Iron Man 2 Am I the only one....

Old thread, but i was always wondering myself, why the IM2 movie gets so much criticism...

Maybe the movie was not as good as the first one, but it was still a great movie. Tony Stark (RDJ) was awsome, and personally i liked Hammer - i think he had to play his role leaning towards Starks attitude! Therefore he also joked around - would not have worked in a different way!

I do not have any issues with the movie and like to watch it!
It wasn't a bad movie. It just felt like they shot a rough draft of a movie and then decided to call it a day.

The movie doesn't have a real story arc. How could you have a story where Tony is dying and not capitalize on Pepper and Rodey's reactions? There are some great ideas for story arcs but it's not well executed.

However, Favreau knows how to hire performers and crafting scenes which are endlessly re watchable. The overall movie may not have been great but I always get a kick out of watching the suit case armor scene and Hammer's weapons demo.

Favreau had some good ideas and they were on the right track towards improving IM's rouges gallery. I think we would have gotten a movie that's on the same level as the first IM if he had been allowed more time to really develop his ideas.
It wasn't a bad movie. It just felt like they shot a rough draft of a movie and then decided to call it a day.

The movie doesn't have a real story arc. How could you have a story where Tony is dying and not capitalize on Pepper and Rodey's reactions? There are some great ideas for story arcs but it's not well executed.

However, Favreau knows how to hire performers and crafting scenes which are endlessly re watchable. The overall movie may not have been great but I always get a kick out of watching the suit case armor scene and Hammer's weapons demo.

Favreau had some good ideas and they were on the right track towards improving IM's rouges gallery. I think we would have gotten a movie that's on the same level as the first IM if he had been allowed more time to really develop his ideas.
You nailed it right there.
It wasn't as good as the first one but improves for me on repeated viewings. If i watch after IM3 , it seems like the finest film I've ever seen.:cwink:
Black Widow was her most Black Widowy in Iron Man 2. I also prefer her look in this movie to all her other appearances.
It's decent film, but I do think that it is Marvel's weakest movie thus far. Which pains me to say as an Iron Man fan. It had the elements to have been just as good as IM1 I think, but unfortunately it just didn't come together.
I like this movie enough to give it 8/10 on joy level.
OOH! I did. I liked IM2. Not my favorite MCU movie mind you, but it's good. I love Vanko and I love Hammer. I even like all the added SHIELD content.

Also, while I find IM1 to be an overall better film, Iron Man 2 made up for one thing that Iron Man 1 seriously lacked. That final action sequence. IM/WM vs Hammer drones was fckn amazing. Way better than any action scene in IM1.

Both are better than IM3. Also both are better than the Thor franchise to date.
I love any movie with RDJ. But I thought Iron Man 2 was good, funny but not as good as the first one. I think that goes for the series. I love all the movies for the action and cause I’m a huge Iron Man fan at the best of times.
Jon Favreau and the cast were still at their A-game. But the script was just poor. I don't dislike it, but I don't think it really works, either.
Iron Man 2 has been quickly written off as a failure but it's far from it. It's a largely successful, if uneven movie that doesn't quite reach the dizzying heights of its predecessor. If this or Thor 2 are regarded as the worst Marvels ever made then that just speaks to the strength of their filmography as neither of those movies are awful.
It's an enjoyable film... a fun ride; take it for what it is.
I like the fact that there isn't much tension. In some ways, it's a
breath of fresh air. Especially now.
When I first saw it I was pretty underwhelmed, but I own all three Iron Man films and having watched them several times I'll take IM2 over IM3 any day. IM1 is still my favourite though.
Just watched it and I definetly still like it more than IM3! Whiplash being miss/underused is my only major problem with it

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