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Are we over spoiled, over-exposed, and expecting too much?

Do we just know too much???

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Advanced Dark

Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Not just from Ghost Rider but from all Superhero films. Nitpicking every single word, every action by the characters, the visuals, watching the trailers frame by frame, seeing hundreds of screen shots a year in advance, seeing set pics, watching every interview, etc...

The average Joe out there isn't doing this. What happened to going to the movies just to be entertained and for stupid fun now and then??? Is it our fault or are the studios putting too much content out there before the movie is released. I remember years ago when movies came out they were more magical? We didn't see all the set pics and green screens and behind the scenes stuff before the movie came out.

Then when it's time to see the film we dont' just relax and watch it. We're thinking of the people here on the Hype the whole time and getting back online to post our review. So the entire movie experience is not just taking the film in but instead being over analytical about what works and what doesn't etc...

I'm going to go back and watch Ghost Rider tonight or tomrorrow and just sit back and enjoy it for what it is. Then I'll post an updated review. Maybe I'll feel the same and rate it a 70% or maybe I'll fell better or worse about it. However...I wont' even think about that till after I get home.
I gor into EVERY Superhero with an open mind, you CAN'T possibally please every fan out there.
Man-Thing I was pleased with the story and it could have used a shorter begining.
I'll have to admit I went into X3 expecting a little too much, but in general I'll accept movies for what they are, and don't care how close they are to comic books.

some people on here, though, nitpick every little detail (Storm's hair isn't right), then say they hate the movie
LOL and you think alot of people didn't complain about the Thing in FF? You have to go into Superhero movies with an open mind, other wise you're going to be disapointed.
This question validates what I just posted yesterday on the FF forum...

Producers, writers and directors should have learned a lesson long ago and stop teasing the diehard fans. It doesn't lead to enticement, it leads to disappointment. Being elusive just makes the fan's mind run wild. This leads to unreasonable expectations and fanboy whining when those expectations aren't met. They've had this *wink wink* attitude about Galactus from the beginning knowing full well they weren't going to include him in the film. This intentional tease is just bad marketing. A similar thing happened on X3. They (especially the writers) personally led fans to believe that full Phoenix effects and Sentinels would be running around in the film. They wanted to keep things fresh and entice but all they did was agitate the fans and get expectations way too high.

They have our money already, quick dicking everyone around and hurting future word of mouth. THAT will actually cost them cash in the long run, not enticing already diehard fans.

As long they're up front about content, I have no problems. Ghost Rider seemed forthright and I'm expecting a fun popcorn movie and nothing else.
In the case of this film, I think the expectations may have been somewhat justified? Everything we've seen or heard seemed to indicate MSJ would break through with this film and redeem himself (not to say he hasn't as I haven't seen the film yet myself). The disappointment slowly started when the trailers started getting released. Then the whole critics screening thing...

I've said in other boards that films like Raimi's Spider-franchise, Jackson's LOTR and KK, Harry Potter, etc. have given many fans of such films great hope that the material could be bought to the big screen as faithful as possible and treated with the dignity and respect it deserves. Expectations for such films have been raised, like it or not.

Does everything have to be a LOTR sized epic or an avante garde film like The fountain, Sin City or 300? Of course not. But simply treat the material with the respect and dignity it deserves and get someone who understands these films and has a vision for these films and then turn them loose. The fear of course being that such a film would alienate joe average, thus the material gets "tailored" to make more profit ( I don't think Hollywood execs give joe average enough credit). Oddly enough, I think a GR film done moreso in the vein of a supernatural horror-esque thriller could have been exceptional with the right vision...anything but humor or tongue in cheek cheesiness. It's what I always invisioned whenever I read GR, hell the images alone were horror-esque.

Fans want better and expect better is all, there really is no reason they shouldn't, the material that most comics come from is usually pretty good and would ,make great fantasy films if done right................if.

Should we lower our expectations and just go along for the ride and be happy we're at least getting to see such films? I hate that attitude because it sounds defeatist. But in the case of Hollywood and these films....sadly that may be the best thing to do lest risk huge disappointment after huge disappointment.

Personally, with each comicbook movie that comes out and fails to meet my expectations or that fails to really do the material justice, my expectations, and interest in these films gets lower and lower.
^ No we shouldn't lower our expectations but are we being overloaded with too much info, too much insight, too much on the production not only from the studio but from everything. I guess that's the nature of the business.
I think I see where you're coming from, AD. Back in the day, before the internet, you only had a magazine article or two, maybe a teaser, and a trailer and that was your lot. Even the posters were tantalising paintings not Photoshop compositions of the cast and scenes. There's little or no mystique anymore. Sometimes you can get sick of a film before it's even been released because it's over-hyped, overly-examined and over-advertised. But, for better or worse, that's evolution. So much money is sunk into these films, the studios (usually) want it that way to increase the odds of turning a tidy profit, and the online movie community loves to gossip and share whatever scraps of info come their way. It's really hard to resist clicking on that link with new info about a cool film. I'm certainly guilty of that sin.

The Blair Witch Project was spoiled for me because going in I knew it was complete fiction, thanks to the interviews with the cast I'd read in the press. Whenever I watch it, I think just how brilliant it would have been if they could have maintained the illusion that it truly was real footage they'd found. It would have freaked me out completely.

As for Ghost Rider, I've never followed the production of any other film so closely. I've enjoyed discussing the movie and gassing with everyone here on the GR boards, and felt incredibly priveleged to be let in on inside info from MSJ himself. However, I do kinda wish I could be going in there not knowing what I was about to see. My judgement will be coloured. I won't be seeing it the same way as my friends. Maybe that'll increase my enjoyment; maybe it'll decrease it. I honestly don't know. I'll find out soon though.

Excellent question, BTW.

Make a long story short, Yes. We're all spoiled and given too much. But it's not all films, just the big budget ones and comic book ones.
Considering the amount it is for a ticket these days, plus the millions of dollars poured into these productions, limitless amounts of source material and with the bar raised so high with Batman Begins, X1/X2, Spiderman and Blade there is absolutely no reason these films shouldn't be brilliant.

MSJ's films are not even mediocre and if it wasn't for the FX in Ghost Rider this film would be an utter disaster of epic proprotions thanks to that awful screenplay and direction. I think this was much much better than Daredevil but it's only by SONY's hand that it has any good elements in it.

MSJ should never touch another comicbook film again. I believe he's a horrible director and should be ashamed of his comicbook film contributions.
Considering the amount it is for a ticket these days, plus the millions of dollars poured into these productions, limitless amounts of source material and with the bar raised so high with Batman Begins, X1/X2, Spiderman and Blade there is absolutely no reason these films shouldn't be brilliant.

MSJ's films are not even mediocre and if it wasn't for the FX in Ghost Rider this film would be an utter disaster of epic proprotions thanks to that awful screenplay and direction. I think this was much much better than Daredevil but it's only by SONY's hand that it has any good elements in it.

MSJ should never touch another comicbook film again. I believe he's a horrible director and should be ashamed of his comicbook film contributions.

Well I enjoyed Daredevil even though most didn't. I certainly enjoyed it more than Hulk or FF. And honestly, how did 20th Century possibly think Elektra had enough of a following to be made into a feature film?! I haven't seen it, but even if it was 10 times better than I hear it was it still wouldn't have made money. For comic films to do good business they at least have to have a good following. You'll pick up the hardcore fans as well as the casual movie-goer if its decent. I can't believe Elelktra has enough fans to drum up business. I liked Ghost Rider too. It wasn't anywhere near the top of comic book movies but it had great special effects and I rather enjoyed the humor. The plot needed work though and I can understand why people think it sucked (although I don't think it did).
Well, I have wondered the same thing for MANY days here on the Hype...and the truth is Yes...we are over-spoiled, over exposed, and expecting too much.

It's because WE CHOOSE to be though. There are spoiler tags, blackout, and etc...so that if you DON'T want to know something specific or a spoiler, then you don't have to.

Sometimes I get really pissed off at myself for spoiling a certain scene/or the entire movie, but it's my choice...so don't blame anyone else but yourself.

I realize when going to see a comic book movie that the movie isn't made for the comic book readers it's made so anyone can walk in and watch it, I knew th basics of DD when I went and it was everything that I knew about the character on the screen. They do put stuff in for us that nobody else would catch eg:Captain Dolan. So to all the people who watch these movies and ***** that they ruined my character or whatever the complaint is they need to remember this movie isn't made for you it's made for everyone, so suck it up. I bought Marvel Spotlight #5 brand new, I've been reading GR since before alot of people on these boards were born and I don't have a problem with this movie at all, it was exactly what I expected a fun entertaining movie with my favorite character.
^ No we shouldn't lower our expectations but are we being overloaded with too much info, too much insight, too much on the production not only from the studio but from everything. I guess that's the nature of the business.

All the info/insight overload in the world isn't an excuse for a POS script and shoddy direction/editing...it just isn't. Excuses for this mediocrity are the reason we're going to see it happen again and again and again. I went into the movie not knowing a thing about it. Haven't really followed the production or anything. I just decided to give it a chance since I read some Ghost Rider comics as a kid...was never really too much into the character though. However, I know a half-assed movie when I see it and this movie is the very definition of half-assed in just about all aspects...the story, script, pacing, acting, whatever. GR looked like it was thrown together without any care but the effects (which delivered for the mostpart). What I don't understand is why even do the damn movie if you're not going to do it RIGHT?

I mean damn, don't directors like MSJ know how to AVOID making this kind of crap by now? Did he read the manual of mediocrity?

1. No plot....check
2. ***** for brains dialogue...check
3. Forced love story....check
4. Uninspiring performances...check
5. MTV style editing to hide crappy action....check.

Just for once I would like to see one of the lesser-known directors strive to be on another level man...do something different instead of following the tired, cliche, guaranteed-to-be-average checklist.
From my personal standpoint No,i have read scripts and watched 15 minute previews and behind the scene features on movies and still thoroughly enjoyed the film,it's all still about making a good movie IMO
^ You still enjoyed it yeah but would you have enjoyed it more without doing that with everything being fresh and every scene being new to you. I think it would be. What's your avvy from? That's not Elektra is it???
I think it's relative. Personally, I don't enjoy films very much if I follow them too closely. I just get burnt out too easily, and I also think it's far too easy to piece together spoilers. (I mean, if you know most of the major sequences, you probably have a pretty good idea of how they will all fit together.)

But for kids that have grown up with the internet, this is probably the only way they know to approach a film. When I was a kid, I rarely knew anything about a film's plot until the movie actually started. (In some cases, I wouldn't even know a sequel was in development until tv spots began airing, or a poster appeared in theaters!)

To be honest, I also think it's just too much work. As you said, you can't just watch the film- you have to be mentally writing a review the whole time. And at some point, you're going to get into an argument online, and then you'll end up associating that nonsense with the film experience too. :woot:
Like Spider-Man 3 seeing the behind the scenes pics of the guy with one arm. Now when I see that scene in the trailer where spidey's arm goes through Sandman...I know how they did it. I want to find that stuff out AFTER! LOL
^ You still enjoyed it yeah but would you have enjoyed it more without doing that with everything being fresh and every scene being new to you. I think it would be. What's your avvy from? That's not Elektra is it???

I think we are seeing to much, but It's like drug to me and I can help but look. I diffently think the movie would of been more fun had I not seen all the stuff I did. I'm really gonna try and not see to much befor I see a movie anymore.

His avvy is of Grind House. You didn't get the trailer when you saw Ghostrider? I think it looks cool. I like how they made it look old on purpose.
We aren't over-exposed at all. Superhero and diehard sci-fi fandom is unique among movie watchers in that we CARE that our movies are done well. Most movie watchers are sheep, being led to whatever movie (or song) they are told to get into. Comic fans want their characters to be treated well, and we hope that the movies succeed so there can be sequels. You cant say that about any other genres. When people walked into Final Destination they didnt walk in thinking "I hope this movie does well so there can be a part 2". In non comic/non sci fi movies sequels are simply gifts given to movies that appeal to enough people who are convinced by advertising to go see it.

Put it this way...the typical comic fan is probably NOT a fan of Top 40 radio. They arent typically pop and r&b fans...because while most of the public will take whatever radio shovels them, comic fans care more about what they hear, and therefore discover other forms of music on their own...regardless of what that may end up being.

Yes, I am saying that we are more culturally intelligent than most people.
Why can't expect something good wehen we go to the theaters. Ghost Rider is an insult to the comic, and comic book movies in general.

I continue to read reviews and posts from more and more people who haven't got a clue as to who GR is and what the character is about.

The Danny Ketch crowd seems to be out in force and damn it's sad.

Johnny Blaze is the Ghost Rider. He was the first and perhaps not the best, but he had a great story and the movie depicted that.

Forced Love Story? Insult to fans?

Holy cow ... I expected the haters to be out in force, but I am amazed that they are coming from every corner and complaining everywhere about his movie.

AD -- I loved it. I knew some parts but the visuals surpassed what I expected.

I loved it. I went in knowing a lot and was still blown away.

The penance stare was excellent. The scene with the Phantom Rider ride ... That was such an homage to the PR that I almost cried.

People who don't get that scene ... go rent some frickin' westerns and get a clue. Magnificent Seven is a great example. The ride is what the Cowboy longs for.

I think AD in answer to your question ... if the Movie is true to the Character and delivers on who he is ... we can always know a lot and still enjoy it.

The problem is when we know far too much and it doesn't.
The blame goes to both, the studios and the fans.
The studios for wanting so much to please the fans, that they end on hurting the movie.
The fans, because they want it all, and they wanted it presented the way they feel right.

I say, f**k the fans!
70% of the fanboys don´t even understand the comics they are reading, all they care is for the powers and fights and that crap.
In this same boards (i don´t mean the GR one, but all forums), there are a lot of guys that are laughable, which makes our eyes roll everytime they state their opinions of how a comic book movie should be made.

Personaly, i don´t read every interview or see every pic.
I always know if a comic book movie is going to be good or bad from the get go, it´s a curse...;)
Seeing so much ahead of time probably builds our hopes up too much.

That said, even if we hadn't had a bit of info before this one came out, and went in there fresh, we'd of probably been even more devastated!

Atleast with the subpar trailers, and accumulating evidence that this wasn't going to be a masterpiece, mentally we tuned down our expectations, and took it for what it turned out to be, a fun, brainless, generic popcorn film.

But why continuously make excuses for bad scripts, bad acting, bad directing?

I willing to bet Iron Man is going to blow us away because of the care that is being taken with the material and all aspects of the film.

And despites Johnson's shortcommings, after seeing the directors cut of DD, I know he can make something decent. So had he gone the route of Favreau, and not have made this movie so "safe", we'd have something more memorable.
I willing to bet Iron Man is going to blow us away because of the care that is being taken with the material and all aspects of the film.
It´s still a bit too early, but...don´t get your hopes very high ;)
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