An effective finale to the 4th season, in which Batman faces the biggest threat of his entire career, but not alone. Everyone in the episode, from Martian Manhunter, Batgirl, Robin, even Alfred & Lucious lend a hand in the overall defeat of The Joining. Of course it was a little contrived, in classic cartoon/Hollywood movie form, coming up with a "magic bullet" tactic that saves the entire world with one press of a button, if only they can live long enough to press it. It is revealed that Batman kept his partners at bay for their safety, not because he feared they were incompetant (although Batgirl sort incompetant). And in the end Batman meets the JLA, and seemingly joins, but before pulling some "I knew that you knew that I knew before you knew!" stype pwnage.
Some questions; if the JLA was formed already, why did only J'onn go to Gotham? If that was the nerve center of the Joining, they needed everyone there. They barely got off the mission as it was with only Batman, his sidekicks and J'onn, and the sidekicks disobeyed orders to show up. But, not a big deal. A bigger deal was the team is a total sausage fest, and that can get boring (I'd prefer Black Canaray & Zatanna to WW). It also will get boring if the next season is just a team-up show. The designs are pretty good, though.
Hopefully THE BATMAN maintains this series high after a very stellar 4th go.