It's clear that Human Head has learned a LOT as they've gone along. Not that they were awful, I still love and play Rune to this day (there's even a Rune presense in this game that shouldn't be too hard to find, and it's awesome!) but they really hit the nails on the head.
The Doom 3 engine is suitable for this game. It's a great engine for rendering metallic/fleshy corridors and for PPSing everying. It's not too good for rendering the bar (it looks more like glass than wood) or the great outdoors (Tomb Raider: Legend has better cliff edged terrian) but overall it's a good looking game.
The weapons are fun to discover uses for. They have really inventive animations and there is one that has a really cool ability to freeze enemies (complete with an awesome T&L "ice" effect)
The puzzles are straightforward for the most part. Spirit-walking is usually the solution to them, but there are multiple "where is the gravity?" puzzles. There's a really cool segment where you are shrunken down, I won't spoil any more, but it's just really cool.
Spirit walking is in no way a gimmick as the reasons to use it expand as the demo goes along. You start off just walking through walls but eventually you will want to use it to sneak up on enemies or clear the snipers out of an area before your physical body even goes in.
Without spoiling any more (I'm sorry) I'll just say, they have damn good scripting segments that actually made my jaw drop (mostly in disgust, it was pretty violent) but at the bar, it was just really freaking cool.