LOL. Usually, photos are the main event.
I've got the Begins DPK, and it had about 40 or so high-res photos.
Press kits used to just be folders with information of the film, cast, crew, story, and a couple of photos. But around the turn of the milenium, studios began to do digital such. CDs, DVDs. They've become better and better with each passing year. A digital press kit from 2002 only had, say, 20 photos on it. They keep getting bigger and better as time goes by. I'm almost positive Andre@s (?) who has been giving us such awesome photos has said DPK. It's on e-Bay for $50-100. I'd love to get one myself, but want to be sure it doesn't have just 40 photos I already have. Figured if someone else has it, they can say "nope it has 60 billion photos" or "yep it's got what we already have" and I can save my time and money. LOL.