Americans Rank Lincoln As Top President


Your Friend In Time
May 10, 2005
Reaction score

Posted: 2008-02-17 09:56:44
Filed Under: Nation News

(Feb. 17) - Far and away, Abraham Lincoln is ranked by Americans as the nation's greatest president, according to a poll conducted by Harris Interactive and released this week, just ahead of Presidents Day. What's surprising is that President George W. Bush, whose approval rating has plunged to just 30 percent, also sneaks into the top ten list.

The Harris poll points out that recent presidents tend to be listed more often as both the best and the worst. In a separate poll asking Americans to name the worst commander-in-chief since World War II, Bush won in a landslide, netting 34 percent of the vote.

The online survey posed this question to 2,302 adults in the U.S.: Which one of the following presidents do you think was the best overall president in our history?

The list of options people could choose from included all presidents since Franklin Roosevelt, along with some of the more famous from earlier in American history – George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge.

Scores were tallied by adding the percentage of those who answered “best” and “second best” for each president. Among modern leaders, Ronald Reagan ranked highest, but even his cache could not compete with the mighty Abe Lincoln, who was named the top president by 20 percent of those surveyed.

The man who saw the nation through the Civil War is still driving headlines too. In the last year, rare and historic photographs have emerged of Lincoln’s inauguration and his famous Gettysburg Address. A study also revealed why his face is so unique
except for C lee no one lived in that time so how can they know he's the best one? ;)
People vote for whoever is fresh in their minds or whoever is the most recognizable name, which is why Reagan won that Time Warner poll that was taken right after his death.

Franklin Roosevelt was probably the best president in history, but his name will never be as recognizable as Washington or Lincoln so he will never be as highly ranked. Reagan will drop probably to 11 or 12 after a decade or so.
Washington, as this nation's 1st President, help lay the Foundation of this Nation.

Lincoln successfully saved the Foundation of this Nation.

Reagan remarkably redefined the Foundation of this Nation.

I think that's why they are graciously remembered.
Franklin Roosevelt was probably the best president in history, but his name will never be as recognizable as Washington or Lincoln so he will never be as highly ranked. Reagan will drop probably to 11 or 12 after a decade or so.

Washington, as this nation's 1st President, help lay the Foundation of this Nation.

Lincoln successfully saved the Foundation of this Nation.

Reagan remarkably redefined the Foundation of this Nation.

I think that's why they are graciously remembered.

Reagan will not be looked upon as kindly in 10 or 20 years. Once the Cold Warrior generation dies out and history begins to reflect the fact that the Soviet Union would've fell regardless of if it were Reagan or Mondale due to its own economic policies, factored in with the longterm effects of Reagan-omics becoming more apparent...he will be remembered between 12 and 15.
When I was 18 (in 1992), I believed in the Reagan myth. Then I grew up.
People vote for whoever is fresh in their minds or whoever is the most recognizable name, which is why Reagan won that Time Warner poll that was taken right after his death.

Franklin Roosevelt was probably the best president in history, but his name will never be as recognizable as Washington or Lincoln so he will never be as highly ranked. Reagan will drop probably to 11 or 12 after a decade or so.

I think Franklin Roosevelt is one of the most overrated Presidents in history - and he IS almost as recognizable as Washington or Lincoln.

Truman deserves far more praise than he gets. As does Teddy.
I think Franklin Roosevelt is one of the most overrated Presidents in history - and he IS almost as recognizable as Washington or Lincoln.

Truman deserves far more praise than he gets. As does Teddy.

The New Deal actually hurt this Nation more than anything Reagen ever did. Nothing like relying on the government.
except for C lee no one lived in that time so how can they know he's the best one? ;)

Heh Heh. ZING.

I think William Henry Harrison is underated.

Reagan will not be looked upon as kindly in 10 or 20 years. Once the Cold Warrior generation dies out and history begins to reflect the fact that the Soviet Union would've fell regardless of if it were Reagan or Mondale due to its own economic policies, factored in with the longterm effects of Reagan-omics becoming more apparent...he will be remembered between 12 and 15.

LOL Matt, you state that as if it's fact; it's just your opinion. You have made your feelings well known about Reagan, so I think there's some bias there.

The fact of the matter is, no one can say with certainty, how a future civilization would view a former President. Your statement is very suggested.

BTW... President Filmore, "Soap on a Rope" :D
LOL Matt, you state that as if it's fact; it's just your opinion. You have made your feelings well known about Reagan, so I think there's some bias there.

Allan Lichtman, a Presidential scholar at my university, agrees with Matt's sentiments.
James K. Polk deserves more recognition than he gets, but it looks like this poll completely ignored him.
Taft got stuck in a bathtub... he was like the Cartman of presidents...
The problem with Lincoln is that for all the good he did in keeping the nation together all the evil that he did to do it is overlooked. He gets credit for freeing the slaves, but nobody mentions that he only did it to keep England from helping the South. IMO, Lincoln is just as bad a President as the incompetent idiot in the House today.
Franklin Roosevelt was probably the best president in history, but his name will never be as recognizable as Washington or Lincoln so he will never be as highly ranked. Reagan will drop probably to 11 or 12 after a decade or so.

Yep, I agree FDR is probably the best. FDR, Washington, and Lincoln were probably the 3 greatest by far. Washington set the precedent for only having 2 terms and of course was a great leader in helping us become a nation to begin with before he was ever President, and of course Lincoln was the President when America was at its ugliest and most divided. FDR fought off the Great Depression and fought back in WWII.
I honestly think that Nixon gets a bad rap too. IMO he was one of, if not the bst President when it came to foriegn affairs. Of course his abilities get slammed into the ground by Watergate. Without that, I wonder how he would be rated.
I honestly think that Nixon gets a bad rap too. IMO he was one of, if not the bst President when it came to foriegn affairs. Of course his abilities get slammed into the ground by Watergate. Without that, I wonder how he would be rated.

Nixon was fantastic outside of Watergate.
FDR and Lincoln fall to the might of pre-Watergate Nixon.

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