A new DVD cover...

Jul 7, 2005
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Yes, I know it's Bloodrayne. Yes, I know none of you like Uwe Boll or his "ad-boll-minations", but I was bored. I'm not asking you to tell me your opinion of the movie, or of Uwe Boll himself, just your critiques and improvements for cover making.

Yes, it has no barcode or DVD logos, just for the whole sake of being able to use it for whatever platform anyone might have it on. Gossip away.


Oh no! The credits didn't come through...grr.
Hey you do a good job on that.
Phew. Thanks, mate. only 90 mins lol. I saw that you replied, and I thought you'd bash it to high heaven. My fave little detail is the picture of Rayne and it looks like she's on old/burnt paper :up:

Thanks again :up:
Nice work, to bad it's for a piece of crap movie like Bloodrayne.
ive never even heard of this movie - but nice cover
Thanks again. Yeah it's pretty camp and corny, but I was surprised I could find critics that liked it :up:
I have no intention whatsoever to see this movie, but that is a fine look'n package design, duder.
A new one (had to sacrifice a bit of quality to actually upload it so ignore the pixelation...look BEYOND the pixelation):


yeah not great but twas fun to make enjoy :up:
you should have used the two guns pic for selene.
Ultimate Movie-Man said:
A new one (had to sacrifice a bit of quality to actually upload it so ignore the pixelation...look BEYOND the pixelation):


I love you!
i'm talking about the one used for the poster
Huh, thats really bloody good. What program are you using?
The Gimp, it's a free version of Photoshop. Someitmes it pays to be poor :up: :D

Thanks for the compliments, everyone. I know there will be some aspect not everyone will like, but that's usually how the real people do their covers. Usually they're really crap. But it's the movie that counts so, bugger it lol :up: thanks again!
someone else has an avator like that it is of a guy pushing another guy off a cliff and then he gets pushed off and so on and so on.
I hope so. When I did the Bloodrayne one it was out of sheer boredom and I wanted to make something. A little time and a lot of copying and pasting from the website lol, and I was done. I was a bit rushed with the Underworld one, but I'll see what I can do.

I hope the real UE dvd cover doesnt have the one with her holding the 2 pistols,that would suck.

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