Ant-Man costume thread


Booty hunter
Aug 14, 2010
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What look will they go for?


It will prob be an amalgam of previous outfits. The helmut could make it or break it. It has to looks cool!
Whatever they do with the headwear, I would guess it would fall off all the time anyway. those masks and helmets just don't stay on in superhero movies these days. Except for Batman.
I'm thinking we'll get something similar to this.

I think something close to that middle pic would look best. That said, I wonder whether they will resist the urge to go "armor" versus "suit." I tend to think it should have a composition somewhat more substantial than the SHIELD elite outfits, but not much moreso.
Yeah I agree with the third pic. From what I've heard of the description of the test footage it was red and black.
I don't think the third pic would work, because the helmet takes "ant-man" way too literally. He shouldn't look like he's wearing a literal ant head.
It'll likely be Ultimates style with the classic helmet and elements.
I think they will go with a more black-less red design, but definetly inspired in the original comic, with that symbol of the center.
People who saw the footage said it was like a Black and Red version of the Eric O'Grady suit.
Whatever costume they use it has to fit into the Avengers movie universe, along with Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow.

I think, based on what they have done so far, they might mix them all.

I think they could use the Ultimate version for the red parts of his costume. They will probably add some silvery armor like electronic parts.
I want the classic helmet at least. That also shows his face more and gives him more humanity. The other ones just cover up his face too much, which you would think would be the opposite of what the filmmakers want to do. The classic helmet seems the most actor friendly and would allow you to see his expressions.
I'm thinking we'll get something similar to this.


I'd prefer this one out of all the pics so far, though I'd like to see it look a bit more 'heroic'. It could do with a few touch ups for live action.

Also, I find the Ultimates design the most boring. I think Ant-man should look more like a superhero than a guy in a jumpsuit and goggles.
I want the classic helmet at least. That also shows his face more and gives him more humanity. The other ones just cover up his face too much, which you would think would be the opposite of what the filmmakers want to do. The classic helmet seems the most actor friendly and would allow you to see his expressions.

I am going to sketch something up, but they could go with a helmet like this. Maybe less bulky though.

I am going to sketch something up, but they could go with a helmet like this. Maybe less bulky though.

I prefer the classic one. It's iconic in design and shape. This one without the antennae is like Cap without the wings.
I want the classic helmet at least. That also shows his face more and gives him more humanity. The other ones just cover up his face too much, which you would think would be the opposite of what the filmmakers want to do. The classic helmet seems the most actor friendly and would allow you to see his expressions.

How about this?


Just quickly added the different head in. I don't see them using the proper classic helmet - it just wouldn't look great in Live Action, I don't think. Something like this could, however.
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How about this?


Just quickly added the different head in. I don't see them using the proper classic helmet - it just wouldn't look great in Live Action, I don't think. Something like this could, however.

That's not bad, and would be close enough I guess. I'm not sure i like the more black and less red colour scheme of his costume though. I would prefer the colours to be reversed, with the ant symbol on his chest.
How about this?


Just quickly added the different head in. I don't see them using the proper classic helmet - it just wouldn't look great in Live Action, I don't think. Something like this could, however.

I think a cross between that and the Ultimate would work well. Maybe they could use the classic helmet really early on, like have it be a prototype which he later is able to make less clunky.
I think that the O'Grady Thunderbolts-era, with some slight modifying, would work the best on screen. I'm looking at movie costumes like the ones in Prometheus where they have more of a softer body suit covered in some armored, protective elements is the way to go. Oh, and the helmet should cover the whole head to give more of an ant-like insect look, but maybe with a retractable mouth area covering, so that he can have the classic helmet look at times.

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