ampersands art


Dec 20, 2005
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I posted this in the contest thread but i thought i would use it to start my own art thread:

Im going to post some other stuff i have done here over the next few days



These three are doodles i have done during class that just got completely out of control.

heres a quick grayscale donatello

all four turtles in all their glory

a samus redesign that i think looks awsome

i have lots more but they'll have to wait
Man, those are some nice doodle pages. I'm going to start doing those again. you've inspired me. Thank you.
anyone who draws the turtles is a-ok in my book.
very nice stuff. I like you style, almost reminds me of the League Of Extrodinary Gentlemen.
yeah, i like it. those sketch pages show some real skill, an the other pics (coloured or not) have some really cool style. Nice work, keep it up!
heres some more stuff guys:





as you can see i am a fan of hellboy

more to come
yo ampersand, ur greyscale donatello reminds me of michael turners style
geez, michael turner? really? i think ill go burn all my pencils now.
i'm guessing the first hellboy was drawn on a school paper or something? lol
i disagree. The grey scale Donatello is not nearly disproportionately tall enough or skewed vertically enough to be of Michael Turners style.
If you check, Donatello is about 7 heads tall as opposed to every one of Turners figures being about 10 or so.

...not a Turner fan obviously.
sable, its a redesign of samus aran's suit from the metroid games

campbell, thank you for being the voice of reason! i cant stand michael turner either
Right. I guess I should have tempered my anti-Turner propaganda a little more. For the record, if someone should happen to enjoy his artwork (and I understand that there are these people out there) then, that is their prerogative. You should not feel bad just because I don't like it.
I would like to point out that those who complain about Rob Liefeld should, then, also complain about Michael Turner. It's like they were separated at birth. the only difference is Rob Liefeld did it all terribly wrong first. Way to ride the coat tails to disaster, Michael.
And now back to our regularly scheduled program already in progress.
Okay, I figured i should add some more stuff before this thread dissapears so here are a bunch of pages from the moleskine i got for christmas


V and some other doodle people. The color boxes are me testing the color of my markers on the cream colored paper of the book

some more mignola inspired hellboy and gang drawings


some invincible fanart shown basically from idea to finished copy. not to happy with this one i think i'll give it another try

some more invincible and a guitar dude that i did as a t-shirt design idea

random, lame doodles. The bottom left hand corner guy is what i envisioned the escapist from The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay would look like

the sweetest batman and superman drawings ever. these came from me deciding that supes' legs should be short and underdeveloped because he is capable of flying and therefore wouldnt have to rest his weight on his legs, even if he is "standing" on the ground. (i know i wouldnt)

animated type hellboy and more cool supes

more animated hellboy characters

girls' heads and eyes

sketches for a short comic im writing called "senioritis" about my senior year of high school (hence the schedule list)

and finally some pics from my school retreat on thurs/fri. the pic of jesus was inspired by a statue of him at the retreat house

wow that was alot, c&c appreciated

A lot of that stuff is really good, but I think you might want to work on the structure of girl's faces, I mostly have problems with the lips and making them not look like hookers........but thats mostly because I suck with drawing
that was the wierdes triple post thing ever

wow meatbag you beat me to it. I know what you mean, being a guy, girls are about the hardest thing in the world to draw and ive been working on it for a while now. thanks for the reply

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