Comics Amazing Spider-Man #1 (ugh) By Ryan Ottley! and Nic Spencer

Really? I've never gotten the impression that you're OK with them being a couple, even an unmarried one.

I was reading the book way back when MJ rejected his proposal back in ASM #183.... I like MJ as a character and a love interest.... But having her by his side for over 20 years really took away something from the book and I was happy to see some of that old school Spidey charm after OMD... Some of it was weird, but they were building something great... In MY opinion...
Having said that, enough time has gone by... I'm ok with the new relationship...

The next arc will feature Black Cat...

Yes!! :ilv:

I really doubt that they will actually marry Peter and Mary Jane again.
Sure they will be allowed to be a couple but just not married in my opinion
And I'm okay with that

And I'm ok with that too however I would like to see OMD undone in some fashion. But like I've said before at least we're finally getting some recognition from Marvel on a story that was basically untouchable for nearly a decade.

It sounds to me like Quesada has been taking revisionist history lessons from George Lucas, because too much evidence over the past decade indicates that he never wanted them to get back together again in the main continuity in any way; one of the most notorious examples being the atrocious One Moment in Time story.

Sure, I have my issues with Quesada and yes, with OMD and OMiT there certainly was a agenda against both MJ and the marriage however I do feel like there's a difference between Quesada and Slott.

Whereas Slott is often a temper-mental, insecure fanboy that gets upset at the slightest bit of criticism against his work--it's either approve of his ideas and stories in full or you're just not a good fan, Quesada, imo, doesn't really fit that mold. I do believe he's able to change his modus operandi based on conditions rather than emotions. He said there's no rules against having Peter and MJ be a couple...10 years ago or 8 years ago I doubt he would have said the same. His viewpoints on the marriage might be but we'll see. Either way, he's not directly in charge of the direction these books take.

Even if the marriage never comes back, yeah maybe that might bother me a little, at this point I'm just excited to have Peter/MJ and others behaving like humans again with actual dialogue and emotions and motives. Peter is competent, intelligent, and capable--something that had been missing from ASM for quite some time.
The next arc will feature Black Cat...

Yes!! :ilv:

Maybe this will be where the REAL redemption of her character will take place, unlike that half-assed bulls@!t we got in the Venom Inc. story. I'm wondering if she might even re-learn Peter's identity?
Even if the marriage never comes back, yeah maybe that might bother me a little, at this point I'm just excited to have Peter/MJ and others behaving like humans again with actual dialogue and emotions and motives. Peter is competent, intelligent, and capable--something that had been missing from ASM for quite some time.


Slott handles Spidey the same way I approach drawing Cap or Superman. I look at those two as SO ICONIC. They are important in their respective universes. They have to be ICONIC every time you draw them! It's intimidating! With Spider-man, it felt like Slott needed to make THE definitive Spidey take every time he wrote something...not realizing that many of Spider-Man's best stories were about simple interactions.

The CLONE SAGA was the biggest, longest, most complex and complicated story ever...
...and it sucked.

The Kid Who Collected Spider-Man was a back-up story starring 2 characters.
And it is TIMELESS.

Just my 2 cents.
Maybe this will be where the REAL redemption of her character will take place, unlike that half-assed bulls@!t we got in the Venom Inc. story. I'm wondering if she might even re-learn Peter's identity?

She's my favorite supporting character so I'm anxious to see how Spencer handles her story. But yes, that one panel "oops my bad" resolution was pretty awful.


Slott handles Spidey the same way I approach drawing Cap or Superman. I look at those two as SO ICONIC. They are important in their respective universes. They have to be ICONIC every time you draw them! It's intimidating! With Spider-man, it felt like Slott needed to make THE definitive Spidey take every time he wrote something...not realizing that many of Spider-Man's best stories were about simple interactions.

The CLONE SAGA was the biggest, longest, most complex and complicated story ever...
...and it sucked.

The Kid Who Collected Spider-Man was a back-up story starring 2 characters.
And it is TIMELESS.

Just my 2 cents.

Exactly. Not every story has to be this larger than life event for it to be noteworthy. Also it really does help when the writer has a good grasp on the core truth of the characters.
Something seems off with the new run.
Too condensed, too quick, no real emotion.
Stuff happens that is just convenient for plot.

How much time has passed since #800? No one seems to care that Pete, his family and friends, not to mention a huge chunk of Manhattan were in serious trouble. No mention of Flash's passing. No Jameson, though he is in Spectacular.

Pete is still acting a little like the immature kid Slott and Bendis wrote, but not as bad.

Last we saw Lizard/Conners, he was taking Billy and Martha away and they looked lizard like. What happened there? Where'd he get the inhibitor chip?

So much left unanswered or skipped over. Didn't they learn anything the last 2 times they pulled this time jump crap?

Hell, speaking of time jumps... 8 years and 8 months were supposed to have passed since the 616 ended. Pete is one of the few real people left.
I really doubt that they will actually marry Peter and Mary Jane again.
Sure they will be allowed to be a couple but just not married in my opinion
And I'm okay with that

So am I.
I never got over how some fans got bent out of shape with OMD without reading the final pages. At no time, did the love between Peter and MJ die. MJ even said that their love would endure.Neither Peter nor MJ made a Ghost Rider deal with the devil. They sacrificed their marriage not their love to save aunt may.

Spidey rules
So am I.
I never got over how some fans got bent out of shape with OMD without reading the final pages. At no time, did the love between Peter and MJ die. MJ even said that their love would endure.Neither Peter nor MJ made a Ghost Rider deal with the devil. They sacrificed their marriage not their love to save aunt may.

Spidey rules

The final few pages of OMD does not take away from the absurdity of that story. Their love notwithstanding MJ has basically been treated as either garbage or a non entity for most of the past decade. And it's all because one writer couldn't pull his insecure, ego bloated head out of his own a$$. In my opinion, of course.
The final few pages of OMD does not take away from the absurdity of that story. Their love notwithstanding MJ has basically been treated as either garbage or a non entity for most of the past decade. And it's all because one writer couldn't pull his insecure, ego bloated head out of his own a$$. In my opinion, of course.

OMD was still a crap story at best. I think it was made infinitely worse because Sensational Spider-Man did the exact opposite with its last few issues, and provided us with a few awesome stories before we ended up with...well...what we ended up with. OMD was totally out of character for Peter...but then again so was unmasking, which led him to that point.

If you removed JJJ or Aunt May and had them basically resigned to poorly-written versions of themselves who only popped up in a couple of issues over a decade or more, then Spidey fans would scream that it "wasn't the same without _____", or, "They don't write ______ like they should". They did exactly that with MJ, who has been in the book regularly since ASM#40 (more or less), and was his sole love interest for 20 years.

Yeah, it kind of matters.
Preview for issue 4:





So...Tri-Sentinel, Looter, and Robot Master?

Well-played, Spencer!
Bought Issue 1 yesterday on a whim. I haven't read an issue of ASM since OMD. Since then I've read Spider-Man 2099 and the Renew your vows mini, but stuck mainly to back issues for my ASM fix. Reading this was like a shot of adrenline. This was a Peter Parker I recognized. I'm also a huge MJ/Peter fan, so that instantly made me happy. This is definitely on my pull list moving forward.Ottley's art also has a quality to it that reminds me of the McFarlane/Larsen/Bagley era of the 90s that I'm fond of. It's great to be excited about a current Spider-Man comic again.
Bought Issue 1 yesterday on a whim. I haven't read an issue of ASM since OMD. Since then I've read Spider-Man 2099 and the Renew your vows mini, but stuck mainly to back issues for my ASM fix. Reading this was like a shot of adrenline. This was a Peter Parker I recognized. I'm also a huge MJ/Peter fan, so that instantly made me happy. This is definitely on my pull list moving forward.Ottley's art also has a quality to it that reminds me of the McFarlane/Larsen/Bagley era of the 90s that I'm fond of. It's great to be excited about a current Spider-Man comic again.

Awesome! You can count me in the group of fans that stopped ASM after OMD. Well, I stopped buying the comics. I kept on reading because I wanted to keep tabs on Spider-Man and see how things were going. Unfortunately, it was a downward spiral. Each year was worse than the one before. Anyways, this new startup with Spencer has been reinvigorating to both me and the characters. I really hope more fans start coming around and bring some life back to this section of the boards. I see lots of positivity around the Internet regarding this new run.
Okay, I finally got to read issue 3. Man, this book is like a breath of fresh air.
We all know that Peter and Spidey will get back together...

I still can't get over the Tri-Sentinel. Also, Ottley is still killing it. Spencer may not have been one of my faves during Secret Empire, but he has it going on here. He is NAILING Peter's voice. His writing reminds me of the Stern/Michelinie a good way.
Issue 4 was another win, imo.

Really enjoyed the discussion between Peter and Spider-Man, and it almost felt as though Peter was talking to what was basically Slott's version of Spider-Man. It's not about being some rich, successful, playboy with a huge company and endless array of gadgets that makes Spider-Man who he is. It's not about just having fun or this mindless kind of entertainment. Because as Peter asks, "what happens when it isn't fun anymore?" And that's exactly right. Spider-Man is about a guy trying to use his powers as responsibly as he can. What I love about this arc is how well Spencer is crafting the idea that Peter is incomplete without Spider-Man and vice versa. They need each others smarts, sense of responsibility and at times it's ok for Peter to be a little selfish. He can't help everyone, all the time. Sometimes it's ok for him to help himself. It truly is a breath of fresh air to have some actual character depth in the stories again.

Okay, I finally got to read issue 3. Man, this book is like a breath of fresh air.
We all know that Peter and Spidey will get back together...

I still can't get over the Tri-Sentinel. Also, Ottley is still killing it. Spencer may not have been one of my faves during Secret Empire, but he has it going on here. He is NAILING Peter's voice. His writing reminds me of the Stern/Michelinie a good way.

Which makes me wonder how much of that was Spencer and how much was it editorial. Because I'm thinking that with SE, Marvel just felt like doing what they were doing and "we'll write this how we want it and if the fans don't like it, well, that's too bad." Until it actually blew up in their faces and in the wake of the backlash and plummeting sales, Marvel editorial was constantly making changes to save face. At least, imo, that is how it looks. Especially because of what Spencer has done on Superior Foes and now with this current run of ASM, he's showing just how much he is capable as a writer.
Issue 4 was another win, imo.

Really enjoyed the discussion between Peter and Spider-Man, and it almost felt as though Peter was talking to what was basically Slott's version of Spider-Man. It's not about being some rich, successful, playboy with a huge company and endless array of gadgets that makes Spider-Man who he is. It's not about just having fun or this mindless kind of entertainment. Because as Peter asks, "what happens when it isn't fun anymore?" And that's exactly right. Spider-Man is about a guy trying to use his powers as responsibly as he can. What I love about this arc is how well Spencer is crafting the idea that Peter is incomplete without Spider-Man and vice versa. They need each others smarts, sense of responsibility and at times it's ok for Peter to be a little selfish. He can't help everyone, all the time. Sometimes it's ok for him to help himself. It truly is a breath of fresh air to have some actual character depth in the stories again.

Which makes me wonder how much of that was Spencer and how much was it editorial. Because I'm thinking that with SE, Marvel just felt like doing what they were doing and "we'll write this how we want it and if the fans don't like it, well, that's too bad." Until it actually blew up in their faces and in the wake of the backlash and plummeting sales, Marvel editorial was constantly making changes to save face. At least, imo, that is how it looks. Especially because of what Spencer has done on Superior Foes and now with this current run of ASM, he's showing just how much he is capable as a writer.

Yeah, SE had a lot of the same stink that OMD and "Sins Past" did. Writer has a plan and editorial steps in and says, "We would like it to go THIS way".

Either way, I try not to judge a writer by anything but their current work, for better or worse! Spencer is doing well, so I'm good.
Just caught up and read issues 2-4. First off really clever way of incorporating Conners back into the book as a supporting character and addressing the lizard issue. I'm really enjoying the "split" and what it says about the character of Peter Parker. It seems like Spencer is using this initial arc as his mission statement for the book and character and I am fully on board. Also I have to say I love the deep dive he is doing on the Spider-Man lore. Man Mountain Marko, Mendel Stromm, tri-Sentinel of all things. It shows his vast knowledge of the character and history. Really looking forward to see what he does for Black Cat as the stuff I heard about her when I wasn't reading sounded awful.
Just caught up and read issues 2-4. First off really clever way of incorporating Conners back into the book as a supporting character and addressing the lizard issue. I'm really enjoying the "split" and what it says about the character of Peter Parker. It seems like Spencer is using this initial arc as his mission statement for the book and character and I am fully on board. Also I have to say I love the deep dive he is doing on the Spider-Man lore. Man Mountain Marko, Mendel Stromm, tri-Sentinel of all things. It shows his vast knowledge of the character and history. Really looking forward to see what he does for Black Cat as the stuff I heard about her when I wasn't reading sounded awful.

Glad you're enjoying it, too.

And yeah, the BL stuff since Superior has been pretty terrible. Basically, Felecia has held a grudge against Spidey for getting her locked up, even though it was Ock who did it while in Spidey's body, and Felecia won't listen to reason because she is suddenly super-EVIL for no reason other that certain people have to write her totally out of character...
I'm really interested in seeing how Spencer writes Felicia. She's my favorite supporting character and so I'm hoping he erases much of how she's been written over the course of Slott's run.
Preview for issue #5:

If anyone had some reservations with how Spencer is handling MJ, this should help put those to rest. Look at him go, once again throwing Slott's horrible run and characterization under the bus while also throwing shade at OMD :D






Preview for issue #5:

If anyone had some reservations with how Spencer is handling MJ, this should help put those to rest. Look at him go, once again throwing Slott's horrible run and characterization under the bus while also throwing shade at OMD :D






Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if the real reason (or at least one reason) Slott decided to completely delete his twitter account was because he knew what Spencer's plans were for the series and knew that as a result, he would be getting constantly bombarded with endless angry or annoyed tweets saying things like "Why the hell didn't you ever write their relationship as well as this?" or "If you were allowed to reunite them all this time, then why did you diminish her character so much and then write her out of the book completely?" and so on. Personally I'm not ruling it out.
Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if the real reason (or at least one reason) Slott decided to completely delete his twitter account was because he knew what Spencer's plans were for the series and knew that as a result, he would be getting constantly bombarded with endless angry or annoyed tweets saying things like "Why the hell didn't you ever write their relationship as well as this?" or "If you were allowed to reunite them all this time, then why did you diminish her character so much and then write her out of the book completely?" and so on. Personally I'm not ruling it out.

Exactly! Slott cared more about his pet creations than established characters. He cared more about his own legacy "I want to have the most issues evah!!!!1!!" than he ever cared about writing a good story. And Slott can not take criticism at all. I've even seen him berate fans that were criticizing the smallest thing about his work after saying they enjoyed his work as a whole. So yeah, not wanting to deal with the backlash of all his crap he's pulled over the last 10 years, makes sense that he'd run and hide.
Exactly! Slott cared more about his pet creations than established characters. He cared more about his own legacy "I want to have the most issues evah!!!!1!!" than he ever cared about writing a good story. And Slott can not take criticism at all. I've even seen him berate fans that were criticizing the smallest thing about his work after saying they enjoyed his work as a whole. So yeah, not wanting to deal with the backlash of all his crap he's pulled over the last 10 years, makes sense that he'd run and hide.

Well we're really just speculating here. It could also be that the new leadership ordered him to delete his account. Or maybe Alonso's firing was a wake up call to him and many others at Marvel. Who knows?

In regards to the preview for issue 5 though, I admire Spencer's intentions, but I still feel no joy at seeing these 2 together again. It just doesn't feel right to me. I feel like I would be a huge sucker if I were to accept this rushed and unearned reunion after all the damage that Quesada and Slott have inflicted on it in the past decade, damage which still hasn't really been addressed by either character yet.
So I haven’t picked up a Spider-Man comic or any comic in years. Completely out of the loop. My interest in the character was dying fast during slotts run. However tom Holland and the new epic Spider-Man game have got my interest in the character back again. So I’m inching towards giving this title a shot again. I’m also a die hard Peter and mj together fan. Are they finally getting some respect as a couple?

Do they remember what happened with Mephisto ?
Is mj still being dragged through the mud or is she being written well?

Last question...Super fan boy long shot question here but....any chance at a reunion marriage down the road for Peter and Mj?

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