You only got a ps3 for the blue-ray that clearly shows how you take it for granted. You don't appreciateit. Its like you took a flight to the Bahamas
just for the first class seats.
 You should just trade you ps3 for a normal blue-ray
That's stupid. I bought it because at the time it cost as much as a Sony blu-ray player. Except the PS3 has wi-fi so my updates are easy to download, and if I wanted to I could play a game here and there. Like I said, I got Batman AA off my buddy dirt cheap. And now that I've seen Uncharted I may get it.
I have a few questions
Whats is your fav games?
I love me some Gears, Halo, Mass Effect, Doom, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Spider-Man Web of Shadows, HULK Ultimate Destruction, Conker Live and Reloaded, Rainbow Six, Portal, Left 4 Dead, so mostly shooters.
Whats are good xbox exclusives?
Mass Effect, Halo, Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, Gears, Fable and so on...
You dont like mg4 because you you dont like metal gear games
I don't like them because the story is a joke. It comes off as a parody. The gameplay is clunky and all the characters act WAAAY to overzealous. Not to mention the fact you watch half the game. It comes off as kind of pretentious on the developers part. The game series as a whole comes off as really sophomoric. If it want's me to take it's espionage/spy story seriously it should do away with the over the top zeal, giant robots, mullets, swords, and fat guys on roller skates. If I want a spy/stealth/espionage game I'll go to Tom Clancy. They actually take their stuff seriously.
Have you played any meta lgear games before?
and not just played it for one day?
Well this depends on what you mean. Have a played most of them? Yes. Have I played them all, all the way through? No. But let me ask you. Would you finish off a gallon of milk if you took one drink and it was sour?
This is why I dont like metal gear rising going multi platform Xbox fans dont know what they are geting into, and they will judge it as a bad game..
like a mother loving her ugly child. no mater how ugly the child grows the mother will always love it.
Funny you should say that. I've always felt the same way about MGS fans.
Ps3 exlusives are diferent from eatch other. while xbox are mostly fps.
You mean like Fable and Mass Effect that are RPGs? Or Halo Wars that's an RTS? Or Dead Rising that's an 3rd person adventure game? Or Gears of War or Crack Down that are 3rd person shooters? Or Dead or Alive 4 that's a fighting game? Or Fuzion Frenzy and Scene It that are party games? Or Project Gotham Racing that is a racing game.