The Dark Knight 401


Jun 12, 2007
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::disclaimer - sorry if this has been brought up::

Remember back in the day, specifically of the 27th of July, when some of us saw a number in the sky to dial? and when we dialed it we got a message from a hostage? One of the things he said was "how many clowns does it take to get a good laugh? 401." I know many of us thought there was some importance to this number, but couldn't connect it to any thing. It just hit me that 401 could be 4/01 April Fools which is also the first day the Joker contacted us last year. Just thought it was interesting and I didn't know if it was brought up or not.
An interesting idea. But 401 was one of the answers you could have put in at that stage of the Comic-Con puzzle. 401 and inside joke were the two possible answers as far as I recall.
I don't remember that I though it was only Inside joke.
The number 401 was already figured out. 401 = D.O.A = Dead On Arrival.

4 = the letter D in the alphabet and so on.

It was in referring to the kid on the phone that was saying what the Joker wanted him to say. And then later on, the kid on the phone was killed.
That was never proven to be what it meant. I could have meant that, it could have been 401, where ifyou take out the 0, it's DA. It could mean april fools day. Or the most likely scenario, it was just a number and didnt mean s**t and you people are all looking too hard for clues for a game that's most likely over.
the game is not over. in regards to ARGs for promotion, they continue up to release, so it might be a wait.
Of course the game's not over. We still have people with the joker phones, and once they ring the games will begin again :D
to strengthen that point, the "Year Zero" phones went dead because the Resistance had to go underground; the Joker's crew should run amock up to the film release.
Ah i see now, I Thought the 401 Meant 400 Participants In the Scavenger Hunt, and One Winner
That was never proven to be what it meant. I could have meant that, it could have been 401, where ifyou take out the 0, it's DA. It could mean april fools day. Or the most likely scenario, it was just a number and didnt mean s**t and you people are all looking too hard for clues for a game that's most likely over.

If is is over, what do you think the cell phones are for? Christmas gifts?
I dont think 401 will amount to anything, however I think are next clue lies with the phones.
just keep those phones handy and keep ur fingers crossed.

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