Well....here we are on another anniversary. I still remember what I was doing. It was a Tuesday morning. The small TV was on in the dispatch office, with the volume turned down. Someone runs into the office and says that a plane hit the WTC. Everyone figured it was a small commuter plane....a cessna prop job. Then I saw the video footage on the screen.....the shot that I saw still looked like a small plane. But I don't live NYC so I had one real idea of how massive those towers were in relation to a jet liner. Then as we were looking the, news said it was an Airbus.......immediately I knew this was huge. Then right before our eyes (on CBS live feed) the second plane slammed into the other tower.
At that moment I told my boss "We're under attack". It was one scary day. People were looking in the skies all day. Wondering about other possible planes.
Thank God for the brave souls on FLT 93 who fought back. Thank God for the rescue workers who rushed in to save lives that day.
I think that the war on terror has become a victim of it's own success. A while ago, someone posted a disturbing thread asking,"Is there really a war on terror?" Wow.
Six years and we have not had another one of these on our soil. There have been attempts. But they have been foiled. And as is human nature, if it ain't happening, it doesn't exist. We should learn from that day, that it doesn't matter if you believe a war exists......THEY DO. And that's all it took.
We better wake up.
Don't quite understand why the original thread was closed. I think we are way too thin skinned around here. No
name -calling should happen. I agree. Just deal with those that do that. oh well...