well, I did it! Reached 2,500 GS. Knocked out 2 more achievements in WWE 2K19 to get there after doing the fatality achievements in MK 11 ( and I'm done with that game. haha ).
It may not seem like a big # compared to most other player's scores, but for me it's something. Considering when I got my X last July, I was only around 800-900 and around 1,100 at the start of this year ( I think ).
If I had a stuck with Xbox One consistently since 2014 ( when I first tried to get one ) my GS would probably be much higher.......lol. And even higher if I used the same account I used back in the 360 days.
But it is what it is. And 2,500 is a nice round, even number. And with that, I think I'm going to take a break from achievement hunting and Xbox until I have a better sense of the future gaming landscape and Xbox's place in it.
With all the stuff going in in my personal life right now, plus changing duties and responsibilities, gaming is a nice diversion but way less of a priority. And my gaming time has been reduced drastically compared to a few years ago. As such, I'm looking to downsize and just focus on one console going forward. But I'm not sure if Xbox will be that console due to Sony getting all those exclusives and variety of games which I like.
But maybe after E3, I will have a clearer picture. Perhaps Xbox can knock it out of the park and convince me to choose Xbox over Playstation. We shall see......