Days of Future Past Any word on if this is going to resolve continuity issues from First Class?

I'm hoping yes with time travel being involved.

Too early yet! No one has said anything like that, but it's possible.

However, they have wanted to adapt Days of Future Past since 2005 at least, so this film isn't necessarily being made as a continuity fix.
Time travel can't fix anything unless its a complete reboot of the film franchise.

To use time travel to fix whatever the issues were in past films is a rediculous idea.
All they need to do is have DOFP result in X1-X3 being an alternate timeline, and move forward with the FC/DOFP timeline. Done and done.
If they just fry out X3, I'll be pleased.
All they need to do is have DOFP result in X1-X3 being an alternate timeline, and move forward with the FC/DOFP timeline. Done and done.

But seeing as how The Wolverine is after X-Men 3 I don't see that happening.
I don't believe so and I doubt FOX wants to fix the continuity errors.
Star Trek(2009) was all about finding way to let J.J. Abrams do whatever he wants and turn trek Into Star Wars and not piss off Star Trek fans and hurt paramount's marketing
of past Trek.

X-Men:Days of future Past Is about adapting the Days of future Past Storyline and doing a big crossover event film.
First Class HAS no major continuity issues insofar as the first trilogy is concerned; the only two things it messes with are Xavier's line in X1 about Magneto having helped him build Cerebro (which really isn't an issue) and the scene at the start of The Last Stand where Erik and a still-bipedal Charles go visit Jean (which could be explained in any number of ways).

First Class doesn't jive with Origins: Wolverine, but it's already crystal clear that they've chosen to ignore that film completely.

I do find myself wondering if Bryan Singer, by bringing back the people he has, is planning to excise The Last Stand from continuity, which has me worried only because I don't think it's necessary or fair to possibly excise The Wolverine from continuity as a 'ripple effect' of excising TLS, since we know that The Wolverine is a 'pseudo-sequel' to TLS but don't, at this point, know just how connected the two films are.
First Class HAS no major continuity issues insofar as the first trilogy is concerned; the only two things it messes with are Xavier's line in X1 about Magneto having helped him build Cerebro (which really isn't an issue) and the scene at the start of The Last Stand where Erik and a still-bipedal Charles go visit Jean (which could be explained in any number of ways).

And what about when he first met Magneto? I gonna keep mentioning it until people get it!

And what is a 'pseudo-sequel'? A were-sitting-on-the-fence-sequel? A were-not-sure-where-the-story-is-going-sequel?
But seeing as how The Wolverine is after X-Men 3 I don't see that happening.

I forgot about The Wolverine. DOFP should result in X1-X3 + The Wolverine in an alternate timeline. Done and done.
First Class HAS no major continuity issues insofar as the first trilogy is concerned; the only two things it messes with are Xavier's line in X1 about Magneto having helped him build Cerebro (which really isn't an issue) and the scene at the start of The Last Stand where Erik and a still-bipedal Charles go visit Jean (which could be explained in any number of ways).

Yeah, I don't really see what the continuity issues are. Charles said Erik helped him build Cerebro? Big whoop. Charles walking in X3 flashback? Again, big whoop.

I've only seen FC twice, so maybe I'm missing something.
They could explain both those continuity errors with out DOFP; Magneto could still help build the SCHOOL's Cerebro. And Charles always loses/regains his ability to walk :o I think the actor continuity errors are the biggest.
The age at which Erik and Charles met isn't a continuity error. It's a retcon. Retcons do not need to be 'fixed' or explained.
It would be cool to have Erik help Charles rebuild Cerebro then it sends future-Xavier's mind to his younger self.
The age at which Erik and Charles met isn't a continuity error. It's a retcon. Retcons do not need to be 'fixed' or explained.

I checked on the DVDs and interviews and there's nothing about retconning this issue anywhere. Why bother trying to defend it?
^ They don't have to say that they retconned the age at which Erik and Charles first met because FC's actual content does it for them.

First Class changes Charles' age when he and Erik first met (he's in his early 20s in FC), therefore retconning the mention in X-Men of Charles being 17 at the time he and Erik met.

Although the previous mention of Charles' age being 17 when he met Erik still exists in X-Men, it is overridden by the retroactive continuity of First Class.
I don't think that's a continuity issue. Professor X is a lot older ( in Xmen 1) and sometimes his memory can be a bit shaky.
^ They don't have to say that they retconned the age at which Erik and Charles first met because FC's actual content does it for them.

First Class changes Charles' age when he and Erik first met (he's in his early 20s in FC), therefore retconning the mention in X-Men of Charles being 17 at the time he and Erik met.

Although the previous mention of Charles' age being 17 when he met Erik still exists in X-Men, it is overridden by the retroactive continuity of First Class.

Please stop making up excuses as you go along.

I can understand if the producers / writers did a George Lucas and re-released the first Xmen films with selected parts re-imagined :whatever: but they haven't.

It's either terrible writing for First Class or the first xmens films are from a different filmverse. I suspect its the former.
I don't think that's a continuity issue. Professor X is a lot older ( in Xmen 1) and sometimes his memory can be a bit shaky.

Yes of course, the worlds greatest telepath has Alzheimers.
Please stop making up excuses as you go along.

I can understand if the producers / writers did a George Lucas and re-released the first Xmen films with selected parts re-imagined :whatever: but they haven't.

It's either terrible writing for First Class or the first xmens films are from a different filmverse. I suspect its the former.

he's already explained what he meant - it is a retcon simple
he's already explained what he meant - it is a retcon simple

I know what he said, but as far as I am aware all the X men films are part of the same universe. So now they're not part of the same universe due to the magic word retcon that solves everything.
^^ I feel like you don't know what retcon actually means?

Hey spidey-dude who's the hot dude on your avatar? :)
With First Class, I feel they missed out on an opportunity to completely reboot the whole X-Men cinematic universe. By sticking to the X1-3 films, they're really limited to what interesting characters they can use for sequels.

I can see DOFP doing what Abrams' Star Trek film did. By having merging/altered timelines, they can recast any character they want to by the end of the film. I can see DOFP with the X-Men consisting of a more recognized cast of characters (if not actors) for the team/school (ie original team etc).
It's a continuity error plain and ****ing simple. Why are we still talking about this?

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