5 things you would have done diff.


Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
Throughout the trilogy what are five things you would've done differently to all three of the Spider-man films to make it better in your opinion.

-Make Gwen Peter's high school crush.
-Have Doc Ock as the villain.
-Keep them in highschool until the end of the film.
-Make Flash one of the supporting cast.
-Have Doc Ock put in a high security prison.

Spider-Man 2
-Make Green Goblin the villain.
-Kill Gwen off.
-Bring back Flash.
-Introduce Liz as MJ's new roomate instead of Pete's apartment people being introduced.
-John Jameson and Felicia Hardy cameo at Peter and Gwen's engagement party as MJ and Flash's dates to bring them in the next film.

Spider-Man 3
-Have Sandman and the Symbiote be the only threat.
-Make Eddie Brock bigger/more muscular.
-Have MJ neglect John to spend time with Harry(who drinks) and Peter while they grieve.
-John brings the symbiote to earth on a space craft, and it gets to peter who is taking pics at the landing.
-Peter takes the symbiote off at the end then Eddie gets, but no Venom yet and MJ declares her love for Peter, After spending time with him throughout the film
Obviously I liked the series, but sure there are things I would have done different. Maybe not for SM1.

Spider-Man 2:

Introduce Eddie Brock (Topher Grace)

Spider-Man 3:

Keep it the way it was and have Venom have 10 more minutes and live at the end, to be in SM4.

I'm too tired to think of anything else.

- Change the Green Goblin costume
- Don't make Peter's story "All about a girl"
- Don't make Peter let the burglar run by him just because the manager pissed him off. It should be about ego. Not revenge.
- Introduce Gwen


- No A.I. manipulating Ock's mind


- No Sandman being Uncle Ben's real killer
- No symbiote
- No Eddie Brock
- Harry being a Goblin, instead of a guy on a hoverboard with a paintballer's mask
- Harry's revenge scheme being greater than simply breaking Peter and MJ up
- No emo dancing
- MJ not being such a selfish cow
- Making better use of Gwen and Captain Stacy. They were wasted in SM-3
-Peter and Harry are in high school and Ock is the villain
-Norman Osborn is introduced, and is a cold, distant father to Harry. Even have Norman smack Harry around a bit if he gets mouthy
-Gwen is attracted to Peter but he leaves her abruptly to save Aunt May form the radiation in her blood after the blood transfusion
-Capt Stacy is accidentally killed in a fight between Ock and Spidey, Gwen hates Spider-Man
-Ock will have a Master Planner/SM2 scheme (underwater base, hold the city for ransom, the experiment threatens to go awry)

-Norman fires Stromm for (petty) embezzlement and takes over his research
-he goes insane from the Goblin Formula, starts taking out all real and imagined enemies of OsCorp (other weapons dealers and entire police departments when they try to stop his rampages)
-he and Peter discover each other's secrets earlier in the film and they are uncomfortable around each other in their civilian identities. You can cut the tension with a knife.
-Harry starts drinking to deal with the end of his relationship with Liz Allan and because of Norman's increasingly erratic behavior
-Peter and Gwen are getting serious and Peter is head over heels in love, he plans to marry her
-after Spider-Man nearly defeats the Goblin in battle, Gobby goes after Peter's family, killing Gwen at the bridge
-Norman is killed and Harry swears revenge

-William Baker aka, Flint Marko, escapes from prison
-being a criminal is all he knows but with super vigilantes like Spider-Man around, he needs a boost
-he gets that boost from one of the various mad scientists (Dr Farley Stillwell, Dr Jonas Harrow, etc)
-he forms a street gang of impressionable teens and starts a crime wave
-Peter is angry and bitter over Gwens death and isnt crazy about Harry's ranting about Spider-Man
-Aunt May tries to introduce him to that nice red headed girl from next door but Peter wants none of it
-Harry discovers one of his fathers diary's and learns his secret as well as Peters, becomes the second Green Goblin
-so Peter is searching for the Sandman while fending off attacks from Harry, which includes Harry's plans to unite the mobs
-after the bad guys are beaten, Peter meets MJ and hits the jackpot, she then starts his healing process

- Less crying

- Not let James Franco smoke weed before his scenes

- Chosen a more attractive and likable Mary Jane

- Assigned a strict dietitian/personal trainer to Tobey to make sure he stays in the exact same shape

- Introduced Eddie Brock (not played by Topher Grace) as a competitive threat at the bugle

Spider-Man 2

- Less crying

- Not let James Franco smoke weed before his scenes

- Open the movie with Spider-Man chasing the Rhino but takes care of him quickly

- Eddie Brock continues to climb the ladder at the bugle eventually becoming the best photographer/journalist there.

-Given doc ock a german accent

Spider-Man 3

- Less crying

- Not let James Franco smoke weed before his scenes

- Not one single solitary moment of singing or dancing

- Made Harry more Goblin like

- No Sandman

- No eyeliner, emo hair, or donuts for Tobey

- Given Venom an intimidating roar rather then velociraptor screech

- Made Venom bigger/more muscular

- Completely redisigned Venom's head

- Made Venom's transformation EXACTLY how it was described in the official novelization of the movie. (Check it out)
- introduce Eddie Brock
- get a better actress to play MJ

Spider-Man 2:
- keep Brock in the background being humiliated by Spider-Man/Peter Parker
- have John Jameson bring back the symbiote with him from space
- give MJ red hair

Spider-Man 3:
- have Harry as a real Goblin and enlisting thugs like Shocker and Rhino to take down Spidey
- have Spider-Man in the symbiote suit for most of the film
- cliffhanger ending with Brock turning into Venom
- introduce Eddie Brock
- get a better actress to play MJ

Spider-Man 2:
- keep Brock in the background being humiliated by Spider-Man/Peter Parker
- have John Jameson bring back the symbiote with him from space
- give MJ red hair

Spider-Man 3:
- have Harry as a real Goblin and enlisting thugs like Shocker and Rhino to take down Spidey
- have Spider-Man in the symbiote suit for most of the film
- cliffhanger ending with Brock turning into Venom

pretty damn good, though i liked all three films (doesent mean they cant be improved on though) :woot:

- Less crying

- Not let James Franco smoke weed before his scenes

- Chosen a more attractive and likable Mary Jane

- Assigned a strict dietitian/personal trainer to Tobey to make sure he stays in the exact same shape

- Introduced Eddie Brock (not played by Topher Grace) as a competitive threat at the bugle

Spider-Man 2

- Less crying

- Not let James Franco smoke weed before his scenes

- Open the movie with Spider-Man chasing the Rhino but takes care of him quickly

- Eddie Brock continues to climb the ladder at the bugle eventually becoming the best photographer/journalist there.

-Given doc ock a german accent

Spider-Man 3

- Less crying

- Not let James Franco smoke weed before his scenes

- Not one single solitary moment of singing or dancing

- Made Harry more Goblin like

- No Sandman

- No eyeliner, emo hair, or donuts for Tobey

- Given Venom an intimidating roar rather then velociraptor screech

- Made Venom bigger/more muscular

- Completely redisigned Venom's head

- Made Venom's transformation EXACTLY how it was described in the official novelization of the movie. (Check it out)

LOL fair enough!
No symbiote.

Sandman sacrifices himself at the end to contain a huge explosion ala spectacular spider-man. turns to glass.

Harry saves Peter at the end from a trap that he set. Harry is killed by his trap. (Perhaps the same bomb Sandman contains, with Harry inside)

Mary Jane in no danger at the end of the film like the first two. Harry doesn't want to hurt her. She's watching from the sidelines.

Spider-Man's revenge is motivated not by discovering that Sandman killed Uncle Ben (because then Spider-Man got revenge on an innocent man) instead, Aunt May or somebody else is injured.
Spider Man:

Hmm..... I need time for this one. I like Joker's reasons, except, how would they do Uncle Ben's death?
Spider-Man 2:

Same as Web-head said, introduce Eddie Brock and get that feud started. Other than that, I thought the movie was perfect. So well written, great action scenes, it was just incredible.

Spider-Man 3:

Man, where do I start?

1. Choose 1 Villain as the main villain. I would've saved Harry for the 4th movie or at least make a small cameo appearance as the new Green Goblin at the end of the movie. Didn't need to be in this one a whole lot though.

2. This movie should've just been about Spidey vs Venom. In fact, Venom should've been a HUGE Monster, not a muscular version of Spider-Man.

3. Didn't need Sandman. How was worked into the story was ok. I liked him at first, but when he started tellin sob stories was when I lost interest in him. He should've been dead in that sewer fight to really show that The Dark Suit brings out the evil in Spider-Man. He did provide the movie with some great action scenes though.

4. That Love Triangle nonsense should've been left out too. At that point, There was WAY too much stuff in that one movie.

5. The character who played Sandman should've played Eddie Brock. I would've used someone else as Sandman.
Spider Man:

5. The character who played Sandman should've played Eddie Brock. I would've used someone else as Sandman.

I agree fully.
Although Thomas Haden Church looked perfect as Sandman, he would've also been great as Eddie Brock.

- Change the Green Goblin costume
- Don't make Peter's story "All about a girl"
- Don't make Peter let the burglar run by him just because the manager pissed him off. It should be about ego. Not revenge.
- Introduce Gwen


- No A.I. manipulating Ock's mind


- No Sandman being Uncle Ben's real killer
- No symbiote
- No Eddie Brock
- Harry being a Goblin, instead of a guy on a hoverboard with a paintballer's mask
- Harry's revenge scheme being greater than simply breaking Peter and MJ up
- No emo dancing
- MJ not being such a selfish cow
- Making better use of Gwen and Captain Stacy. They were wasted in SM-3

Agreed to just about everything you said!
Good thread.

Although some of you (like Demogoblin) have great ideas, I personally wouldn't drastically alter the series too much.

In fact, for me, I would just point out five total points across all three movies.

In Spider-Man 1, all I really would say is a better Green Goblin costume and improved special effects. That doesn't really count though because I'm sure they would have done the same with an increased budget.

In Spider-Man 2, one scene in particular rubs me the wrong way, and no, it's not Ursula's chocolate cake scene. I can understand going with a more mature tone for the sequel. I think it was the right way to go, especially considering we're tracing Peter's emotional development. With that said, though, I'm not a fan of the "unmasked in the train" scene, complete with the crowd's "crucifixion" lift. I dunno, felt forced and contrived.

As for Spider-Man 3......here we go.
The biggest sin in all of these movies: Sandman as Uncle Ben's killer. Seriously, what the HELL was that? The train scene mentioned above was as natural as a sunset compared to this garbage of an idea. As for Avi Arad's interference, it may not have been an inherently bad idea if he was talking Raimi out of this trash, except, as we all know, he was adding his own crap ideas.
I'm not the biggest Venom fan in the world, but I don't dislike him either. I think it would have been best for all concerned to save him for a future movie, as opposed to "akwardly shoehorning him in" (James Berardinelli's words).
And finally, for the second straight Goblin feature, a terribly realized costume. No excuse this time; the money was there. The first encounter at the beginning of the movie was terrific, but looking at "New" Goblin was unintentional comedy.

Anyway, that's my two cents. Bottom line, Sandman's "connection" to Peter Parker was an unforgivable error in judgment, and Raimi has much to make up for in installment 4.
How about something small for me real quick? Like I was watching S-M 2 today and realized how badly I wish Spidey was throwing some humor at the robbers during the street chase when he was running late for the play. Just small things like "Can we do a rain check on this whole gig? I have someplace I need to be right now! *shoots web at robbers*


1. Don't know if this would have been able to work sfx wise, but...maybe as well as Norman industries developing the armour and glider, have them develop camoflage tech for soldeir's skin, an injection that makes their skin green/brown. Norman O uses this and mixing with the other formula gives his normal face a more goblin apperance, he uses another injection to remove the effect.
Probably too complicated to do, but would make use of Dafoe's great face for the goblin and lose the mask that obscured his face.

2. After the fight in the burning building have Spidey chase the Goblin through the city, just so we get a good web slinging/glider chase in the movie.

3. At the Brooklyn Bridge, have it more like the fight from the Gwen stacey issue it was based on. Have a fight between Spidey and GG utilising the bridge and only when GG realises he is losing the fight have him take the kids hostage, also using MJ

Spider-man 2

1. More quips all round

2. I would preferably lose the 'Spider-man no more sequence', the movie drags during this section and this is the first 'Spidey all the way through' movie, have him have a crisis with losing his powers at a moment's notice but still be Spidey.

3. During the part where PP spots the guy getting mugged, have him jump in to help but get beat up.

4. a better fight between Spidey and Ock at the warehouse at the end.

5. a better conversation/dialoge between Pete and Harry when he is unmasked.

Spider-man 3

1. No ret-con of Uncle Ben's death. To make black suit Spidey want to kill him , have him put either MJ or Aunt May in a coma. Probably best be Aunt May as she disapears for most of the movie anyway. Maybe he knocks her over while blasting through the city as a sandstorm.

2. Same as a suggestion above. Use the John Jameson plot from the animated series to bring the symbiote from the moon. Opening action sequence should be spidey rescuing them from the crashed shuttle and coming into contact with the symbiote.

3. Have Harry wear the cool looking silver goblin mask you see in his lair, it could also pull back to reveal his face.

4. Harry to act a little less goofy when he loses his memory, just act like the good friend he was in SM1.

5. Have the black suited SM lose it in public, being more violent with criminals, so the public lose faith in him after teh SM parade and are unsure of him when he shows up for the final battle(no Superman style american flag, cheering shot), he redeems himslef defeating the villans but this puts Spider-man back at 'hero or menace?' status in public's minds.
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(no Superman style american flag)/quote]

why are people STILL complaining about this? it was like two seconds outta the whole movie. was it cheesy as hell? yes. did it take away from the rest of the movie? no. i dont care if people dont like SM3, that's their opinion..while i loved it, but still...

(no Superman style american flag)

why are people STILL complaining about this? it was like two seconds outta the whole movie. was it cheesy as hell? yes. did it take away from the rest of the movie? no. i dont care if people dont like SM3, that's their opinion..while i loved it, but still...

To me it just didn't seem like a Spidey shot. That and a big crowd of people clapping for him. Save that stuff for Superman, one of teh great things about the spider-man comics I read was always the fact that his reputation was always suspect, so that whenever he got a small bit of recognition from a member of the public it was a big deal and all the more sweeter. I like superheroes to have their own particular style and identity, I have no problem with Superman american flag shots, it fits his style of hero.
I mean, it doesn't bother me that much the Spider-man shot, it just doesn't chime right with the Spider-man I know.
I can see why they put it in the movie, he's an American icon, but in his own universe I prefer him to be more of a misunderstood outsider hero.

edit: As for 'why people are still complaining about this', well, check out teh thread title, and the context of my post, I wasn't just complaining about that shot but was expressing a desire to change the way the character was portrayed in such a way that, as a side effect, would negate that kind of scene.
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Spider-Man 1:
- Organic Web Shooters (no need to bring up the debate again. This is only what I would have done differently)
- More realistic Goblin costume (That did not look like a military uniform at all)
- Introduce Eddie Brock
- Recast Mary Jane with a better and more attractive actress.

Spider-Man 2:
- No neuro-inhibitor chip for Doc Ock
- no redeeming quality for Dock Ock at the end of Spider-Man 2... he should remain as a "monster"
- Eddie and Peter conflicts due to their job.
- Introduce the symbiote at the end.
- Some major tragedy happens to MJ... she gets hurt and is hospitalized. Peter blames himself. MJ's acting career is put on hold for a long time.

Spider-Man 3:
- No Sandman villian at all.
- Make Venom the main villian
- Make Harry the new green goblin with Norman's original costume... no flying skate board gliders. Keep the original glider.
- Peter and MJ's relationship gets repaired.
Spider-Man 1:
- Organic Web Shooters (no need to bring up the debate again. This is only what I would have done differently)
- More realistic Goblin costume (That did not look like a military uniform at all)
- Introduce Eddie Brock
- Recast Mary Jane with a better and more attractive actress.

Spider-Man 2:
- No neuro-inhibitor chip for Doc Ock
- no redeeming quality for Dock Ock at the end of Spider-Man 2... he should remain as a "monster"
- Eddie and Peter conflicts due to their job.
- Introduce the symbiote at the end.
- Some major tragedy happens to MJ... she gets hurt and is hospitalized. Peter blames himself. MJ's acting career is put on hold for a long time.

Spider-Man 3:
- No Sandman villian at all.
- Make Venom the main villian
- Make Harry the new green goblin with Norman's original costume... no flying skate board gliders. Keep the original glider.
- Peter and MJ's relationship gets repaired.
I don't have 5.
1-more wisecracks, minor dialogue tweaks. Leave in the part about MJ not getting the soap opera b/c of Flash.
2-minor dialogue tweaks.
3-NO VENOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I attribute everything that went wrong to him), more of a relationship between Peter & MJ, better costume for Harry.
1.Make Doc Ock the villain.
2.Make Gwen the girl Pete has a crush on.
3.No microchip that makes Doc Ock evil.
4.Have Pete stay in high school through out the whole movie.
5.Have doc Ock end up in prison at the end of the movie.

1.Make Green Goblin the villain.
2.Different costume with a latex mask.
3.Gwen being killed by the Green Goblin.
4.Brock and Dr.Connors as supporting characters.
5.More action.

1.Hobgoblin and Sandman are the villains.
2.Harry creates Sandman to seek revenge for his father's death.When Sandman asks Harry how does he find Spider-Man,Harry tells Sandman to commit a crime.

3.Harry becomes angry that Sandman was defeated and ends up in prison by Spider-Man that Harry trashes his dad's office where he ends up breaking the mirror during his fit of rage where he finds the Goblin's lair.

4.Harry becomes the Hobgoblin and seeks his revenge again by trying to kill spider-man himself personally.

5.Harry ends up in a mental institution when he finds out that Spider-Man is Peter after the final battle.
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For every Spiderman movie so far:

- An actress who looks and acts like Mary Jane for Mary Jane.
- Less crying Peter (E. Brock is right), specially if he's making those strange kinda funny looking faces.
- Less pointless unfunny humor (dance and Bruce Campbell scenes included). Leave the one-liners for Spiderman and please make them good.
- Make J. J. Jameson a character that's more than a simple comic relief.
- Keep the spider-mask in Spiderman's head.
1. NO taking the mask off at the train after fighting Doc Ock in Spiderman 2. You mean to tell me everyone is going to PROMISE not to reveal his identity. Thats a load of crap and even in a fantasy movie like this is not logical or believable
2.No Toby
3.No Dunst
4. No killing Doc Ock or Venom, it seriously pisses me off when they kill off villains, Goblin is the exception
5.No Emo Spiderman crap, and more J.J

Btw I'm talking about general changes for the series.
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Spider-Man 2

-Given doc ock a german accent

Octavius was born and raised in America. Why on Earth would he have a German accent?

As for changes I'd make, I'd leave the first two movies pretty much alone (they were fantastic) but with more quippage, and maybe show Spidey stopping a lesser villain (like Shocker or Rhino) at the beginning of the 2nd film.

As for Spider-Man 3:

-No ret-con about Uncle Ben's killer. It felt totally forced and almost made Pete's entire origin story pointless. Have Sandman injure Aunt May or something instead.

-I get that Raimi had his arm twisted to put Venom in, so taking him out wasn't really an option. I'd have the symbiote bind with Eddie earlier in the film, cast a bigger actor (or use a body double when he becomes Venom), have Venom refer to himself as "we" instead of "I", and modify his voice when he's got the Venom face on.

-No Jiminy Cricket speech from Bernard. I don't care how Harry figures out that his dad killed himself, just don't do it that way.

-Give Harry a Goblin mask, or at least something that loosely resembles a Goblin face. I'm actually okay with the snowboard glider.

-Have Peter kill either Harry or Sandman (leaning towards Sandman) halfway through. That can be when he realizes he's turning to the dark side, and it'll clear up the overcrowded third act.
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