Any She-Ra Fans?...Secret of the Sword Is Screening At Select Theatres!!



Hey there guys,

If there's any She-Ra fans here, you'll be happy to hear that "Secret of the Sword" is screening at select theatres during the month of May. Check out to find a theatre if you're interested.
Is this the feature length movie where He-Man and She-Ra find out they're brother and sister? I haven't seen that movie since I was around 10-12 but it's still fresh in my memory. It was a pretty good movie.
they're brother and sister?!

oooooh Randor, you dog! :D
hitmanyr2k said:
Is this the feature length movie where He-Man and She-Ra find out they're brother and sister? I haven't seen that movie since I was around 10-12 but it's still fresh in my memory. It was a pretty good movie.

Yep, that's the one. :) Entertainment Rights, the company that licensed out the rights for She-Ra DVDs, is doing this to promote the upcoming The Best of She-Ra Princess of Power DVD on July 18. It's gonna include the film on there, in addition to 5 'best' episodes.
Kevin Roegele said:
:confused: That's still brother and sister.
The reply was for JackBauer, he was implying that She-Ra was a result from a Randor fling
Duende Verde said:
The reply was for JackBauer, he was implying that She-Ra was a result from a Randor fling

Am I right in thinking Randor is from Earth? Or was that his wife?
Oh, and I forgot to mention that this is screening only on the weekends at 10 or 11 a.m. ...depending where you live.
Duende Verde said:
not really, they're actually twins separated at birth

Well, at least She-Ra never smooched her brother to make another man jealous! (Leia, I'm looking your way...)

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