first of all, happy birthday
now, I'm really not sure what the whole "fear of 30" is all about, I'm 31 and honestly enjoying each and every minute of it
I feel in a much better place than I was when I was 21 or 26, phisically, emotionally, creatively, sexually, spiritually, you name it, I feel neither old nor pathetic, and like I still have a long way to go, a ****load of stuff to do, and stuff to get accomplished
I'll get married next year with a woman who had been one of my best friends and for the last two years has been my life companion
I'm enjoying my high school and university teaching jobs, getting people to grasp different aspects of subjects they thought boring and unimportant
I have my kids to see grow up and shape into better human beings than I ever will be, it's gonna be though, but I'm up for the challenge
I'm not gonna mention just how much fun sex has become lately, but just so you know, it has
if you honestly feel that you have nothing left to do, then why keep on living? you have at least 40 more good years ahead of you
life is what you make out of it, if you7 decide that you have nothing more to offer to others or yourself, there's two options, stop wasting space or LIVE, that's what life is for
remember, you have become a much better version of what you were ten years ago
just as an advice, I'd recommend you lead a healthier life, it will work wonders, trust me
and to all those who think life starts ending at 30, just look at all the great humans who have achieved amazing stuff at their mid/late 30's or 40's, or 50's
life is truly what you make of it