A fat question


Not lactose, it's milk!
Oct 23, 2002
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This is gonna sound like a dumb question, but...do women find fat guys unattractive?

I'm a fat guy myself who's smart (to an extent) and takes care of himself, but do all women look at us and think we're either unattracive or just there for laughs, meaning "the funny fat guy"?
It's probably more like a fear.

They fear that if they let you get on top, they won't be able to get out from under and you'll have as much fun as you want and they can't stop you.
I think some woman like a fat boy and some like skinny dudes.
Some like fitness guru's etc. etc.
Cobblepot said:
I think some woman like a fat boy and some like skinny dudes.
Some like fitness guru's etc. etc.

and some like guys after they have eaten several burritos, although probably not too many.

What's your point?
My point is don't worry, everyone finds someone.
Cobblepot said:
My point is don't worry, everyone finds someone.

If everyone was after someone, wouldn't it be better for someone to run?
Never run and hide, put up your dukes!
I couldn't date a fat guy, and wouldn't consider it... but I'm a weight-obsessed freak. Some girls like 'em chubby.
Childlike Wild said:
I couldn't date a fat guy, and wouldn't consider it... but I'm a weight-obsessed freak. Some girls like 'em chubby.

Does one count as some?
<--- is a dude....therefore doesn't know.
Stewie Griffin said:
<--- is a dude....therefore doesn't know.

Since the Aunt Petunia epic, one can never be sure.
Yeah, some girls go for fat guys. And some guys go for fat girls, I watched this TV show on it last night in the UK about men who adore fat ladies. But some of it was a bit disgusting.
Damn, I was expecting the question to be "dope" and or "Funky Fresh".......
PyroChamber said:
I'm a fat guy myself who's smart (to an extent)...

LOL! :D That's an interesting way of putting it. Dude, even a ******ed chimp is "smart (to an extent)". ;)
But the chimp is probably not fat........unless it's one of those hilarious movie chimps.
Janeane Garofolo said that she's only attracted to "big","husky" guys (read:fat).
But you're right,it does sound like a dumb question,because you can't make any blanket statements about "women",they're all individuals.
I know a really super cute young girl that thinks Kevin Spacey is a sex-god :confused:

Anyway,turn it back on yourself...do YOU find fat women attractive?
Do you fantasize about squishing and kneading their rolls of pale lard?

For the most part,it is only on sitcoms,like Seinfeld,The Family Guy,The Simpsons or The King of Queens that women are really attracted to fat men.

Lose weight.You'll be glad you did.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Anyway,turn it back on yourself...do YOU find fat women attractive?
Do you fantasize about squishing and kneading their rolls of pale lard?

It's like you're reading my diary...........
edit: and what? did you use to be fat?
Mr Sparkle said:
It's like you're reading my diary...........
edit: and what? did you use to be fat?

Yeah.I was the smart,funny but fat kid in school.
Then one night an impossibly hot (and drunk) girl hit on me but I realized that I'd be afraid for her to see me naked.
So I busted ass to lose all the fat that summer and once I did,a whole new world of happiness,pleasure and fun opened up to me.
And since then,many gorgeous girls have willingly seen me naked. :)
I've liked some before. I like to spank their bellies. :)
I know girls who like chubby guys because they are comfortable.
Has anyone ever noticed that there are typically more skinny (normal) guys with fat girls around than there are fat guys with skinny (normal) girls?

This sort of debunks that popular claim by women that it's what's on the inside that counts, particularly if women are the ones more geared by physical appearance, doesn't it?

Just an observation :).
I'd say there are more fat guys with skinny girls, than the other.

Just an observation. :o
lazur said:
Has anyone ever noticed that there are typically more skinny (normal) guys with fat girls around than there are fat guys with skinny (normal) girls?

This sort of debunks that popular claim by women that it's what's on the inside that counts, particularly if women are the ones more geared by physical appearance, doesn't it?

Just an observation :).

Maybe all the skinny girls were taken?

Personally I like a little meat on my girl. :)

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