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A question for TMNT fans


Johnny in a half shell
Mar 19, 2007
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When I do top comic book movies list on other sites, I always put the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie somewhere on my list while it's not as ground breaking as other comic book movies it's still a good enough movie that most comic book fans can't deny. But when I watched the Starz: inside comic book movies they talked about the different movies that came out during the different decades and when they reached the 1990s they didn't even mention any of the Turtles movies. They talked about the Batman movies and those that bombed in the 1990s and despite what people think about TMNT II and TMNT III those three movies did very well in the box offices.

So here is my question do you think most people see the turtles as pop culture crazed so they forget that the turtles were based on comic book and that's why some people by passed the movie?
Yeah...most people see the Turtles in the same light as the Power Rangers or Pokemon...a pop culture product of its time and nothing more...IMO anyway.
First of all, yes, the general population knows of the TMNT only from the old cartoon craze. It's more of a obscure trivial factoid that they originated in a comic book.

Second, the Batman films garner more attention because Batman is more of a cultural icon than the Turtles, who were more of a fad.
I've always wondered why they never tried to get the original TMNT comic books in sort of a paperback collection.
First of all, yes, the general population knows of the TMNT only from the old cartoon craze. It's more of a obscure trivial factoid that they originated in a comic book.

Second, the Batman films garner more attention because Batman is more of a cultural icon than the Turtles, who were more of a fad.

Granted Batman is icon but the Turtles have made a place for themselves they have two shows that last longer then four years the 2k3 TMNT is going into their eighth season and not too many indie comic can say that. And when most fads try to make a come back 8 out of 10 times they failed and most fads don't last 25 years.
I don't agree with the Turtles being a fad. They had a recent movie come out, they have an ongoing show, and they have new games (they're even making a new one to commemorate the series' 25th Anniversary). My little cousin still goes ga-ga for them too, so little kids still love the turtles as do a lot of adults who grew up on the 80s stuff. Then again, I don't think Pokemon is a fad either. The games still sell an insane amount of copies (they're the best selling on the DS from what I've heard), the show is still ongoing, they're still making the made-for-DVD films (I don't even know what they're up to now), they're still selling the cards, and kids are still crazy for them. At my old high school everyone was even playing Leaf Green and the Fire version whose name I can't recall. This was in a highschool. Like last year. Maybe the media isn't talking about these things as much as when they came out but from what I've heard these franchises haven't past at all, nor have they deteriorated in popularity.

And TMNT probably wasn't mentioned because it's rarely remembered as a comic by the popular media. That's what I'm guessing. It's ironic too because it originated as somewhat of a parody of the comics of the time.
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The Turtles came right after the era of GI Joe, Transformers, and He-Man. I really think that if TMNT came during that exact time period, it wouldn't be considered a 'fad', which it's not. It's hard to pinpoint what TMNT are at this point. They're not as pop culture savvy as Transformers, yet they are above the likes of Pokemon.
The first TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES movie from 1990 is dismissed as a "comic book film" I believe solely because in the eyes of pop culture, the Ninja Turtles were famous for their TV show and subsequent merchandise, not the original Mirage comic book. This is ironic because the original creators of the franchise had more control and at least influence over the movies than they did the TV series, and the original film from 1990 has some loose translations of original Mirage comics from the early 80's, from TMNT #1 to trading Leo for Raph from LEONARDO #1, to Casey vs. Raph from RAPHAEL #1, to TMNT #10 with the battle against the Foot in April's apartment, to TMNT #11 and the bits at the farm recovering. The ending to TMNT #1 is merged with at least the spirit of "Return to New York" from TMNT #19-21 (all circa 1984-1989).

It isn't the first place, either. The 2k3 era TMNT cartoon was very, very faithful to many of those aforementioned Mirage stories and then some, but received little attention from the usual stock of comic themes websites that usually cover every episode of a Spidey, Bat, or X-Men show. Frankly, it is a bit of a mistake that the industry doesn't seem to want to let go of, that the Ninja Turtles existed before 1987 (which was when the first TV series started) and their original comics were very different.

It is a shame, but at least we the fans can make sure this error isn't committed within some of our ranks.

That said, in a way it seems hypocritical because many of us Turtle Fans, of which I consider myself to be one, were first exposed to the franchise via the cartoon. In 1987, I was 5, and I recall watching episodes of it before attending Kindergarten classes. So did my friends. It would be many years before the Mirage comics got a look.

Also confusing things were the ARCHIE series of comics, the "TMNT ADVENTURE SERIES" that started out as sheer comic adaptations of the TV show for the first mini and then for the first 5 or so issues before moving in a unique direction, from 1989-1996. Because this comic shared many elements of the TV show, like Krang, Bebop, Rocksteady, and so forth, some may believe the comic sprung from the cartoon, not vice versa. A little research isn't hard; the Ninja Turtles have an official website that is clear, but maybe this effort is dismissed, or thought to not matter.

(There was also that period of time, from 1996-1999, that Image published their own gritty TMNT comics with their own strange continuity, and even some action figures.)

I think a lot of people, especially those who were not little kids, i.e. the target audience, for TMNT from 1987-1996 grew irritated with the sheer merchandise, which naturally was over the top. It was a cash cow for a good 11 years. That cartoon lasted 10 seasons across two networks. In it's prime, which was about 1988-1992, it was bigger than POKEMON would be later. Anything and everything had a Turtle on it. Toys, video games, trading cards, cereal, PASTRIES, and so on. There was even a monthly magazine, that I naturally was subscribed too. Throw in the abysmal "live action" NINJA TURTLES: THE NEXT MUTATION from 1997-1998, and there was barely a respite of 5-6 years before TMNT would be relaunched with new comics, another TV series that has now lasted 7 seasons, and even another feature film two years ago (their 4th; one more and they will have as many Ninja Turtle movies as DIRTY HARRY). Resentment, or astonishment, or even bemusement, at the height of "Turtlemania" (even Barbara Walters interviewed the Ninja Turtles themselves), may also be why the roots of the franchise are dismissed.

Plus, the original TV show was VERY different from the comics, and letting go of lighter hearted childhood memories is hard.

I had been thinking of launching a TMNT 25TH ANNIVERSARY topic somewhere, but genuinely did not know whether to post it in the MOVIES forum, in MISC. COMICS, or in the TV SHOWS forum. As the wealth of well known material and the motivation of why many people became fans was the fact that for 18 out of those 25 years, the Ninja Turtles were a presence on TV, I felt the TV FORUM would be best. I just haven't gotten around to it, and PM'ing the known SHH Turtle fans I know. ;)

While the TV show was what caught my attention as a youth, I have sought out the original comics at times, and am more than aware of their roots as a cult, gritty little semi-parody ninja series. In that way, the TMNT are essentially the golden example of what an "indie comic series" can accomplish. The original print run of TMNT #1 in 1984 only had 3,000 copies (which wouldn't even get it in the Top 300 these days), but has naturally become a worldwide juggernaut. 25 years later, the Ninja Turtles are still on Saturday Morning TV, still selling on home video, still have toys on the shelf, still have a comic title (sort of, TALES OF THE TMNT), still are developing video games, and still are well recognized proves to me lasting power. They may never be as hot as they were in the late 80's-early 90's, but the Turtles at 25 are stilling hanging in there.

I for one would always put the original TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES movie from 1990 within a Top 10-20 list of Comic Book films. As for the other films, less so. They aren't as faithful. The second and third films especially lightened up and got cartoonish.
I've always wondered why they never tried to get the original TMNT comic books in sort of a paperback collection.

they did back in 1990 and i own them :woot:

it was cool to read those after seeing the movie and seeing what they took from those and placed directly in the first flick:word:
The TMNT rock. I'm a big fan. Yes, I was initially exposed to the cartoon which led into the movie, then interestly enought the comics. I have to say the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) film, IMO is the best comic book film thus far. Yeah, yeah bring the heat, go ahead.

I mean, to this day I enjoy the hell out of the movie. You cannot deny, when you watch the film, that it does not insult the audience. Yes, some cheese exists, but for the most part, this movie is gritty, funny, good music score, pretty damn true to the mythos, and very enjoyable. It's the best of the comic and the cartoon.

Yeah, it appears the turtles are not killing anyone, but the movie never insists that they aren't killing foot soldiers. The acting is great, the turtles look great (man did they suck in part 3 - the whole movie blows), you actually care about the characters, it's just awesome.

And let's not forget the great fight with Shredder at the end, (Leonardo the only one injuring Shredder) just good stuff. What makes me sick is there is no Special Edition DVD with commentaries, documentaries, tv spots, interviews, etc, etc. For a movie that consistently brings in DVD revenue for Warner Bros, they really disregard this film like a bastard child.

Anyway, that's my stance... the filmmakers really said to themselves, "you know, let's not ***** this up completely and the audience will respect us for it." - What an impressive concept, respect and you'll get respect. You got that Hollywood?

Additionally, the 2007 film, I liked it, but not completely, but still enjoyed it. There was a picture on these boards with a poster a second CGI film, and it looked completely legit. Does anyone have this picture? It had Michaelaneglo and the rest of the 3 turtles as small turtles and Shredder's face in the background.

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The TMNT rock. I'm a big fan. Yes, I was initially exposed to the cartoon which led into the movie, then interestly enought the comics. I have to say the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) film, IMO is the best comic book film thus far. Yeah, yeah bring the heat, go ahead.

I mean, to this day I enjoy the hell out of the movie. You cannot deny, when you watch the film, that it does not insult the audience. Yes, some cheese exists, but for the most part, this movie is gritty, funny, good music score, pretty damn true to the mythos, and very enjoyable. It's the best of the comic and the cartoon.

Yeah, it appears the turtles are not killing anyone, but the movie never insists that they aren't killing foot soldiers. The acting is great, the turtles look great (man did they suck in part 3 - the whole movie blows), you actually care about the characters, it's just awesome.

And let's not forget the great fight with Shredder at the end, (Leonardo the only one injuring Shredder) just good stuff. What makes me sick is there is no Special Edition DVD with commentaries, documentaries, tv spots, interviews, etc, etc. For a movie that consistently brings in DVD revenue for Warner Bros, they really disregard this film like a bastard child.

Anyway, that's my stance... the filmmakers really said to themselves, "you know, let's not ***** this up completely and the audience will respect us for it." - What an impressive concept, respect and you'll get respect. You got that Hollywood?

Additionally, the 2007 film, I liked it, but not completely, but still enjoyed it. There was a picture on these boards with a poster a second CGI film, and it looked completely legit. Does anyone have this picture? It had Michaelaneglo and the rest of the 3 turtles as small turtles and Shredder's face in the background.


Well Warner Bros is re-releasing all four movies on Blu Ray so that's good news, I've always put the first live action movie high because it stay relatively true to their original source. I some what agree with you it's a great movie and if you don't try to compare it to the Dark Knight or the first Superman movie there's not too many superhero movies that outranks the first TMNT movie. And the movie should get even more credit like I said New Line, Kevin Eastman and Peter Larid could just did a cartoon movie based on the tv series and call it a day. Instead they did a turtle movie based on the orignial comic book which most of us younger fans didn't know didn't exist. And this whole they're a fad doesn't make sense the first tv series last 10 years, Next Mutation(yes, yes there were some parts of that show that blew but I still thought the series was decent) but that show had good ratings and the only reason most people agree on why that show was cancel was Saban didn't want to pay Mirage their fair share using the turtles image.

And now the current series is running stronger than ever (which shocks me cuz I thought Fast Foward would be the death of the series) and it's entering season seven and the comic book which I'm going back into is still solid. I hope the guys over at Mirage make a documentary of the Turtles cuz last night I saw one for "Friday the 13th" not hating on Friday the 13th but in my opinion the turtles made a larger impact on pop culture.
Well, most people think TMNT is based on the cartoon, and not a comic. It's not surprising they left it out.
love the comic, love the first two movies and the most recent tmnt (best to forget 3)... still like the nostalgia of the old show, in a totally different lighthearted way... but hate the new shows style and direction.

I would love to see another tmnt movie.

As a child of the 80's they were never a fad to me. I knew tmnt before I was ever introduced to batman or x-men etc... and I knew them originally as badasses.

without tmnt I would dare say that I may have never become the complete comic dork I am today.
Anyone can say anything is a fad,,, people in general have been clamming on to the stories of myth since the Greek mythology (before then I'm sure), just because they're called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles people automatically assume "ridiculous" and that's natural I suppose. But people should look at the stuff they like and see how equally ridiculous something could be. What makes TMNT special is the binding relationship of family, the turtles as brothers and them respecting their father Splinter. This is something anyone can understand. I thought the new TMNT movie and 1990 original film focused the most on this.

Go Ninja Go Ninja Go! (Good 'ol Vanilla...)
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The problem with fads in the computer age is that they gain cult followings. While TMNT isn't anywhere near as popular as it was in my day, it is still kicking around. Problem is, most people don't know that. So to them, TMNT WAS a fad, and doesn't really exist anymore.

They should spend more time on SHH, obviously.
I don't agree with the Turtles being a fad. They had a recent movie come out, they have an ongoing show, and they have new games (they're even making a new one to commemorate the series' 25th Anniversary). My little cousin still goes ga-ga for them too, so little kids still love the turtles as do a lot of adults who grew up on the 80s stuff. Then again, I don't think Pokemon is a fad either. The games still sell an insane amount of copies (they're the best selling on the DS from what I've heard), the show is still ongoing, they're still making the made-for-DVD films (I don't even know what they're up to now), they're still selling the cards, and kids are still crazy for them. At my old high school everyone was even playing Leaf Green and the Fire version whose name I can't recall. This was in a highschool. Like last year. Maybe the media isn't talking about these things as much as when they came out but from what I've heard these franchises haven't past at all, nor have they deteriorated in popularity.

And TMNT probably wasn't mentioned because it's rarely remembered as a comic by the popular media. That's what I'm guessing. It's ironic too because it originated as somewhat of a parody of the comics of the time.
What DVD films?:huh:
I remember being a kid in the comic shop back in the mid 80's, picking up my usual Marvel n DC titles and always seeing these funky looking turtle comics, thinking they were for the little kids, this was before the toons. Once I finally picked one up I was shocked to find that it was very gritty and was written with older readers in mind and was fantastic. As cliche as this may sound, it literally reminded me to never judge a book by its cover.
What DVD films?:huh:

Word at the NYCC this month was that Mirage studios is working on a TMNT 25th anniversary animated special that will air on TV and be available on DVD.


The implication is it will be some sort of alternate dimensional story that allows the Turtle incarnations of past media and TV shows to meet the gang from the current show, but aside for the announcements, the plot of this DTV is unknown. The last episode of the first season of BTTS still hasn't aired on CW 4kids as well.
Word at the NYCC this month was that Mirage studios is working on a TMNT 25th anniversary animated special that will air on TV and be available on DVD.


The implication is it will be some sort of alternate dimensional story that allows the Turtle incarnations of past media and TV shows to meet the gang from the current show, but aside for the announcements, the plot of this DTV is unknown. The last episode of the first season of BTTS still hasn't aired on CW 4kids as well.

That would be interesting thing to see every form the turtles ever been in, in one show that would be a huge thank you card to the fans. I probably still get it on DVD or Blu-Ray just for the extras along with the show itself.
That's cool! Didn't even know about that.

Happy to help.

That would be interesting thing to see every form the turtles ever been in, in one show that would be a huge thank you card to the fans. I probably still get it on DVD or Blu-Ray just for the extras along with the show itself.

It does seem like a bit of a "thank you" project for the fans. I likely will buy the DVD.

I am curious, though, that if the subject of the flick is what the hints tease at, if some if not all of the stars of the original Ninja Turtle series would get to reprise their roles a little. That would be very cool and probably not too hard to accomplish, since many of the main actors still do voice over work regularly, such as Cam Clarke (the original voice of Leonardo as well as Rocksteady), Townsend Coleman (Michaelangelo), Pat Fraley (Krang/Baxtor Stockman/ Burne Thompson), Rob Paulson (Raph), and even James Avery (the original voice of Shredder who may be better known as Judge Philip Banks on "THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR" that launched Will Smith to stardom), and Peter Renaday (Splinter/ Gen. Tragg/Vernon). Barry Gordon (Donatello) has had less frequent work but was last credited with some episodes of "CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM" in 2005. At least according to IMDB & TV.com, Renae Jacobs, the original voice of April O'Niel, hasn't had as much work as many of the other actors of the original 1987-1996 TV series, aside for an uncredited role in MARIO SUPERSTAR BASEBALL in 2005.

And this isn't even getting into some of the non-comic or villain roles from the original show, such as Irma, who was played by Jennifer Darling who has continued with voicework in anime (such as in BLOOD+).

I mean it would be pretty fun; I'm all about being loyal to actors with nods to the past (such as when Kathy Garver, the voice of Firestar from SPIDER-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS, got some guest voice-work on the 1990's SPIDER-MAN cartoon from FoxKids) and I doubt it would have been as costly as, I don't know, getting Samuel L. Jackson to keep playing Nick Fury in nine Marvel films. ;)
I hope we hear something about that DTV at some comic con this year. I'd hate for it to not happen.
I think people look at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the the same way they look at GI Joe and Transformers. At least I do. It was campy and fun and entertaining. And I look back with nostalgia. But yeah, I don't think the general public looks at the cartoon or the toys, or the movies, with much respect.
Not knowing about the comic, and not considering that the show was actually really fun and good at the time.
Yeah...most people see the Turtles in the same light as the Power Rangers or Pokemon...a pop culture product of its time and nothing more...IMO anyway.

I agree. A great many people were & are completely unaware that there ever was a Turtles comic. I think this hurt the franchise as a whole b/c they created Tokkha & Rhazar in an attempt to placate the fans of Bebop & Rocksteady, & gave the movies a more campy & lighthearted tone, whereas the first film was rooted probably a good 80% in the comics & about 20% in the cartoons.
Other things that may not have helped the Turtles' credibility:

The Power Rangers-esue TV show, "Next Mutation".

Vanilla Ice.

And this. THis actually happened. IDK why, but it did.

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