In Ang's film, you got Bana moving alot, hunched over, smacking the floor, walking around, screaming with an angry face...
In the TV series, all it had, & all it needed, were his eyes going white, the music, his facial expression being more surprized than pissed off, & him hardly moving at all... In just that brief period, you feel he's really struggling, more so than Bana walking around gradually growing & smashing stuff... I wouldn't want the transformations to be exactly like the TV show, with the close ups of his arm, then his chest, then his foot, ripping through his clothes... But I'd like it to have just that moment, when he's totally lost it, & it closes up on his face, & bamn! You know whats coming... I found that terrifying when I was a kid, & the hulk is supposed to b terrifying...