Are fans right or wrong to criticise the direction of this movie?

wow, that talkback thing was pretty stupid. Just watched it now.Seriously? Why Snydes? It's the same amount of letters as snyder and just sounds stupid. "Comedian looks like a soldier from 2025 on steroids!" That made me crack up.:lmao: "Ozymandius looked like a character who got bullied in school." Now, it's been a while since I read watchmen, but wasn't ozymandius the same man who was accused of being a homosexual by Rorschach?


How does this man not look weak?

And the nipples Comment? That's works on two different levels, 1. the suit is based off egyptian armor, many armor types had nipple bits:


2. It's a play on the batman costume of the movies.

Silk spectre They pretty much put the pic up, moaned and grunted, and said things like "Come On! What's up?!" Without really stating real issues with it


The movie version Has a skimpier look and as stated above, adds to Rorschach's distaste for her.

Nightowl, they stated he looked too high tech, that his armor rivaled Tony Stark.

The suit maintains a similar look to the GN, while making a play at Recent Batman Movies, adds to the fact that Dan is a genius, and adds to the fact that this alternate universe has been pretty heavily influenced technologically by Doc Manhattan. It's a bit different, but different isn't always bad.

Also, (once again, it's been a while but) didn't Dan gain weight after retiring? These pictures don't have specific time periods, so this may be when he first dons the costume and thus doesn't have the extra poundage.

Why can't people NOT like the idea of this movie and not be called stupid? I have noticed that a lot where people who are not all for this film are called stupid, morons, fanboys, losers etc.

Just make your points (which you did) but hold the insults because it detracts from your arguments. I do not agree with most of what you said but I'm not going to resort to calling you an idiot.

Snydes is a nickname, big deal.

The podcast on the watchmen costumes gave reasons for every qualm. If you disagree say so, but the arguments were far from stupid. In my view people are so desperate to get a watchmen movie that you can't even have a reasoned debate about the state of affairs for and against anymore. I do not like the way the movie is going. I do not believe Snyder to be anywhere NEAR the right guy to make this film and his CV has nothing to suggest he is capable of dealing with this material properly, and the cast is mediocre at BEST. Look at the cast of Batman Begins. That movie didn't have a fraction of the depth of Watchmen yet every level of the production team in that film spanks the pants off this one. You gonna compare Nolan to Snyder?

What i LOVE is that the defence for these costumes has been based on interpretations that have NOT come from the production team or director. How do you know what the Ozy costume is a play on? Or the Night Owl? i.e. why they are diff from the comic? To state all these explanations as if they are fact is ridiculous. Nay sayers at least have the comic and Moore interviews to fall back on as to what the original incarnations meant. All you have is conjecture and desire to defend Snyder's choices at all costs.

300 was a popcorn forgettable film. Watchmen (unfortunately) will be one too.
Why can't people NOT like the idea of this movie and not be called stupid? I have noticed that a lot where people who are not all for this film are called stupid, morons, fanboys, losers etc.

Just make your points (which you did) but hold the insults because it detracts from your arguments. I do not agree with most of what you said but I'm not going to resort to calling you an idiot.

Snydes is a nickname, big deal.

The podcast on the watchmen costumes gave reasons for every qualm. If you disagree say so, but the arguments were far from stupid. In my view people are so desperate to get a watchmen movie that you can't even have a reasoned debate about the state of affairs for and against anymore. I do not like the way the movie is going. I do not believe Snyder to be anywhere NEAR the right guy to make this film and his CV has nothing to suggest he is capable of dealing with this material properly, and the cast is mediocre at BEST. Look at the cast of Batman Begins. That movie didn't have a fraction of the depth of Watchmen yet every level of the production team in that film spanks the pants off this one. You gonna compare Nolan to Snyder?

What i LOVE is that the defence for these costumes has been based on interpretations that have NOT come from the production team or director. How do you know what the Ozy costume is a play on? Or the Night Owl? i.e. why they are diff from the comic? To state all these explanations as if they are fact is ridiculous. Nay sayers at least have the comic and Moore interviews to fall back on as to what the original incarnations meant. All you have is conjecture and desire to defend Snyder's choices at all costs.

300 was a popcorn forgettable film. Watchmen (unfortunately) will be one too.

Actually, the pod-cast really was stupid. Not the arguments, but the pod-cast itself. The first five minutes are two guys *****ing over how to show the pictures on screen.

Moving on, what does the cast for Batman Begins mean to this production? Absolutely nothing. Just because the cast, at face value, doesn't seem impressive doesn't mean this movie is doomed. It's better than seeing Keanue Reeves play...Keanue Reeves and far better than seeing Tom Cruise save the world. Personally, and i'm not sure about anyone else, i want to see the characters. Not Tom Cruise. And with Batman Begins, Morgan Freeman is Morgan Freeman. Liam Neeson is Liam Neeson. Gary Oldman is Gary Oldman. They're truly GREAT actors, miles above Tom Cruise. But even then, you don't need an all-star cast to pull Watchmen off. Christopher Reeve, anyone? Michael Keaton? An unknown and a known comedy actor playing the World's Finest? Blasphemy!

Another thing, you haven't seen ANYTHING from this movie yet! You got glossed over, fancy looking promotional pictures. Atleast wait until a trailer or something. Footage is the essential thing here. I don't say a movie sucks based on a glossed over picture that i'll find on a poster. I wait until atleast a trailer.

The defense is for these costumes have been based on common sense! Have you read the book? While reading and understanding the book did you notice that there was a world within the book? That certain things came about as a result of another thing? And that logically, if you think about it in terms of the book, it all makes sense?

You're gonna tell me that Dan Drieberg, a man with a mind brilliant enough to think of an owl-shaped hover craft and all it's computer components, owl-rangs and other gadgets that only a brilliant mind could think of, can't POSSIBLY think of a high-tech armored suit using materials that couldn't have existed with out with the existence of Dr. Manhattan, a character who, in the book, is stated to have influenced much of the technology and clothing seen in the book?

Ozymandias is another one. LOOK AT HIS COSTUME! Then go look at art books dealing with early created by early man(especially the Egyptian and Greek works) and then look at the character of Ozymandias. Look at the picture of him. Look at what he does in the book. Look at his interests. Analyze the character. His costume makes complete sense, given the character and what he does.

You don't need Snyder to come out and tell you everything that's going on. It's redundant. It's like if Christopher Nolan came out and started telling us how Batman Begins is about fear, fear and more fear. And how Batman's costume is supposed to strike fear! and blah blah blah. These costumes aren't a play on anything that one can't easily assess from reading the book.
Well the word Fan is short for FANATIC so take that for what it is....
I am firmly in the 'against the Snyder' camp on Watchmen. My reasons are too numerous to put into this thread, but suffice to say that the latest images of the costumes confirms to me that this IS going to be a sacrilege of what the true essence is of the great graphic novel. Watchmen is not meant to be cool. Their costumes do not look high tech to any degree. The overall feel is one of reality, and not super reality. I am not sure whether there are fans here willing to debate this in a way that doesn't devolve into a slagging match, but hey, it's worth a shot. I have seen so many THE COSTUMES ARE SO COOL! messages with no reason as to why, that Ihave to wonder at where the Watchmen fans are and why more folks haven't actually said hey stop a second...isn't this meant to take place in 1985...weren't their costumes old and from the late 70's to begin with anyway?

Question is whether fans are justified in having strong reservations about this film and the fact Snyder has been given control of it? I understand people LOVE everything about this film, but why those who do not get lambasted is beyond me. The reasons why folks don't like the way this is going are valid reasons. In fact the arguments are more thoroughly represented than those who simply say, it's gonna rock, did you see how the pics looked like panel blah blah blah etc.

Anyway, here is some audio of fans debating the new images of the costumes:

Hoping for some productive debate on this...
To answer your question, you are wrong :yay:
Where on earth is his big pot belly? The point is these guys were and had become a laughing stock. Recall Under The Hood? That was a major factor in why their jobs were hard. Their costumes looked ridiculous!

How can you look at this new image of Nite Owl and say he doesn't look ridiculous? Look at the guy! He's been made to look high-tech, but he still looks silly as hell.

I really think a lot of the people opposing this movie are just refusing to give it a chance. They decided long ago that a movie wouldn't work and that Zack Snyder sucks and they're sticking to it. That video's comments on The Comedian were enough to convince me of that.

I didn't get far enough in the video to hear their comments on Rorschach, but I bet they would've made up some ridiculous complaints for that too. Let me guess, the brim of his hat is too narrow, and that somehow destroys the character because of some ******** you wanna make up about how the the brim of his hat represents something or other and blah blah blah? Right?
Fans have a right to criticise.....but there wrong if they do, cause so far it looks good.
What i LOVE is that the defence for these costumes has been based on interpretations that have NOT come from the production team or director. How do you know what the Ozy costume is a play on? Or the Night Owl? i.e. why they are diff from the comic? To state all these explanations as if they are fact is ridiculous. Nay sayers at least have the comic and Moore interviews to fall back on as to what the original incarnations meant. All you have is conjecture and desire to defend Snyder's choices at all costs.

Are you kidding? Really? Do you need to be spoonfed everything? Have you looked at the pictures? Have you read the book? Then you know the characters! Do you really need to be told why they look the way they do? Night Owl looks ridiculous! Ozy looks like a prick! Those are the characters! These costumes successfully interpret that! All we have is conjecture and desire? Actually, we know the book. We know the characters. And it is obvious that these pics are of those characters. They fit with the personalities of the characters. I can honestly picture the Dan Dreiberg of the book wearing that suit. I can honestly picture Ozy of the book wearing that suit. Hell, I'm happy that Snyder and the crew haven't spelled everything out for us. Hollywood always gives us that spoonfeeding crap. I'd prefer to think for myself. And I think....these costumes are great. I also think you just don't want to like this movie.

If you just plain don't like them, then there's nothing we can say to change your mind. But your arguments for not liking them truly don't have any merit.
Newage can you please stop acting like a 13 year old girl and quit complaining until youve at least watched a trailer for the movie?

How will Watchmen be a pop corn movie like 300? Ever read the 300 book? There wasnt much substance to it. I really dont see how Nite Owls new suit couldnt exist if Dan could build his own personal air craft. Honestly, non of your arguments are justified and reading this thread is reminiscent of being in high school where the girls liek to take the littlest situations and cause such drama!

These are only the first pictures of the costumes for pete sakes! They are not going to make Dr. Manhattan green, the ending is intact which must be the overall point and message of the story still will be there. In your opinion Snyder may not have the crudentials to direct a Watchmen movie...but what is stopping him from making a great movie. Watchmen may be his movie that propels him into the upper echelon of directors.
Why can't people NOT like the idea of this movie and not be called stupid? I have noticed that a lot where people who are not all for this film are called stupid, morons, fanboys, losers etc.

Just make your points (which you did) but hold the insults because it detracts from your arguments. I do not agree with most of what you said but I'm not going to resort to calling you an idiot.

Snydes is a nickname, big deal.

The podcast on the watchmen costumes gave reasons for every qualm. If you disagree say so, but the arguments were far from stupid. In my view people are so desperate to get a watchmen movie that you can't even have a reasoned debate about the state of affairs for and against anymore. I do not like the way the movie is going. I do not believe Snyder to be anywhere NEAR the right guy to make this film and his CV has nothing to suggest he is capable of dealing with this material properly, and the cast is mediocre at BEST. Look at the cast of Batman Begins. That movie didn't have a fraction of the depth of Watchmen yet every level of the production team in that film spanks the pants off this one. You gonna compare Nolan to Snyder?

What i LOVE is that the defence for these costumes has been based on interpretations that have NOT come from the production team or director. How do you know what the Ozy costume is a play on? Or the Night Owl? i.e. why they are diff from the comic? To state all these explanations as if they are fact is ridiculous. Nay sayers at least have the comic and Moore interviews to fall back on as to what the original incarnations meant. All you have is conjecture and desire to defend Snyder's choices at all costs.

300 was a popcorn forgettable film. Watchmen (unfortunately) will be one too.
I didn't say they were stupid for disagreeing, I said the podcast was stupid because their reasons for disliking them were in fact..... stupid. I never called you stupid for believing them, or for having different views, only them for having stupid points.

And How do I know that these are plays on batman and such? Seriously? It's pretty damn obvious what they're doing. Just as Watchmen was a play on superheroes, these are a play on superheroes in film. If that really wasn't their intent, and just happens to be a Happy accident, that'd be pretty unfortunate, but I'd still view it that way. I mean, just look at the suits, to not have such an intent for those suits would be ridiculous.
Fans have a right to criticise.....but there wrong if they do, cause so far it looks good.

It's fine to criticize something, that's your right for living in the USA.

But......when clowns like him get on here and start poking fun at other people's opinions of the Watchmen's costumes, that is where I draw the line.

Snyder is the head honcho of the film's adaptation and he can do what he sees fit.

I've already read the book and know what to expect. I'm one of those guys that want some changes in the film adaptation so I can be suprised with what I see on the screen. What Newage doesn't understand is the fact that films also have to cater to the non-comic book reading fan. If the Watchmen come out in spandex outfits that look handmade, it won't have a mass-appeal that a movie needs to. I for one enjoy the way the costumes look. Rorschach and Comedian are pretty faithful to the book, Ozzy follows along the lines of what he should look like, Nite-Owl looks cool, a little too Batman-ish but I can live with it. Spectre is concealing too much of her costume for me to get a full opinion.

Newage, if you were such a big Watchman fan you would of already read the Zack Snyder Q&A on and he would of somewhat answered some of the questions you made in your first post of this thread.
escobar I don't get what you are saying. Who was poking fun at who?

People here really throw insults around. Try to make a point without the 'clowns' remarks eh? Try...

Anyway, listened to Snyder. The guy has said 'cool' too much for my liking lol

What the hell does 'cool' have to do with Watchmen? His entire interview just pisses me off. Just accept that some of us do not respect this guys credentials, his style or his ability to handle this kind of film.

You want surprises, I want integrity. I liked the comic because it was unlike ANY comic I had ever read. It was not about flashy suits, big bangs or special was about people. This comic was a drama and focused on the humanity of the characters. Those pictures, Snyder's interviews, the leaning on green screen, the lack of Moore on board (he'd never have been so fair enough), the 2 hr and change running time, the weak cast etc etc all lead me to the conclusion that I definitely will not be paying to see this. No way, no how. I will also make a prediction. Like all Snyder's movies...this will have a nice splash for a couple of weeks. Make the studios some nice change and then it will fade away fast when the next big movie comes along.

You guys act like I did no research. I've been following Snyder's development of this film from day one. I don't like anything he has said about it. He has NOT spoken at all about the psychology, politics, metaphors and symbolism. All he keeps going on about is 'cool' and the sets, and R ratings and all these other buzz words that get people excited but mean nothing to placating my concern over him highlighting the key aspects of what made the comic unique.

Just listen to how intelligently the likes of Shymalan, Nolan and even Singer talk about their films in interviews and compare that to Snyder's. THEN bear in mind NONE of those other director's films touch the depth of what Watchmen could and SHOULD be.

PLEASE TRY AND UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT some of us are not in the same boat as you. We are allowed to not like the way this is going as you can be all for it. Argue for and against but stop all this 'you have no idea what you are talking about' insinuation. It makes you into exactly what you are accusing others of being. Ignorant.

That's the thing about an opinion...everybody has one.
Do Snyder's interviews, blog posts, etc., really give you a sense of how he'll treat the content of the book? I personally don't think so. But lots of people have read those and have come away with a sense of reassurance. You haven't. But it makes no difference.

The only things we can really judge at this point are the set pics (which bode well--and if you disagree then I guess we're just not speaking the same language), and the costumes, which are (clearly) debatable. On the grand scheme of things-that-are-important-in-Watchmen, the specific appearances of the costumes ranks pretty low. I believe Snyder did what was necessary to allow the story and themes to take center stage, as they should.

Faithfulness, when it comes to the costumes, would have hurt the movie overall, in my opinion. I would have done the more or less same thing as Snyder did.
I'm waiting for Snyder to talk to me about the politics, psychology and symbolism of Watchmen and how he is planning to adapt that for the movie. All these set pics and costumes stuff etc are, you are right, low on the scale. However the way he has done them worry me about these other elements I just mentioned that are VERY high on the scale. Funny how he has not talked about ANY of that stuff AT ALL.
The podcast on the watchmen costumes gave reasons for every qualm.
True. Most of the reasons were ridiculous. I mean "The Comedian looks too perfect"? What the hell? What is any of that LOGICALLY based on?
If you disagree say so, but the arguments were far from stupid. In my view people are so desperate to get a watchmen movie that you can't even have a reasoned debate about the state of affairs for and against anymore. I do not like the way the movie is going. I do not believe Snyder to be anywhere NEAR the right guy to make this film and his CV has nothing to suggest he is capable of dealing with this material properly, and the cast is mediocre at BEST.
See...THIS is what the dialogue should have been about, then. Not "The Comedian looks too perfect".

The cast is medicore???

Are they well known, no. But mediocre? Are you kidding me? It's a wonderful mix of veterans, and relative newcomers, all very talented, none such a large name that people will have trouble seeing the character. The acting talent here simply cannot really be argued on any realistic level.

Look at the cast of Batman Begins. That movie didn't have a fraction of the depth of Watchmen yet every level of the production team in that film spanks the pants off this one. You gonna compare Nolan to Snyder?

In what way does the BATMAN BEGINS production team spank the pants off Snyder? Please, be specific. Absolutely I will compare what Snyder has done with the world of WATCHMEN to what Nolan did for the world of Batman. What makes you think he hasn't?

What i LOVE is that the defence for these costumes has been based on interpretations that have NOT come from the production team or director. How do you know what the Ozy costume is a play on? Or the Night Owl? i.e. why they are diff from the comic?

Because it's OBVIOUS. Why else would Snyder, who is keeping SO MUCH of the rest of WATCHMEN's visuals relatively intact, change the costumes so "drastically"? Because, as he has stated before, he wants WATCHMEN to "comment" on superhero fare in a way that everyone can relate to.

Why else? To make things look "cool and badass"?

Then why don't they. Why do they still look ridiculous?

To state all these explanations as if they are fact is ridiculous.
Certainly less ridiculous than "The Comedian looks too perfect" or "Wah, they didn't have these materials in the 70's and 80's".

Nay sayers at least have the comic and Moore interviews to fall back on as to what the original incarnations meant. All you have is conjecture and desire to defend Snyder's choices at all costs.

300 was a popcorn forgettable film. Watchmen (unfortunately) will be one too.

Why would WATCHMEN be forgettable? I mean, if they're remotely faithful to the source, explain to me how this movie could be "forgettable".

Moving on, what does the cast for Batman Begins mean to this production? Absolutely nothing. Just because the cast, at face value, doesn't seem impressive doesn't mean this movie is doomed.

That's just it. This cast SHOULD seem impressive at face value to anyone who doesn't equate "talent" with "big name".
The defense is for these costumes have been based on common sense! Have you read the book? While reading and understanding the book did you notice that there was a world within the book? That certain things came about as a result of another thing? And that logically, if you think about it in terms of the book, it all makes sense?
You're gonna tell me that Dan Drieberg, a man with a mind brilliant enough to think of an owl-shaped hover craft and all it's computer components, owl-rangs and other gadgets that only a brilliant mind could think of, can't POSSIBLY think of a high-tech armored suit using materials that couldn't have existed with out with the existence of Dr. Manhattan, a character who, in the book, is stated to have influenced much of the technology and clothing seen in the book?
Exactly. While they are not uber-faithful, they do retain MANY key faithful elements of the original suits. And none of these costumes can truly be argued against in the context of the characters and the world they will be inhabiting.
Ozymandias is another one. LOOK AT HIS COSTUME! Then go look at art books dealing with early created by early man(especially the Egyptian and Greek works) and then look at the character of Ozymandias. Look at the picture of him. Look at what he does in the book. Look at his interests. Analyze the character. His costume makes complete sense, given the character and what he does.
You don't need Snyder to come out and tell you everything that's going on. It's redundant. It's like if Christopher Nolan came out and started telling us how Batman Begins is about fear, fear and more fear. And how Batman's costume is supposed to strike fear! and blah blah blah. These costumes aren't a play on anything that one can't easily assess from reading the book.
You want surprises, I want integrity.
I don't view "costume updates" as "surprises". You knew it was coming. Hell, Snyder and the studio told you it was coming for a year or more.
You want integrity, than you should damn well be excited about a director who seems intent on keeping every major element that he can faithful to the source material and relevant in the same fashion. Snyder is beating the CRAP out of any other comic book director in that department. Easily.
I liked the comic because it was unlike ANY comic I had ever read.
And this movie will be unlike any movie you have ever seen. Can you argue that logically? It's got the same damn source material.
It was not about flashy suits, big bangs or special was about people.
No, my friend. It was about both. The book WATCHMEN features action, intrigue, flash, special effects, and it's still all about the people in the costumes, and their world, and the significance and relevance of the superhero concept, and that's what carries the work to greatness. And why you think the movie will somehow not deal in these themes and moments is beyond me.
This comic was a drama and focused on the humanity of the characters.
Those pictures, Snyder's interviews, the leaning on green screen, the lack of Moore on board (he'd never have been so fair enough), the 2 hr and change running time, the weak cast etc etc all lead me to the conclusion that I definitely will not be paying to see this.
That's like refusing to see THE DARK KNIGHT because his ridiculous suit makes you think the movie will be all about special effects. Are you kidding me?
Sure you won't pay to see this. Sure you won't. Maybe you'll steal it, but you'll see it, and you know you will.
No way, no how. I will also make a prediction. Like all Snyder's movies...this will have a nice splash for a couple of weeks. Make the studios some nice change and then it will fade away fast when the next big movie comes along.
Like every other movie ever made? What's your point?

You guys act like I did no research. I've been following Snyder's development of this film from day one. I don't like anything he has said about it. He has NOT spoken at all about the psychology, politics, metaphors and symbolism.

Exactly which interviews were you reading?

All he keeps going on about is 'cool' and the sets, and R ratings and all these other buzz words that get people excited but mean nothing to placating my concern over him highlighting the key aspects of what made the comic unique.

I'm waiting for Snyder to talk to me about the politics, psychology and symbolism of Watchmen and how he is planning to adapt that for the movie. All these set pics and costumes stuff etc are, you are right, low on the scale. However the way he has done them worry me about these other elements I just mentioned that are VERY high on the scale. Funny how he has not talked about ANY of that stuff AT ALL.

One, why should he GIVE you the psychology of the characters? Isn't that kind of one of those "obvious" things about the story? If the characterization is intact, so too will the psychology be.

That said, I think you missed some of his key interviews. When I have time, I'll try and dig up the more reassuring ones. Try reading the script that got this project greenlighted. A script Snyder oversaw. Then tell me Snyder doesn't get it. Especially when you realize how much he has fought to include AFTER THE FACT.
Just listen to how intelligently the likes of Shymalan, Nolan and even Singer talk about their films in interviews and compare that to Snyder's.
Nolan states the obvious, and Snyder doesn't, and that's supposed to impress us?
THEN bear in mind NONE of those other director's films touch the depth of what Watchmen could and SHOULD be.
Which is?
PLEASE TRY AND UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT some of us are not in the same boat as you. We are allowed to not like the way this is going as you can be all for it. Argue for and against but stop all this 'you have no idea what you are talking about' insinuation. It makes you into exactly what you are accusing others of being. Ignorant.
Your reasoning is absurd and biased. That's why you keep getting called out on your statements. They are vague and unfounded so far. You seem to selectively pick and choose "quotes" and "sights" that allow you to frame this film as a failure as an adaption, while apparently ignoring the elements that show this film is clearly on the right track in that regard.
Try reading the script that got this project greenlighted. A script Snyder oversaw. Then tell me Snyder doesn't get it.
Say what? That script (November '06) was HORRIBLE. My only hope about that piece of crap is that it was all Tse's doing, and they've done a complete rewrite. Because yes, based solely on that script, I would say he doesn't get it.
I just want to say there is nothing wrong with criticizing the direction of the movie. But I do think it's wrong to criticize any film before seeing any footage. You can speculate, but I don't think it's fair to throw this movie off based on what we have seen or read so far. Yeah, you can get some basis from the interviews, but Snyder really hasn't said a whole lot. At least story wise, and he doesn't have to say anything about the story or the characters psychologies if he doesn't want to. So honestly, the only thing we have to base our opinion on is those set pics and the promo shots. And I believe that's not enough to base a formal opinion on. But for me personally, I think everything I've seen so far looks very good. The costumes would seem to work once shown in context of the film and if those three set pics are any indication on what the rest of the movie will look like, then we're in for a real treat. And if I'm hearing right, that Snyder is being as faithful as possible with the story and characters, then I feel reassured. But again, I have to wait and see some footage and the actual film to say that he got it right and made a good film.
Say what? That script (November '06) was HORRIBLE. My only hope about that piece of crap is that it was all Tse's doing, and they've done a complete rewrite. Because yes, based solely on that script, I would say he doesn't get it.

Come on now. "Horrible"? How so? The script isn't the most amazing construction, but the best moments are intact, the script put the relevant bits in, and left the irrelevant bits out. It was pretty much uber faithful, with some added action beats. What makes you think Tse didn't get it, and by extension, Snyder?
Honestly, the point of a forum is that it caters to all viewpoints equally and fairly. This place has just become so one sided. There ARE people who do not like this production and its direction so just deal with it like adults. The attacks for anyone who has anything negative to say is just ridiculous. How can an entire forum promote one point of view???? Unless of course SHH et al. are an arm of Warner lol.

Come on guys, just appreciate those who do not agree with you as NON morons who see things differently.

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