A patern w/Marvel movies

Chris Wallace

Jul 13, 2001
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Ever notice that w/each new project, we get to see the heroes relatively early but they keep the villains under wraps for as long as possible?
If you think about it, that's because if you're making a Spiderman movie, who's the first actor to be chosen? Likewise with outfit designs and other stuff. The villain can be chosen much later, with an actor (or f/x team...) to play them even further on into pre-production.

Or you could be right, and Arad, Lee, et al are just really really good at hyping their films... which they are.
Or it could be a combination of the two. But we haven't seen an official Doom pic yet. The only reason we saw the Goblin as soon as we did is b/c people were sneaking the shots & running. I also recall not seeing Magneto & CO. until long after I knew what the X-Men were wearing.
I think the films are about the hero, with villains thrown in as obstacles to overcome. If I saw shots of the X3 heroes, alongside shots of the bad guys, I doubt i'd be as stoked to see battles between them by the time the film came out. If the film is called Spiderman 3, then we get shots of Spiderman. We all know it's most likely going to kick butt, so why bother getting used to live action renditions of Green Goblin or whoever, when the anticipation from us fans is more fun (and better hype... like this discussion
Thufir Hawat said:
If you think about it, that's because if you're making a Spiderman movie, who's the first actor to be chosen? Likewise with outfit designs and other stuff. The villain can be chosen much later, with an actor (or f/x team...) to play them even further on into pre-production.

Or you could be right, and Arad, Lee, et al are just really really good at hyping their films... which they are.
Your name is the epitome of CONFIRMITY! You, Mentat, you. :p
I think they reveal the Heroes as they basically HAVE to, to gain interest from consumers. The villains they keep under wraps most of the time to keep the interest in the film and hopefully get fans to talk about the film, giving it hype, etc...
Is that why with the Hulk we didn't get to see....

...oh wait, the villian was his dad. Nevermind. I forgot that's why I was disappointed in this movie.
"Hulk", truth be told, was not a superhero movie. Not in the classic sense. Your basic formula is good guy does his thing, bad guy does his thing, they cross paths, conflict escalates, bad guy makes his big move & hero stops him. This was not the plot of "Hulk". Not really. This was about a man w/something inside him that he didn't understand or want.
The Hulk movie is Better than ANY marvel movie right now....
With Spiderman. Spidey is Spidey you know what he is gonna look like. A lot like his very familiar comic counterpart. But look at how different GG and Ock were. There is no harm in showing Spidey right away cause he aint gonna look drastically different. Hence no surprize.
I think the better pattern to look at Marvel films is that the sequels tend to be as good or better with each one.
Lingo25 said:
I think the better pattern to look at Marvel films is that the sequels tend to be as good or better with each one.
That, I'm afraid, is your opinion. Even if it's one that I share.
Their not doing that with Iron Man, giving away the main villian almost as soon as they approved the script,now they haven't annouced any henchmen yet which they may keep quite,but not the main Villian.
I'm not talking about whether or not they tell us who it is, but whether or not they show him to us.
Oh my gosh.I'm not trying to be a jerk,but,it is so pointless to take the time to say "That's YOUR opinion."

That's all anyone can say,their opinions,unless your dealing in the realm of science,and even then it can be pretty open to interpretation.People come to places like this to give opinions and read the opinions of others.Do you honestly want every single person to type IMHO after EVERY single opinion they offer? You'll end up trying to search for words in between the thousands of "IMHO"'s.

Also,if taken to an extreme,it initiates an eternally absurd spiral.

"The Hulk is the best Marvel film."

"No sir,that's YOUR opinion." (duh)

No,it's your opinion that it's my opinion.Hulk is in fact the best one.Fact."

"Nope,that's just your opinion that it's just my opinion that it's just your opinion that The Hulk is the best.".....etc.

If the theoretical guy feels so strongly about his love for the Hulk that he wants to express it,you can't argue with him because it's an undeniable truth, (in his opinion) The Hulk is the best.Since "it's all a matter of opinion"......why take the time to post the insanely obvious...."that's your opinion."??? What's interesting is exchanging ideas about WHY your opinion is your opinion.Not being told....that your opinion is....an opinion?

That's like,if a guy types the word "hello",and someone replies with "Hey!,you just typed the letters "h","e","l","l" and "o"!"

That's cool but........I thought Daredevil was the best marvel movie???
Yeah,well....I guess...I'm saying that if anyone was !@#$%^& stupid enough to actually beLIEVE that,responding with,"That's YOUR opinion!" is incredibly,egregiously redundant......'cause they just clearly STATED that that's their opinion.

In a case like that,it would be time to actually bring up the reasons that you disagree,like,....um....the Kingpin is WHITE!...and,B.Affleck looked ******ed with that big forehead.....or,Ben Affleck SUCKS (IMHO).....stuff like that.
not true i mean with the sequels sure the heroes costumes change a bit
but in spiderman 2 the first glimpse was doc ock and that was the shiznit!
P.S the hulk movie was horrible the story was so scattered and of course wasn't right the CG and look was awesome and the art of it but the script was a hunk of SHAIT!
I makes total sense to me.

The hero is usally the title of the movie so theres no mystery. Plus there design is more iconic and unchangeable then villains.

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