Xbox Achievements & General Xbox Game Progress


Daffy Duck Vs The Joker
Staff member
Dec 27, 2005
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This thread is to discuss anything related to XBox Achievements & general (XBox) game progress. Just an attempt to broaden the original 100% completions thread which served us well as many seem to be interested in discussing their progress while not necessarily focused on 100%ing their games.

I'll kick it off with The Walking Dead 500/500 which I just completed yesterday. Really loved that game. Couldn't stop playing till I'd finished it. Looking forward to a season 2!
After finishing up LEGO Indy this weekend, I've started working on Ghost Recon Future Soldier that I got for Christmas, definitely not even trying to 100% achievement that one since at least half the achievements are online ones.

Also working on Gunstringer that I got almost a year ago. I started to play the game last year, but then we got a puppy that was not thrilled to see me waving my arms all over the place so stopped playing and just kinda forgot about it. I just playing again, a fun game, but probably not one I'll 100% achievement since one is playing through the entire game in one stretch, on hard mode and without dying.
Nice, I think I'm going to play all the LEGO games at some stage. Own about 3 of them but haven't had a chance yet.

Ghost Recon games have some awful achievements, especially ones linked to leaderboards.

That Gunstringer achievement sounds like one of the stupidest achievements ever! Even if I was capable I'd never even attempt pathetic things like that.
Currently working on Mass Effect and not moving on until I get all the achievements. Fun game but even though I finished one playthrough it looks like I might have to do another 2 full playthroughs as well as 1 more where I just rush through the main story.
Yep, 3 full playthroughs including a lot of side missions is the minimum because of those annoying ally achievements. For me I then had to do 2 more quick partial playthroughs to get the rest of the class based power use achievements as I was a Soldier in my main playthroughs. Glad you planned it out, otherwise you would have even more compulsory full playthroughs to do. Did you get Paramour?
Yes. Yes...I...did.

I lied earlier. I am also trying to finish up Far Cry 3. I need three more co-op missions, but it's surprisingly difficult to get people together, unless you have friends who play the game. I don't.
How many people do you need for co-op?
Got the "Holy S**T!" achievment in WWE13. Pretty awesome how I got it.
What is that achievement? I've been doing the earlier WWE games. Lot of fun!
Nice, I think I'm going to play all the LEGO games at some stage. Own about 3 of them but haven't had a chance yet.

Ghost Recon games have some awful achievements, especially ones linked to leaderboards.

That Gunstringer achievement sounds like one of the stupidest achievements ever! Even if I was capable I'd never even attempt pathetic things like that.

The LEGO games are fun, also pretty easy, some confusing puzzles, but it's usually just not seeing an answer that's in plain sight. They're fun for a distraction. Indy took me about two weeks. I've played Indy, the 1st Batman and 1st Harry Potter. I got Star Wars when the games went on sale around the holidays. Will probably get the 2nd Batman and Harry Potter along with Lord of the Rings, but not until they're on Live Arcade, like just having them on the system memory.

That Gunstringer achievement does seem ridiculous. I'm sure I could do Hardcore mode and finish every level without dying and overall the game probably wouldn't take more than 3-4 hours to beat. However, stringing all of that together just really turns me off to even trying. Twisted Pixel always has some awful achievements. Both 'Splosion Man games had something similar finish every level without dying, at least for that though it didn't need to be in one sitting, but I couldn't imagine trying to do that in every level.

Currently working on Mass Effect and not moving on until I get all the achievements. Fun game but even though I finished one playthrough it looks like I might have to do another 2 full playthroughs as well as 1 more where I just rush through the main story.

I tried to do that with the Borderlands games, but got burnt out, so taking a break from them in January. Focus on some other games.
I've started AC:R recently. I'm just going through it normally right now, but it might have sparked an idea to 100% all of the AC games eventually. I'd just need to get AC1, since I've never played that one (I have AC3, just haven't started it yet).
Four total. I have one guy on my friends list who is going to help, just need two people really.
I can get it if it helps you out and I think I can find a guy to help. Was going to get the game at some point anyway.

The LEGO games are fun, also pretty easy, some confusing puzzles, but it's usually just not seeing an answer that's in plain sight. They're fun for a distraction. Indy took me about two weeks. I've played Indy, the 1st Batman and 1st Harry Potter. I got Star Wars when the games went on sale around the holidays. Will probably get the 2nd Batman and Harry Potter along with Lord of the Rings, but not until they're on Live Arcade, like just having them on the system memory.

That Gunstringer achievement does seem ridiculous. I'm sure I could do Hardcore mode and finish every level without dying and overall the game probably wouldn't take more than 3-4 hours to beat. However, stringing all of that together just really turns me off to even trying. Twisted Pixel always has some awful achievements. Both 'Splosion Man games had something similar finish every level without dying, at least for that though it didn't need to be in one sitting, but I couldn't imagine trying to do that in every level.
Nice, look forward to doing them all.

Alien Vs Predator has stupid achievements like that where you have to complete it without dying on Insane or something like that. I don't mind difficult games as long as there are checkpoints or you can save progress. Don't want to be forced to do the whole thing in one go (in case real life gets in the way) & also hate repeating easy sections or watching cut scenes 200 times just so I can get back to the difficult bit that keeps killing me.
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I've started AC:R recently. I'm just going through it normally right now, but it might have sparked an idea to 100% all of the AC games eventually. I'd just need to get AC1, since I've never played that one (I have AC3, just haven't started it yet).
I have the same plan. I'm part of the way on the 1st 4 with AC2 fully completed. But I guess we'll have to do the multiplayer to 100% them.
The multiplayer achievements in Revelations don't seem that hard, Brotherhood will need some boosting though. I have alot of DLC to buy though. :/
When you get round to doing those I can do them with you. What's your gamertag?
Just finished Risk 200/200 on Windows Phone

Trying to get Risk: Factions done on 360 also. Love the campaign cut scenes on this..hilarious!
Spent the weekend doing hard core difficulty run on Dead Space 2, and i finally succeeded! Those final chapters...even my voice was shaking by the end. The hard core mode really added a fear of death element to the game.

It was totally worth it, got my foam finger gun and ran through Severed dlc with it.:word:
I really need to get those 2 done. Isn't there some complete without dying or saving achievement in one of the Dead Spaces?
You're probably thinking of hard core mode. It has no checkpoints and only three saves.
Finished both Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and The Gunstringer this weekend. Won't 100% achievement either of them, but might come back to The Gunstringer every so often. It was a fun and unique game, Twisted Pixel is a really good developer, haven't been disappointed with a game yet, interesting concepts, great controls and an awesome sense of humor.
You're probably thinking of hard core mode. It has no checkpoints and only three saves.
Yeah that's it. Sounds horrific all the same! :woot:

Finished both Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and The Gunstringer this weekend. Won't 100% achievement either of them, but might come back to The Gunstringer every so often. It was a fun and unique game, Twisted Pixel is a really good developer, haven't been disappointed with a game yet, interesting concepts, great controls and an awesome sense of humor.
Great. Yeah Gunstringer looked fun to me. What else did Twisted Pixel do?

This current Ghost Recon looks alright. I remember I really hated the 1st one. Can't believe it was highly rated. Terrible game!
Yeah that's it. Sounds horrific all the same! :woot:

Great. Yeah Gunstringer looked fun to me. What else did Twisted Pixel do?

This current Ghost Recon looks alright. I remember I really hated the 1st one. Can't believe it was highly rated. Terrible game!

Twisted Pixel did both 'Splosion Man games, if you didn't play those, then definitely pick them up. They're 2-D platformers, really good design, that are actually pretty damn difficult at times, but also have a hilarious personality that helps with the frustration.

If you weren't a fan of the previous Ghost Recon games this generation, you probably won't be a fan of this one. I like them though, interesting since it's basically squad based stealth.

Not sure what to play next, thinking of working a little more on Dead Rising Off the Record, doing the Sandbox mode challenges.
I'm going to play Halo 2 (for the 1st time) on PC as soon as I can get it to work. Apparently the servers are going down soon so I want to try the multiplayer to see what everyone was going on about back in the day.

Twisted Pixel did both 'Splosion Man games, if you didn't play those, then definitely pick them up. They're 2-D platformers, really good design, that are actually pretty damn difficult at times, but also have a hilarious personality that helps with the frustration.

If you weren't a fan of the previous Ghost Recon games this generation, you probably won't be a fan of this one. I like them though, interesting since it's basically squad based stealth.

Not sure what to play next, thinking of working a little more on Dead Rising Off the Record, doing the Sandbox mode challenges.
Oh yeah I played the original 'Splosion Man. Didn't get very far with it as (like you say) it was pretty difficult but loved the character.

I like squad based steath fine but for some reason hated that 1st GRAW game! Although I only played it for the 1st time recently and I guess it hasn't aged well.

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