If you are a business, you don't make a product and then demand that your customers should want it. You make what you know they'll buy. If all these books keep getting cancelled, maybe that's an indicator about what kinds of books the fans do, and don't, actually want.
Most fans I know like the characters they've always liked. I'll buy an Avengers or Batman book way way before I'll buy a book with a new character. And if I do buy a new book, it won't be about a teenage girl super genius that's in a costume that I think is ugly.
People aren't surprised that 99% of guys like action movies starring tough guys but not rom-coms, but then people act surprised when guy comic readers generally want to read comics about tough guy characters instead of solo books about girls/women. It's not a 100% rule of course. For example I also like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, great show (with some good comic stuff). But it is a general rule and I don't understand why people keep acting surprised about the obvious.